The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2402: Italy IV

Italy is very tasteless for the current Confederate system. The Italian government itself is not friendly to Germany and Austria, and Italy can provide very little military help, at least for now. So at present, Italy’s biggest use for Deao may be the market consisting of nearly 40 million people and a relatively sufficient labor force. To be honest, Italy’s economy is very depressed, and there is a real surplus of labor. For example, the end of World War 1 Afterwards, a large number of capitalist countries have experienced a golden period of development. Only Italy has not had a very good economy after World War I. This is why Mussolini was able to stand so early in history.

However, in order to enter the Italian market, the biggest problem that Deao faces is not the competition of Italian domestic companies. Although Italian industry can also produce something comparable to fine products, how do you say it? Compared with the production scale of German industrial products, Italy's production capacity is at the level of small workshops. The cost is too high and the efficiency is too low. Therefore, for the German business community, the obstruction of the Italian government is the most troublesome!

Therefore, for the benefit of Germany and Austria, and to punish Italy’s apostasy that actually occurred in World War I, Ruprecht supports pressure on Italy to open their markets! This time point is the best for Germany and Austria. Other veteran European powers have either been defeated by Germany or are trying to get close to Germany and Austria. The United States is busy with the war with Japan and will not care about this kind of nosy, so good, how can Italy resist the pressure of Germany and Austria?

“Of course, pure market plundering is definitely not enough. Facts have proved that only a win-win situation can benefit both parties. Pure plundering will not last long. In this process, we can gradually integrate the Italian industrial system and use it for our purposes. Some of the product suppliers or upstream and downstream companies. The Italian industry is gradually tied to us." Buhler continued.

"But for us now, sufficient human resources in Italy are what we need most. We can open up the labor market and the Italian government can also profit from intermediaries and labor exports. This resistance should be minimal. When the relationship between the flow of people and the economy is getting tighter, we can spread our influence to the Italian government, and then gradually tie it to the chariot of the German Empire." Buhler said.

"Do you have any opinions?" the crown prince asked.

"The Italians are not our reliable friends, nor do they have the strength worthy of our respect like the French. For this kind of unfriendly and not strong guy, we can still beat them. Otherwise, if this happens It passed like this, which is detrimental to the empire’s majesty. We must let the countries at the two ends of the mouse know our attitude. Those who follow us will prosper and those who oppose us will perish.” Duke Albrecht said.

Although Italy provided some supplies for Germany and Austria when it was neutral, at the same time, the Italian merchant fleet was also transporting supplies for Britain and France. The Italian aircraft and artillery factories also earned a lot of francs and pounds. In fact, the materials re-exported to the Allies through Italy are even more than the materials secretly given to Britain and France by some people in the United States! Therefore, as the former commander of the Western Front Army, Duke Albrecht has no good impressions of Italy. (How can I say that although the Italian industry is bad, the aviation industry is stronger than the historical Austro-Hungarian Empire.)

"Italy should be beaten, but I think that compared to what Mr. Buhler said, I think the most important thing for us now is to control the raw materials and energy in Italy! If we can obtain the energy market in Italy through an agreement If so, then Italy’s submission is a matter of time!" Prince Albert said.

"Think about it, if we can become Italy's main coal, iron ore and oil supplier, then why should Italy oppose us? Why does their government reject our request for cooperation?" Obviously, although Albert Prince Te emphasized the role of Italy in the previous discussion, but now he also advocates controlling this important country in the Mediterranean!

"Oil is easy to say. We control the second largest oil field in the world. There is no problem with Baku's oil field supplying the whole Europe, and the cost is very low by sea. In terms of price, we have an advantage over the Americans, but coal and iron ore are probably There are some difficulties. The cost of transporting coal and iron from Lorraine and Ruhr by railway is a bit high. In order to continue mining, our mining volume is already very good to meet the consumption in Germany. And the remaining part, I More inclined to export to France, after all, there is closer to France." Prince Baden said after thinking about it.

Although Germany has rich coal and iron resources, it must first supply Germany and France, the two most powerful industrial countries on the European continent. Therefore, the margin for transportation south to Italy will be very small. You read that right. Although the relationship between France and Germany is very bad, a considerable part of the iron and coal mines of the French before the war were supplied by Germany... This is especially true after the war! Because Britain and France are breaking up, the British are unlikely to provide coal mines to the French at par, so the current supply of coal and iron ore in Germany is actually relatively tight. After all, Germany has to build new territories. Need a lot of coal and iron.

"It seems that this problem should be solved by the crown prince. After all, the Austro-Hungarian Empire now controls the Krivoy Rog Iron Mine and the Donbass Coal Mine." Duke Albrecht said after looking at the crown prince. According to the final armistice line, the Austro-Hungarian Empire completely controlled the area west of the Dnieper River. Therefore, the Krivoy Rog Iron Mine, the largest iron ore mine in Europe, was naturally under the control of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, while the Donbass Coal Mine It was distributed to the newly established Ukraine, but the coal mine was actually under the control of the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Duke’s words were not only equivalent to answering Prince Albert’s questions, but also to Crown Prince Ruprecht. Good to buy!

After all, Duke Albrecht is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Württemberg. Although this is not a formal meeting, it is clear that the Duke is on behalf of his kingdom to support the acquisition of the Italian coal and iron market by Bavaria and Austro-Hungary! Considering that Transcaucasian oil is mainly controlled by Bavaria, in fact, if the German government promotes this plan, Bavaria will benefit the most, followed by Austria-Hungary.

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