The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2396: Learn to adapt

"Earl Schelling, it really surprises me that you are here today." Buhler's eyes were somewhat complicated and looked at Earl Schelling, who was sitting opposite him and drinking coffee calmly.

"This is the invitation of His Royal Highness." Earl Schelling sent a gilt invitation with the coat of arms of the Wittelsbach family to Buhler.

"To be honest, before this, I never thought I could receive an invitation from a crown prince." Buhler said after reading the content of the invitation. "Especially, the content of this invitation still invites me to participate in a group of celestial and noble saloons. Even Marshal Maoqi may not have many opportunities for such treatment?"

"I don't feel that I and them are of the same class. Even though I am now a senior official in the Prussian Federation, I am far from them. I don't think we will have too much communication in the future. Especially non-work." Buhler said carefully.

To be honest, he really didn't want to participate in this kind of salon invitation. On the one hand, from a political standpoint, Buhler's Social Democratic Party conflicted with the royal family. And a member of the Social Democratic Party alone participating in an aristocratic party will also cause some unnecessary trouble! On the other hand, from a personal point of view, as Buhler said, even though he is already a high-level person, he and Ruprecht are really not the same kind of people. Especially the things of the salon nature are actually more casual. Buhler thinks he can't play with them alone!

Of course, although I don't want to go, Buhler obviously cannot refuse directly. The so-called not looking at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha, the invitation letter written by Prince Ruprecht himself, and then the current Bavarian court director, the future Prime Minister of Bavaria, Earl Schelling personally sent it to the door, that is if you can say you can’t go. of? Although Buhler was born in the grass-roots, but it is not ignorant of the world.

Although there were many attacks on each other in his previous interactions with Ruprecht, he knew that the crown prince was still very protective of himself, and the dispute between the two parties was also on business. Regarding the crown prince, Buhler himself is also respected. Regardless of the identity of the other party, at least the crown prince's abilities and achievements even if Buhler considers it to be completely worthy of his current status and rights!

"There are many things in this world that you are not accustomed to, and you can not do it if you don’t want to. People are social people. We need to interact with all kinds of people. Even if you don’t go this time, you can avoid and Do the people among them interact? Instead of avoiding them, why not face them directly? Sometimes people can't shrink back, because you shrink once, then subconsciously shrink back a second time." Count Schelling said.

"What's more, the issues discussed in this salon are very meaningful. Europe, the center of the whole world, the German Empire used iron and fire to make the whole Europe tremble under our saber, but fear is not our purpose. We integrate and use the whole Europe is our goal. And this salon is undoubtedly to unify the future European strategy within the empire. So, don’t you think this makes sense?"

"Then do I need to prepare something?" After hesitating for a while, Bühler, who has realized that he can't push it off, finally admits reality. After all, it is the first time to participate in this level of salon, and there is no suitable person to ask and ask. If Earl Schelling is willing to help, then this court minister from Bavaria is undoubtedly the best teacher.

"Presumably the earl will tell him some precautions, otherwise it is not only him that will be ashamed, but also Crown Prince Ruprecht as the referrer." Buhler said.

"I will arrange someone to take charge of the related etiquette issues." Earl Schelling said. "This time seems to be Sharon, but it will have a very profound impact on the future political, economic and diplomatic structure of the empire. This time we are going to solve specific issues, taking into account your previous work. You can fully understand the military and To analyze some issues from the perspective of geopolitics."

"But I'm just a colonel. Even now, the things and information I have been exposed to are still too few and too low-end." Buhler said.

"Well, ask a question, if I remember correctly, the topic of your thesis at the military school was discussing Italy and Turkey about the war in North Africa? Is that true?" Count Schelling said.

"Yes. I have done a superficial analysis of the Italian army's combat effectiveness, mobilization capabilities, and national will." Buhler was not surprised that Earl Schelling knew his thesis when he graduated from military academy, since the Bavarian crown prince focused his attention. Own, then I guess my old bottom has been checked by the other party several times, it is not too easy to know my past resume!

"Then you can give some play to this issue. Prince Albert’s topic is Italy. His Royal Highness will also mention Italy, so this would be a very good point. As for the relevant information, we will give you some. If you have other needs, you can call this phone and tell them the title of the book or file you need, and they will send it to your home. Now you have at least one week to prepare. This is the first show~www.novelhall .com~Don't let down our kindness, let alone let yourself be looked down upon." Earl Schelling said with a smile.

"So besides the Italian question, are there other topics of interest?" Buhler asked.

"The specific information is on the document, you can look at it, but I personally think that Turkey will also be a good topic." Earl Schelling said.

"About Turkey? I have read some information recently. Although Turkey is a victorious country this time, it has won most of the Balkan Peninsula and consolidated its position in Libya, but I personally think that this empire has entered its twilight. The war is just a reflection, and the reforms of the Turkish Al-Shabaab will not fundamentally save the country. Perhaps a future domestic riot will cause the country to fall apart." Buhler thought for a while and said.

"This view is very good, I also think that the Ottoman Empire will not survive for long." Count Schelling thought for a while and said.

"Then what is the attitude of the empire's senior officials towards Turkey?" Buhler asked.

"This question shouldn't be asked." Earl Schelling smiled slightly: "Following other people's orders and then making a plan is what the staff should do, but now you are at the top, and you are the controller of the national strategy. This matter requires you to make a decision on your own, not to listen to others. Use your own brain to think about the problem, and then collide with other people’s thoughts, so that your ideas can be sublimated."

"Thank you," Buhler responded.

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