The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2431: Meeting with Scheer III

"The issue of fleet construction will probably not change in the last six years. To be more accurate, we may not even have a new battleship in service within five years. Of course, there will be some under construction on the berth. Is it an aircraft carrier? It depends on the situation. If necessary, it may be changed with a civilian ship." Ruprecht gave Schell a bottom line.

"Will there be no battleships in service within six years?" Scheer touched his chin and fell into contemplation. As the current leader of the German Navy, he still knows the construction cycle of battleships very well. During peacetime, battleship construction will be slower. And the new battleship must be larger in tonnage, estimated to be more than 35,000 tons. Moreover, considering the problem of insufficient funds, the construction cycle will definitely be delayed. During the war, the construction time of the Bavarian class can be compressed within 2 years. Now, if the first class battleship equipped with a 16-inch main gun is completed, the construction period is estimated to be 4 years. about. (From start of work to service.)

"His Royal Highness, can you give it to me. If the expected first batch of 8 fast battleships cannot be completed, what is the lower limit? What is the upper limit?" Scheer asked.

"At least two ships and a maximum of four ships. There may be six ships under the name of the new battleship." Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

"Well, thank you for your sincerity. Forgive me for being obtuse, I understand why we only have 4 ships at most, but we have to start construction of 6 ships? On the schedule, our first batch is 8 ships, and the second batch is possible. There are six more?" Scheer frowned. After all, once the battleship starts, it means a lot of money. It is estimated that the conservative price of the new battleship will be around 5 million pounds. Has this started, but it is not planned to be completed, isn't it a waste?

"How do you think the major congresses treat the navy when the Pacific War ends?" Ruprecht asked.

"Although I don't know the outcome of the future U.S.-Japan war, I can conclude that Japan will not be completely defeated. After the war, the U.S.-Japan confrontation in the Western Pacific will be prolonged. And this confrontation is very likely. It will cause a new wave of arms race." Scheer thought for a while and said.

"But the prolonged naval arms race is a huge burden for any country. You are the commander of the navy. You know how much the empire allocated for naval construction in the ten years before the war, and how much national debt was issued for it!" Said the crown prince.

"But from the perspective of US national strength, if it simply faces Japan, then maybe the US will bear certain economic pressure, but in the end, they can crush Japan! Even if Japan is spared in this war, the result will be only Two, one is the economy being dragged down by a long-term arms race, and the other is to admit counsel!" Scheer said.

"If it is only the United States and Japan, then this will naturally be the result. But the Americans still have a potential enemy. I don't think you think the friendly relationship between the Empire and the United States will continue? The relationship between Germany and the United States will continue. The foundation is Britain, and now the British have fallen. Germany is on the throne of the world's hegemony. And the United States is a double-headed eagle, staring at the Pacific and the Atlantic at the same time," the crown prince said.

"If this is the case, the Americans may compromise with us? The two sides signed an agreement to jointly limit the size of the navy, but if the two most powerful sea powers first proposed restrictions on armaments, then other countries must also participate, the Japanese, The British, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the French and possibly even the Italians." Admiral Scheer said.

In fact, restrictions on naval armaments did not occur after the Washington Treaty in history. In fact, before World War I, when the United States and Germany were under a lot of pressure due to the naval arms race, they did consider concessions to each other. The naval fleet was compressed to a range that both sides could bear, but in the end, this effort failed because of both sides' pursuit of tonnage. The British insisted that the tonnage ratio of British and German battleships be 2 to 1. But the Germans believed that their battleships should be 70% of the British, so the talk fell apart.

And on this plane, before the war, the two countries also discussed the issue of naval armament restrictions. However, this time the difference between the two sides is not in tonnage. After all, the number of German dreadnoughts is scarce, even if the tonnage is set at 2 to 1. Proportionally, on a truly useful dreadnought ship, the tonnage gap between the two sides will be very small. After all, the British are somewhat fearless. What really made this negotiation fruitless was the restriction on the performance of German warships! The British asked Germany to keep only 4 Bavarian-class battleships, but Germany finally refused!

"Yes, after the war, the best result for all countries is to sign a naval armaments treaty that can limit each other's naval expansion. This treaty will stipulate the tonnage, technical performance and replacement principles of all types of warships. There may even be Related supervisory agencies, and the most important basis for restrictions on the fleet is the status of each country and the naval power in our We must strive for advantages, and if we want to make the other party afraid, then we have goods in our hands or will soon Availability is undoubtedly very important."

Ruprecht has already made it very clear. The extra battleships and the planned second batch of fast battleships are just bargaining chips that can be exchanged for benefits at any time! Tell the Americans that the German Navy also has huge plans. Don't overdo it! Otherwise, everyone will be violent!

If we say that facing Japan alone, the Americans have the confidence to violently fight to death, but facing Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire? Hehe, Americans at this time really don't have such confidence! After all, the future of Germany is much stronger than before the First World War! Then add an equally powerful Austro-Hungarian Empire! The Americans absolutely dare not call out to Germany and Austria. You build a capital ship. We will build two of this rather arrogant slogan. The reason is simple. After the Pacific War, the Americans will definitely consume a lot!

And for Germany and Austria, if you don’t fight now, you have the money to farm as soon as possible. Why don’t you build so many warships? Therefore, it is enough to obtain an advantageous position through negotiation, and there is no need to fight the Americans to the end. Even if you really want to share a high and low with the Americans, it will be almost 20 years later, now? Don't worry at all!

"I have already told you what I have to say. You have to know it in your heart. After all, this incident is estimated to happen before you retire. You don't want to have a stain on your back before you leave the Navy, do you?" the crown prince said half-seriously and half-jokingly. .

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