The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2408: Scandinavian III

Because the population base is sparse, it is one of the fundamental reasons for the conservative national policies of the three Nordic countries. You must know that in 1950, the population of Norway was only 3.26 million. The population of Sweden is 7 million. And Finland is about 4 million! You must know that Sweden is a country with 450,000 square kilometers of land, (although a considerable part of it is in the Arctic Circle) has a population of only 7 million, which can be described as a large area and a sparse population. This is especially true in Finland. A country with 338,000 square kilometers of land had only 4 million people in 1950!

Such a sparse population makes it impossible for these countries to organize a huge military force. The government is very sensitive to the casualties of military personnel. In this way, the wary attitude of the three Nordic countries can be understood, and to be honest, Population is not the same as industry. Industry can double in ten years, but population needs to grow slowly!

Therefore, in the foreseeable future, unless a large number of people enter the three Nordic countries and enrich the human resources of the three countries, otherwise, even if they are willing to stand on the side of Germany, they may invest very little military force... .. Compared with the tens of millions of armies of the main participating countries in World War II, the military power of the three Nordic countries is really not enough in terms of scale.

But this does not mean that the role of the Three Kingdoms is weak. The Finnish army is small and elite. This can be proved by the Soviet-Finnish War. Norwegian does not need much military power from Norway. It is enough for the Germans to use ports and bases! The crown prince also does not expect Norway to play output... And Sweden? To be honest, apart from Gustaf V's desire to restore kingship and restore Sweden's past glory, neither the Swedish government nor the people are so concerned about war.

But if you want to say that Sweden is a weaker in the military, that is definitely wrong, how to say? Sweden feels like a poisonous shrimp, its size is small, but if you want to mess with it, it will cause you very big damage, and Sweden’s own military industry is pretty good, so I designed it myself in the second war. Through single-engine and twin-engine bombers, (interested readers can use Baidu 18 on their own.)

As for the post-war 2? Whether it is the Swedish strv103 tank (Type S tank) or Saab’s Saab 35, Saab 37 and later JAS39 Gripen fighters are very classic works. (Some people call it the three angels on the road, because the take-off and landing performance is very good.) In terms of the navy, whether it is the Visby stealth frigate or the first batch of Gotland-type submarines to use the AIP system, they can see the Swedish military. The background is extraordinary, far surpassing his country! And then the Collins class submarine in Australia was also designed and built by Sweden!

Therefore, even if Sweden cannot provide large corps operations, if the Swedish military industry can be integrated into the system of the Allies, then it will be very helpful to Germany!

Some people may say that the three Nordic countries lack resources. how to say? The problem of resources seems to the Germans in history to be an unavoidable problem, but what about Germany in this dimension? Are you talking to Germany about lack of resources? Are you kidding me?

Let me talk about oil first. The Baku Oilfield can provide the Allies with at least 24 million tons of crude oil a year! The oil fields in the Mesopotamia can now provide more than 6 million tons of crude oil within a year! And as a traverser, Ruprecht knows very well that if he needs it, it is possible to make the fuel production of the Mesopotamia surpass the Baku Oilfield! And not to mention that Germany will control Persia in the future! In this way, there is no problem in obtaining more than 40 million tons of crude oil a year! Now that we don’t even need to engage in coal-fuel oil, if there are enough oil pipes, who would use coal-fuel oil?

Let's talk about other resources, whether it is copper mines in Zambia, gold and diamonds in South Africa, and bauxite mines in Guinea (currently still owned by France, but German companies have signed mining agreements.) These are enough for use throughout Europe. Coal and iron ore? There was no shortage of this thing in Germany, and now even the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not lacking!

what? You say rubber? The tropical area of ​​Africa is so big, the production of natural rubber is enough for Europe to use a large amount, and even if it is not enough, if there is sufficient oil, it is afraid that there will be no synthetic rubber? And the most important thing is that whether it’s Zambia’s copper mines, South Africa’s gold or diamonds, or rubber in African plantations, these are all the British have already mined or laid the foundation, and the Allies don’t even have to work hard after they take over. It can be easily transferred to the production state, the cost is very low, and the output is extremely high!

Therefore, the current Allies really do not lack resources. In wartime, they do not ask the Nordic countries to provide many combat troops, as long as the three countries’ industrial and military research and development systems continue to provide allies with various equipment and accessories, which can be used in research and development. At the same time, it is also very valuable for the promotion of the entire Allies to give Germany and Austria some technical reference.

Although the three Nordic countries are valuable, it is not easy for these salted fish who have been used to living a stable life to pick up their guns and stand on the side of the Germans again. Maybe Finland has the idea of ​​getting closer because of the threat of the Soviet Union, but It is a bit difficult to get Sweden to stand on the side of the Germans. After all, Germany does not have to use military means to force After all, Mustache has never done this in history, and Ruprecht will not. Up. And Sweden does not have to directly face the threat of the Soviet Union. Well, the Swedes will ask the Germans "give me a reason to join you".

For this, Ruprecht really does not have a suitable excuse...

"If we want the three Nordic countries to stand on our side, we need not only to release enough goodwill to the three countries, but more importantly, we must let them experience the pain of war!" Ruprecht said in his heart.

If nothing happens, the Soviet-Finnish war will break out in the future, as long as Germany does not express its clear opposition... Yes, if the Soviet-Finnish war breaks out again, unless Finland shows its full sincerity! Otherwise, Germany will never give Finland a lot of help, the reason is very simple! You helped Finland. Finland may not really contribute to the outbreak of future wars. The crown prince will also ask the Finns: "If I help you, what will be your reward?"

Only when an insoluble hatred formed between Su and Finland, Finland, and Sweden behind Finland (Sweden also helped Finland in the Su-Fin war.) Really felt the threat of the Soviet Union, and determined that as long as there is the Soviet Union, There will be no good times in Finland and Sweden before the crown prince will really help these two countries!

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