The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2429: Meeting with Scheer One

"His Royal Highness, Your Admiral has arrived." After returning to the official residence in Berlin, an attendant reported to the crown prince.

"Very well, make arrangements. In half an hour, I will have lunch with Marshal Scheer." The crown prince thought for a while and said. In order to show the respect of the Imperial High Seas Fleet to Crown Prince Ruprecht, after learning that the Crown Prince was going to the Kiel naval base, Marshal Scheer personally came to Berlin to welcome the Crown Prince to Kiel Port. In terms of specifications, it is unprecedented. However, Scheer's travel so far is not purely a matter of etiquette, but because the crown prince has something to talk to Scheer and give him a vaccination.

"How is the situation of the navy now?" The crown prince said to Scheer after signalling the miscellaneous people to wait to leave.

"Fortunately, the High Seas Fleet directly belongs to the empire. With your care, no one comes to embarrass us. Both the personnel recovery funds and the naval military expenses have been implemented. The pensions for the dead and wounded, as well as the merits Promotions and rewards have also been implemented more than 80%." Scheer said after putting down the knife in his hand.

"However, some people are unwilling to leave the army. Moreover, I have read the recent government documents on naval construction. In the future, we will prepare to build a large number of warships including at least 8 new fast battleships. If this is the case, ours I am afraid that the fleet personnel will not only need to leave, but even recruit some more people. Compared with those newcomers, I think those who have sufficient work experience will be better." Scheer said carefully.

It stands to reason that after the war is over, the navy will definitely recover in a large amount. This is not only the case of the defeated Britain and France, but also the victorious country in history, the United Kingdom. After all, the war was fought on such a large scale and the economic deficit was huge. There may be so many useless warships. At that time, someone satirized the Royal Navy. A group of brightly dressed naval officers and soldiers stood on the newly painted warships, but they didn't have a cent in their pockets! Therefore, for most countries, disarmament is a must.

But this is not necessarily the case for the German Empire. On the one hand, with the support of the United States, Germany’s economic situation is not bad. On the other hand, the war did not go far from Germany. According to the previous agreement with the United States, the German Navy must send at least two battleship detachments to support the US military operations in the Pacific. And compared to history, the size of the German battleship fleet is not large. After the battle in the Norwegian Sea, there are not even 20 battleships remaining in the battle sequence!

What's more, in Scheer's view, the imperial government is ready to continue to expand the navy. That's good. Under this circumstance, the fleet will not have enough manpower in the future. Why is there a large number of retired personnel now? Sher faintly felt that there was something tricky in it, so she wanted to come to the crown prince to confirm it.

"The empire is to build new fast battleships in the future, but unless we lose more capital ships in the Pacific War or the US government directly purchases our battleships, we will not build so many new fast battleships. Yes." Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

"Wocao, what do you mean?" Shelton was a little ill. "You mean, the Empire’s future plans for the construction of new fast battleships are a cover?"

"His Royal Highness, I don't understand very much. With the United States and Japan both building new fast battleships, what reason does the Empire have to fall behind? Although the 12 Bavarian-class battleships of the Imperial Navy have a remarkable record, they are not in terms of tonnage and firepower. No matter if it is the US Navy or the Japanese Navy, they will soon have 16-inch main gun battleships, and they are likely to be engaged in battle in future wars. I think the imperial government should not be so short-sighted." Marshal Scheer said anxiously .

"It's not that it's not made at all, it's just a limited number." The crown prince said dumbfoundedly.

"So how many ships will be built?" Scheer asked.

"The first batch is two, as for the latter, it depends on the situation." The crown prince thought for a while and said.

"Two ships? Even one battleship squadron is not enough. I am afraid this is the time when the number of battleships is the least since the establishment of the High Seas Fleet." Scheer frowned and said.

"The empire will not face major wars in the next 15 years. We are waiting to be thriving, so some unnecessary things need to be reduced. What's more..." the crown prince patiently explained to Scheer Tao.

"His Royal Highness, you didn't tell me that at the beginning. You guaranteed the size of the post-war navy, that the navy can have independent aviation units, and that the Marine Corps will be expanded and will participate in overseas colonial missions." Said with some excitement.

"Stop, let's say one by one, does the navy have independent aviation units? According to the new imperial resolution, the size of the naval air force can account for 20% of the entire German aviation force! Isn't that enough? You know entire aviation force of the Empire consists of the strategic aviation forces directly under the General Staff, the air forces and naval aviation forces of various states. The size of the navy's air force is even no less than that of Bavarian Airlines. Team, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

"The Marine Corps has also been expanded, and the first batch has been sent to the colonies just taken over from Britain. You even arrived earlier than the Army! The Marine Corps expansion plan has been passed in the next three years. We have contacted me no less than ten times because of the issue of colonial army stationing. It can be said that now, every member of the Marine Corps stationed abroad is won. Are you still not satisfied? People can't be too greedy, right?" Rupley Hitt was also somewhat dissatisfied with Scheer's attitude. After all, with both the Army and Air Force being disarmed, the Naval Air Force and Marine Corps were expanding. This is already a lot of pressure, okay?

"But your Highness, the size of the main fleet of the High Seas Fleet has begun to shrink significantly. In the Norwegian Sea Battle, we were 23 battleships. We sank 3 on the spot and the other 2 were severely damaged. In fact, these two battleships can also Rescue, but according to your request at the time, we count the battle sink and seal it up. In this way, there are only 18 capital ships of the High Seas Fleet! And the old battleships of the 18 battleships need to be replaced! If If the imperial government cut off a large number of new battleship construction plans, then our future battleship will be difficult to guarantee even the size of 18 battleships. This is simply the lowest point in history!"

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