The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2407: Scandinavian II

Therefore, whether it is Finland, Norway or Sweden, they are not willing to easily intervene in disputes between major powers. They know that their power is limited, and their citizens are not willing to go through war. If there is no military threat, then they are more willing to remain neutral than to get involved in war to seek greater benefits.

The specific manifestation is the neutrality of Sweden in history, the conservative style of Finland's strategy, and both ends. As for Norway? It can be regarded as forced to be involved in the war. What about this plane? Finland still has a similar policy. If the Soviet Union did not act on Finland, Finland would definitely not ally with the Germans.

"Rather than ally with us to obtain military security, I think the Finns are more neutral. At most, they form a loose alliance with us and intimidate the Russians." This time Prince Albert got the point.

"I think it is also possible. If this is the case, then the meaning of our alliance with Finland is very limited." Ruprecht expressed his agreement with Prince Albert.

"The President of Finland, Mr. Stahlberg, recently came back to visit Germany. If possible, we can contact him to determine Finland's attitude, and then make a decision." Prince Baden paused and said, "One more thing. It is Swedish King Gustav V who will visit Germany in the near future, but he is not visiting as a government, but as a private person. Do you have any ideas about meeting with him?” The words of Prince Baden were clearly against Lu Precht said.

"It turns out that your relative is here." Duke Albrecht said with a smile.

"Yes, this time Princess Victoria will also come back. Our family will be together again." Prince Baden said.

The Grand Duchy of Baden is the fifth largest mountain in Germany, and as a principality that has tried to attack the throne of the kingdom, its soft and hard power is still very strong, hard power is not weaker than Saxony, but soft power and network are even more important. Much better than the Kingdom of Saxony! Especially the complicated marriage relationship has made the influence of the Grand Duchy of Baden very huge.

As we all know, the son-in-law of Wilhelm I was the son-in-law of Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, Grand Duke of Baden! Uncle of William II! In fact, the Grand Duke of Baden, known as Ludwig I, also has a very close relationship with the Swedish royal family. His mother is the Swedish princess Holstein-Goldpder Sophie-Wilhelmina! In other words, he has half the blood of the Swedish royal family.

is like the marriage relationship between Bavaria and Austrian royal families that has lasted for generations. So is the marriage between the Grand Duchy of Baden and the Swedish Royal Family! Sophie Marie Victoria, the daughter of Ludwig I, married the current King Gustav V of Sweden! And this time, if Gustav V and his wife came to visit Germany together in private, then he would definitely go to his natal home. Therefore, it makes sense that Duke Albrecht joked that their family was finally reunited!

If the relationship between the two parties ends here, then it is only the relationship between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Grand Duchy of Baden. However, with the split of the Swedish-Norwegian alliance system, although Sweden has lost Norway, the king of Norway still has a relationship with the Swedish royal family. Blood relationship, for example, the current King Haakon VII of Norway, although the prince of Denmark, is also the elder brother of Oscar II and grandson of Karl XV...

(And the wife of Hakon VII is the daughter of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, and his cousin Princess Maud is also the wife. So, the Norwegian royal family also has a relationship with the British royal family. Hakon VII's heir, Seo Love V, and Olaf V’s wife is Princess Martha of the Swedish royal family... So, this relationship is really very messy! In fact, the marriage between the Norwegian and Swedish royal families is still Continue! If you are interested, you can check it.)

"If I can, I still hope to meet King Gustav V." Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I'll go back and make arrangements." Prince Baden nodded and said.

Why does Ruprecht have to meet each other? The reason is simple. Relatively speaking, Augusta V was still a more pro-German person! There is still a trace of ambition to restore Sweden's former glory! Historically, before the First World War, Augusta V held a meeting of the Swedish and Norwegian royal families hoping to unite and stand on the side of the Germans, but unfortunately it did not succeed. After the outbreak of the war in 1914, He still mainly expands his armaments, and shouts the navy in mass gatherings! army! However, people did not respond... It made Gustav V very embarrassed, so he no longer manages government affairs.

And this plane? Augusta V still failed to let Sweden stand on the side of Germany, and his military expansion plan still did not get the approval of the people! However, Germany, as a victorious country, still makes the Swedish king feel a little emboldened, because no matter which party of the Swedish government comes to power, no matter what the Swedish civilians think, one thing is certain, that is, the future of Europe is in Germany and Austria. Under the lead! If Sweden wants to live better, then it must have a good relationship with Germany and Austria. Therefore, the Swedish party once again remembered that its queen seems to have a deep roots within the German That's why this An incident where the King and Queen of Sweden visited Germany in their personal capacity...

And because of this visit, Gustav V’s political ambitions, which had once become cold, inflated again. More importantly, the Swedish king is very wary of Russia. From this perspective, it is possible for Sweden and Germany to cooperate on the issue of confronting Russia in the future! Of course, the premise is that Sweden must be made aware of the terrible Russia!

"Then the President of Finland, Mr. Stahlberg, are you interested in meeting?" Prince Albert asked.

"Of course I am interested. I need to tell him clearly what Finland needs and how much it will cost." Ruprecht said with a smile. Since, in the near future, the crown prince will personally meet with the heads of Sweden and Finland, so there is no need to rush to conclusions on some matters.

"Actually, I think even if Sweden, Norway, and Finland are really willing to join our alliance, from a military standpoint, the troops they can mobilize are very limited. After all, where is their population base? Finland only has With a population of less than 4 million people, their manpower determines that the size of the army will not be very large." Said Crown Prince Christian of Saxony.

"I will consider this," the crown prince said.

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