The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2432: Meeting with Scheer IV

If it is purely the navy, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. The real trouble is the various organizations related to the navy, such as the Naval Association that was previously established by Tirpitz and has now been handed over to Schell. This group seems to be a non-governmental organization, but it is huge (more than 1 million people at most!), well-organized, and distributed in all levels of society. After the victory of the war, when the German Empire was transformed into a real colonial empire, this kind of nationalism was sometimes so violent that it was so powerful that it made the rulers feel tricky. Therefore, the crown prince needed Sher at the same time. Both the fleet and the civil society handled this matter well.

"Well, can I understand all this as a kind of bluff? If we finally abandon the rest of the new battleships, then how do we guarantee the naval superiority of the Empire? Will the Americans go their own way? After all, now the United States It is ready to build the South Dakota-class battleship and the Lexington-class battlecruiser. The former is said to be a behemoth with 12 16-inch cannons." Scheer said.

"I have a hunch that the Americans will not really complete these two classes of warships either." The crown prince smiled mysteriously. "To some extent, they are also bluffing!"

"Why? Each class of American battleships plans to start construction of six, and the Lexington has already started, and the South Dakota-class battleship seems to be ready to start." Sher said.

"The reason is very simple. From the perspective of the construction period, it takes about 3 years for the Americans to complete a battleship with a displacement of about 35,000 tons. If you consider the upcoming war, then the US Navy must first complete the war. The battleships that can be used, such as the current Colorado-class battleships, the South Dakota-class battleships and Lexington-class battlecruisers with a displacement of more than 40,000 tons, must be delayed!"

"From a demand point of view, as an excellent admiral, don't you think that the slow battleships of this era are outdated? Maybe, in this Pacific battle, this will be the slow battleships as the main fleet. The last splendor! The Americans may be aware of this, so the new battleship only started the construction of the Lexington-class battlecruiser, but not the South Dakota-class. If the Americans do not start construction within a year, then only It can be said that this is a complete cover!" The crown prince said with a smile.

"I agree with that." Scheer nodded and said. Maybe outsiders disagree with the crown prince's statement that the civil warship does not start in one year is a guise, but Scheer understands it. He also analyzed from the perspective of the construction period. If the time spent in the Pacific War is calculated as two years, then after the war, countries are expected to start negotiations on naval armaments soon, and become the most powerful of this era. The three navies, Germany, the United States and Japan must have some warships being built on the berth, so these warships that are about to be abolished are important bargaining chips!

There is also a way to abolish warships. It is a pity that warships that are about to be launched are thrown away. This is a waste of resources, and it is not uncomfortable to throw the warship that has just started construction and is laying the bottom of the ship! According to Scheer's estimation, the construction period of the NTU-Technological University-class battleship may take 6 years! Therefore, it is estimated that at the time of the negotiations, the construction of some South Dakota-class battleships has just started at best, and this is what we are going to throw!

And even if it is converted into an aircraft carrier based on the principle of waste utilization, then the hull of a battlecruiser is more suitable. As for the hull of a battleship? Let's wash and sleep.

"So, do you think that under the circumstances you set, countries can pass a naval arms limitation treaty that allows us to gain a superior position without bloodshed? So there is no need for a large-scale expansion of the Imperial Navy's battleship detachment?" Admiral Scheer asked.

"Yes, that's it." The crown prince nodded and said.

"So in the field of cruisers and aircraft carriers? What are your plans?" Scheer asked.

"This is what I need to discuss with you in the Port of Kiel. The Imperial Navy is about to face a transformation. We will transform from an offshore fleet to a truly global fleet. We will face a variety of unprecedented The challenge, so on this issue, we need to work together.” The crown prince said.

"Then you can open a question." Scheer said.

"Let's discuss the future cruisers equipped by the High Seas Fleet." Ruprecht thought for a while and said. In fact, judging from the current situation, when the treaty was signed, most of the battleships were the battleships currently maintained in the navies of various countries. There will never be many new battleships, just like the British in history only left 1 A newly-built USS Hood and 2 Nelson-class battleships. The Japanese only left 2 Nagato, and the Americans kept 3 Colorado-class battleships.

This is still the case on this plane. It is estimated that when the final treaty is signed, the number of newly built 16-inch artillery battleships by the parties will not exceed As for the replacement of subsequent battleships? It is estimated that it will be nearly 10 years later. Countries will stare at their opponents on the tonnage and performance of battleships, and there are few loopholes that can be found.

I will talk about the aircraft carrier later. After all, there will be a Pacific War in the future. Let’s see what the aircraft carrier is doing now. Although the aircraft carrier performed well in the Norwegian Sea battle, if the fleet is fighting for a long time on the vast ocean, then it is really difficult to say how the aircraft carrier performs. Let alone the stability and performance of the engines of this era Still worse. The maintenance of long-term combat aircraft is a very important issue. This long time fighting in the tropics and the German navy going out in the Norwegian Sea for a few days and returning after a fight are completely two concepts!

And because the battle is around the island, night battles will definitely break out frequently. At this time, the efficiency of the aircraft carrier will be very low. And considering the current combat radius of carrier-based aircraft, it is very difficult to pursue it even during the day. If you consider the weather conditions, the combat effectiveness of aircraft carriers that have been fighting on the oceans for a long time in this era is still not so reliable.

As for the development of aircraft carriers, Ruprecht, as a traverser, naturally has a set of his own system, launching different aircraft carriers according to the aviation standards of different periods. Although the German Navy already has 20,000-ton aircraft carriers, most of them are actually converted with civilian hulls. The design of the large-scale aircraft carriers in the back must be carefully considered. It is definitely not something that can be discussed now.

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