The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2428: gap

"Has the Italians notified the Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kingdom of Bavaria at the same time?" Ruprecht said with a frown.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire was notified, but the Kingdom of Bavaria has not yet had time." Prince Albert said. Bavaria has embassies in some countries, (yes, this is also a German feature...) If Italians want to visit Ruprecht, they can naturally contact the Bavarian Embassy directly, and then notify the Empire The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is just a cutscene. But now, the Italians notified the Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs but did not directly notify the Bavarian Embassy. This is problematic.

"Did you guys do anything lately?" Ruprecht thought of some possibility.

"Yes, the empire's suppression of Italy has begun. At first, it was in commerce. First of all, it was grain. It turned out that a considerable part of Italy's grain came from Russia, but now, their cheapest way to import is through us and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. We have imposed restrictions on the food exported from Italy."

"Next is coal and oil. The Americans are busy preparing for war and controlling the export of raw materials. At the same time, they don't want to embarrass us because of trade issues. Therefore, we started to choke Italy on food and energy and went very smoothly." Prince Bert said.

"That's it?" Ruprecht expressed his disbelief. "If this is the case, they should talk to the German government."

"You forgot that Ukraine, the largest grain producer in Russia, was in your hands, and you also own the largest stake in the Baku Oilfield. The Italians have never dealt with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so they will not discuss related matters directly with Vienna. , And your relationship with Italy is not very good. So, they may want to mediate through the empire to make the atmosphere of the meeting between the two parties better." Prince Albert thought for a while and said.

"This reason is a bit far-fetched. Okay, it's straightforward. Some things are easy to find if I want to check." Prince Ruprecht subconsciously felt that Prince Albert on the opposite side seemed to be hiding something.

"That's right, the Italians may have known from some sources. You have some prejudices about Italy, and they may want to eliminate this prejudice." The prince wiped the cold sweat from his head and said.

"Understood, there must be some rumors that I promoted the German Empire's punishment plan against Italy?" Ruprecht said meaningfully. But to be honest, this pot does have something to do with the crown prince, after all, he did agree, but if this matter all depends on the crown prince, it is obviously not good!

"Well, I don't think His Majesty the Kaiser was involved in this matter?" the crown prince asked.

"Absolutely not." Prince Albert said immediately.

"That's good, if we take some actions, I hope His Majesty the Kaiser will be considerate." Ruprecht said. This is definitely spread by people with ulterior motives. Although the matter itself is not big, it may be a temptation. Regarding this kind of temptation, the crown prince naturally wants to teach some people behind the scenes some lessons, but at most it is given to the people below. The crown prince has no intention of dealing with these things.

However, the Italians are willing to negotiate, which means that they are ready to be soft. The crown prince really hopes to use this opportunity to deal with the restless little brother in the alliance! Of course, all of this will have to be said after I return to Bavaria, and the matter of the High Seas Fleet will be ranked before this matter!

"The Italian ambassador once expressed his willingness to cooperate with Germany and Austria in the military field." Prince Albert continued.

"Military cooperation? Hehe, I now want to know how much Italian military power can help Germany and Austria?" the crown prince sneered. After all, Italy is still a big country with a population of 40 million. This size makes it impossible for Italy to be satisfied with a little benefit from countries like Sweden or Finland. Italy is ambitious. Not to mention that this plane has not yet been merged into Libya, Italy. Obviously, Italy still has ambitions for Ethiopia! If nothing else, once Deo agrees to re-incorporate Italy into the Allied Powers system, then Italy will ask Deo to support him on the Ethiopian issue!

But in the eyes of the crown prince, letting Italy annex Ethiopia (called Abyssinia at the time) is not good for Italy or the Allies! There is a reason why Ethiopia was spared the frenzy of colonial partitioning in the last century. You can say that this country is backward and weak. But the Italy that wants to eat this place is also enough salted fish! Think about the historical Italian investment in the Ethiopian war and subsequent expenditures to maintain the colony! It's just throwing money at all, no output! If Germany and Austria condone Italy's aggression, then the international impact will not be good.

"There must be a reason why Italy is so anxious to restore relations between the two countries. They have asked Ruprechter paused and said: "However, in Italy, they are willing to cooperate again. Under the circumstances, they have not done anything for Germany and Austria, so we have to pay first, which makes me feel very bad. "

"So, your prince, tell the Italians that we did not negotiate on an equal footing before. If you want to be forgiven by the empire, then please Italy show enough sincerity. The foundation of the alliance is obligation. If Italy does not want to be in the future If we play our due role in the European system, then we will never accept Italy!" said the crown prince.

"Are you planning to use this opportunity to break through Italy's tariff barriers and trade protection?" Prince Albert said.

"It's like this. Italy's industry is very weak, and its economic strength is not strong. As for the army? Let alone. Although their warships are designed very well, I feel that now Italy may be the biggest help for us in the market. "The crown prince thought for a while and said.

"This may be a little difficult, even if it is against the defeated France, we did not use such a direct means to force the other party to open the market." The prince frowned and said.

"That's because France has strong strength. Although it is the defeated party, it is worthy of the empire. If France can stand on our side in the future, then Italy's attitude is really not important. Why does Italy enjoy? The same treatment as France?" the crown prince asked rhetorically.

"Okay, as you wish, Your Royal Highness." Prince Albert said.

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