The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2395: Father and Son II

"The Grand Duke is a capable and loyal person to the royal family. He and his family can be completely trusted. Return to our original topic and analyze the attitude and purpose of the Grand Duke tonight." The German Emperor Kankan said.

"The Grand Duke of Baden seems to have a dislike for Buhler on the surface, but he still agrees with Ruprecht arranging an outsider to come to the venue, because in this way, we will not talk about too sensitive things in the salon. I don't It is possible to discuss the issue of the crown prince in front of the parliament, and this frees him from the most sensitive issue of the prince. After all, we and the Grand Duke of Baden are one. Some questions may not be answered by others, but Grand Duke Baden can't. And he doesn't want to answer now."

"However, this time, Grand Duke Baden is a little worried. I really don't intend to discuss any questions about your brother in this salon." When he said this, the Kaiser smiled slightly. In his opinion now, Sometimes it is interesting to make fun of others.

"As for the last time he left, he wanted the Grand Duke or his sons of Oldenburg to participate, but I refused. Not that I can't give him this face, but because I don't want to let this already somewhat chaotic and complicated chess game add new ones. The variables are messed up now, there is no need to let more people into the game!" said the Kaiser.

"The Grand Duke of Baden wants the Grand Duke of Oldenburg to participate in this salon more probably because he wants the outside world to calm the doubts about the status of the prince? After all, the prince did not participate, but his in-laws participated, which is also a side view. It proves the stability of the crown prince." Prince Albert said.

"The Grand Duke of Baden is very hesitant about your position arrangement. He doesn't mind you becoming the prime minister of the Kaiser Prussia, or even becoming the regent will not object, but he is very wary of your attempts to crown power! The reason is simple, he Worrying that your rash actions will split the forces that originally supported the imperial power, and cause serious internal friction. After all, the crown prince has been for decades, and there must be a lot of foundations and supporters! And after all, it is still orthodox, so he I want to maintain the orthodox to ensure the stability of the empire, even at the expense of the Grand Duke of Oldenburg."

"Actually, the starting points of Grand Duke Baden and I are the same. We both want to perpetuate the imperial power, but the same starting point has led to different choices! Grand Duke Baden has a conservative approach, but I have done well. , And leave the preparations for you to go up when necessary. In the end, who is right and who is wrong, and who can hold the position of the Kaiser will eventually take a long time to determine. Grand Duke Baden can reserve his opinion. Even said It is okay to play or not to cooperate. However, he cannot easily pull in other forces into this game!"

"The Grand Duchy of Oldenburg is a relatively low-key state, and its strength is also very average. For this state, my definition of it is to follow the imperial power. Don't think too much about power! We! Don’t let the Grand Duke of Oldenburg have a plan to bind them to the crown prince, because this will make it difficult for me to deal with some things in the future! After all, I am facing a multiple-choice question, and I must guarantee that I You can choose a suitable person between you and the crown prince at any time, and the intervention of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg may make this multiple-choice question the only result! This is something I cannot tolerate! The Grand Duke of Baden did not even realize He might awaken the ambition of a grand duke by doing so. So I rejected him.” The Kaiser explained.

"The Grand Duke of Baden may be the same as me, and there is no clear position for you in the future. Grand Duke Baden is worried that your ambition will cause turmoil in the entire empire, and I am worried that the crown prince is not capable enough. After losing the crown, we do not have one. The right person to replace him, our focus is different, but Grand Duke Baden also supports you in participating in politics and playing an important role. Also, have you not been communicating with Prince Baden recently? So, I want to start some. Albert. As a high-ranking person, you must have enough mind. Prince Baden will eventually inherit the title of Grand Duke. At that time, you will cooperate very happily." The Kaiser said.

"Do you know what you are going to do now?" the Kaiser asked.

"Do what is in front of you, improve your abilities, and wait for your arrangements." Prince Albert said.

"Well, very good, especially the last sentence, which is very good! I still have a long time to consider some difficult issues. You are still too young. You and the crown prince still have a lot to learn and do well. Lay a good foundation for the things in front of you. When you accumulate to a certain level, some things will come naturally. In addition, I don’t want you to conflict with the crown prince on some things, so the things I arrange for you are not overlapping. Don't try to interfere with things outside your scope." The Kaiser nodded and said.

"Father, will you attend this salon?" Prince Albert asked.

"I will not attend After all, this is just a salon. A gathering that belongs to you heirs, neither I nor Grand Duke Baden will attend. You need to learn how to listen to others and how to Analyze the conversations of others and how to control the whole situation."

"Of course, the most important thing is that you must understand what the European policy of the future empire will look like. In Ruprecht's letter, he divided the rest of Europe into allies, friends, neutrals, speculators, and Enemy! This idea is very good. You can think about this issue these days. We have to adopt different policies for different people."

"In addition, it is said that you are studying the country of Italy recently?" the Kaiser asked.

"Yes, Italy should have been a part of the Allied Powers, but on the Libya issue, we helped Turkey, which led to tensions with Italy. Then, in this war, Italy chose to stand on the sidelines and even prepared to join. In the Entente countries, although it is only a matter of face to say that Italy is a strong country, he is different from other small countries after all." Prince Albert said.

"Okay, don't talk about the following content. This is your own idea. Improve it. Then tell all the other participants in the salon. I won't give you any suggestions. Because the ones who participate in the salon are You, not me!" The Kaiser immediately stopped the prince who wanted to continue.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will carefully prepare for this salon." Prince Albert said.

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