The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2403: Turkish

"This issue will be discussed later. We will discuss this issue with the Kaiser and the Social Democratic Party. We also need funds to improve this coal, iron and oil supply chain. At that time, everyone will have the opportunity." Ruprecht's The statement made Prince Albert and the Prince of Baden breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if Ruprecht said that the Austro-Hungarian Empire could supply Italy with sufficient coal, iron and petroleum ore at this time, then Albert, who represented the Emperor of Germany Did Prince Te and Prince Max who represent Baden agree? Still against it? This can't express your opinion!

If you agree, then obviously it means that the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire are putting pressure together. In the end, all the benefits are given to Bavaria and Austro-Hungary. Northern Germany has no advantage at all. If you disagree, then it will definitely offend people. The proposal to control Italian raw materials just now was made by Prince Albert. Doesn’t this mean you slap yourself in the face?

Fortunately, Crown Prince Ruprecht did not express his position directly, but briefly introduced this topic. This certainly involves the division of interests in the future. In terms of coal, iron and oil, Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have the advantages. The crown prince is bound to use these advantages to exchange copper mines, non-ferrous metals, diamonds, and gold in the southern African colonies. Everyone has a profit. In order to continue, so the crown prince is not in a hurry to seize the market.

“There is another problem with food! Italy’s food is totally incapable of self-sufficiency, even worse than the German Empire. If possible, I hope we can use Ukrainian food to control the Italian market.” Prince Albert said.

"These ideas are very good, but there is a premise that we must eliminate the interference of the United States. The use of the treaty alone will not give us the full advantage. Imagine if Italy imports a large amount of our raw materials and industrial products, then Italy itself is in export In the super situation, Italy needs foreign exchange. They definitely don't want to see this happen." Prince Christian of Saxony said.

"We can exchange currency with Italy, or barter directly when necessary, such as oil, coal and steel. These are official bulk trades," the crown prince said. Bartering or exchanging certain currencies is a common method used in later generations for countries that lack sufficient foreign exchange. This method can only be implemented when Italy cannot guarantee payment. Of course, if currency exchange is adopted, then Mark's influence in Italy will definitely increase.

So, under the planning of a bunch of "second generations" of the German Empire, a post-war plan for Italy finally leaked out. At this time, the Italian king in Rome commissioned Rio Emanuele III to suddenly feel himself There was a sense of panic in his heart for no reason. He threw the documents in his hand on the table in discomfort. Since the Norwegian sea battle ended, the Italian king tried to restore relations with Germany and Austria, but both Germany and Austria. The country’s attitude was unclear, and the response seemed lukewarm, which made Emmanuele III feel very uneasy. Italy did make a lot of money by using its neutrality during the war, but now? What is Deao's attitude towards himself? He is not clear, even a little scared!

"Well, that's the case for Italy first, so we will now start to discuss the next country. I suggest that we can discuss the Ottoman Turkish Empire." Ruprecht said. Albert first talked about Italy, the face of the German emperor. It has been given, so now it is natural for Ruprecht to ask the second question.

"Let me first talk about my point of view. The Ottoman Empire is our ally. This time we can quickly resolve Russia and have a very important relationship with Turkey on our side. We have completely blocked Russia's access to assistance from the West. After the victory of the war, Turkey also obtained territory and compensation. (The compensation from the Balkan countries was given to Turkey, and part of the funds obtained from Russia was also distributed to Turkey.) However, I think that Turkey now is just a return to the light. It is so bad that the Turkish Youth Party is nothing more than a paperworker, with gold and jade on the outside, but failure on the inside." said the crown prince.

"His Royal Highness, do you mean that we need to change an ally?" Prince Baden asked. The crown prince’s speech today and his previous performance can be described as completely different. You must know that before World War I, when all other powers were not optimistic about Turkey, Ruprecht was determined to stand firm in the Balkan War and the Italian-Turkish War. Is on the side of Turkey, but now, it seems that the crown prince is about to attack this former ally?

"We need to give this ally a new brain. The newly formed Turkey will still be our indispensable ally. But the leader of this country cannot be the Turkish secular Sultan and his bureaucrats. We need an advanced and advanced one that is closer to Europe. The Turkish government, which is separated from church and state to manage this still huge empire. To some extent, we need the rebirth of Turkish Nirvana!" said the crown prince.

"Then have we found a good agent? Also Is Turkey still the current Turkey? Will the new Turkey fall apart?" Prince Albert asked. In fact, if you really want to do this, then there are many other important issues that need to be resolved, for example, when will it start? How to shield the influence of the United States and other powers? When Turkey collapses, will the empire have a share?

"I personally value Kemal," the crown prince said.

"Kemal? The ability is enough. I have read the reports in Asia Minor. His commanding ability is still good, and he is well-received. His wrists are also very good. But is this person a little difficult to control?" Albu Duke Lecht frowned and said. In fact, the crown prince and the duke passed the anger in private for this question. The crown prince is optimistic about Kemal because of what he did to Turkey in history, which brought Turkey from the brink of disintegration in the case of defeat. The reason why the Duke is not optimistic about Kemal is also because Kemal is too good.

"Turkey itself has the qualifications to become a big country. They have Asia Minor and the entire Fertile Crescent (the arc region from Israel, Syria, Lebanon to Iraq in later generations.) Now they have regained their foothold in the Balkans. Iraq Turkey’s oil has also made Turkey a resource-rich country. And Libya, which is now re-incorporated into Turkey’s territory. If you give him another political strongman and eradicate the decadent caliphate system and religious influence, this country has a great future. "The Duke said.

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