The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2378: Bargain three

"Hiss." The Grand Duke of Baden couldn't help taking a breath. He didn't expect Ruprecht to support the Prince of Baden. You know, the Grand Duchy of Baden is considered a strong state in the country, and if the Prince of Baden can If you become prime minister, then it will naturally be of great help to the Grand Duchy of Baden. Sometimes, personal standardism cannot be avoided. Even if Grand Duke Baden expresses his dissatisfaction with the crown prince again, but in this matter, if people agree, you must accept it!

Perhaps, the Kaiser is 60% sure to let someone on his side serve as prime minister, but it is hard to say whether this prime minister will fall on the Prince of Baden! Because the identity of the Prince of Baden is too sensitive, he is the future heir of the Grand Duke of Baden, and according to the usual practice, it is not convenient for the heirs of the most powerful states to be prime minister! Even the Grand Duke of Baden doubted whether Wilhelm II was willing to let his brother be the prime minister! That's right, don't look at the Grand Duke of Baden running around for the Kaiser, but the suspicious Kaiser is still unwilling to make the power of the Principality of Baden too strong. Even now, the Kaiser's eyes are a little wrong when looking at the Grand Duke of Baden!

Of course, the Kaiser would certainly not say that he disagrees with Prince Baden as prime minister. This is too hurtful! The Grand Duke of Baden is not a little Mochi, he is a mountain in the empire, and he is now the most reliable ally of the Kaiser. The Kaiser is reluctant and cannot speak this way to the Kaiser Baden. But to be honest, the Kaiser Baden is not willing to give up. This opportunity! Going to Dali, Prince Baden’s position as prime minister is advantageous to the state, and going to Xiaoli, he can at least get familiar with the imperial government.

"It seems that your Majesty is not satisfied with this condition? Then I can change the condition. The next prime minister is still from the Kaiser Prussia. What do you think?" Ruprecht said.

"We'll talk about this later, but I agree in principle with your consideration." The Kaiser said embarrassingly. If the Kaiser Prussia wants to obtain the right to form a cabinet, Bavaria must help. Otherwise, whether it is a general election or a differential election, if Bavaria voted for the parliamentarians, then the Kaiser will definitely not get the right to form a cabinet... .. But when Prince Baden came to power, the Kaiser also felt a little awkward, um, yes, just awkward. This benefit is not convenient for him to eat, but he can't refuse it!

"We are talking about the previous question. Regarding war reparations, Old Prussia received 50% of all British and French reparations, Austria-Hungary 20%, Bavaria and other states 15%. This is more reasonable and easier for everyone. Accepted. It is of great significance for maintaining the relationship between the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If we cannot reach an agreement, then we can only discuss this issue in the Federal Parliament." The crown prince issued a final statement. Tong Di.

"Can we talk about the punishment of Parliament Prussia first, and then about the distribution of compensation? I think if we can make the Social Democratic Party aware of our mistakes, your goal will be easier to achieve." The Kaiser thought for a while. Said.

"The issue of compensation must be implemented first. Then we will talk about the disposal of Prussia in Parliament." The crown prince said with a smile. Ruprecht thought clearly that as long as the Prussian Federation was not dealt with for a day, it would be equivalent to a sword. Hanging on the other side’s forehead, the Prussian Federation dare not have other ideas. After all, Crook and the crown prince are in a group. It is not the external pressure of the Kaiser and Bavaria that can put the parliamentary at an absolute disadvantage. The pressure of Crook and others in the state!

On the contrary, if the Prussian Federation is dealt with first, then no matter what the outcome is, Bavaria will lose its checks and balances against the Prussian Federation, and then, what if the parliament and the Kaiser are clinging to the issue of war reparations? A simple order issue can make things show completely different results. Therefore, Ruprecht must first solve the problem of dividing war reparations before discussing the punishment of the Prussian Federation!

"Well, Ruprecht, regarding most of the issues we are discussing today, how about a package deal? The empire’s military system on the eastern front is divided into two theaters, the north and the south, as you said. We are in the north and you are in charge of the south. . You can be responsible for the major policies on diplomatic issues, but in exchange, we will still be the next prime minister."

"Then the issue of compensation, we can guarantee that the Austro-Hungarian Empire will get 20%, and Old Prussia will get 50%, but we have to get 30%! The Prussian Federation gets 20%. The most important thing is that we want half of Hanover. Province! We lost this place in Silesia because of the problems of the Poles. Now, when problems occur in the parliamentary provinces, we can get them back! Do you think? We can also achieve this through referendum. "The Kaiser said.

"If only one demonstration can determine the ownership of a province, isn't this a bit too trifling?" Ruprecht asked? "If there is a similar situation in Prussia in the then can the parliamentarians do the same? If this is the case, then what is the use of the so-called state border? The small states of the empire estimate I'm afraid I will live in panic all day long, right?"

Ruprecht obviously does not support the Kaiser’s point of view, not to say that after the Kaiser acquires the entire province of Hanover, the power of both parties will be completely unbalanced, and the parliament of Prussia is not that weak. The key is that the impact of this is very bad. After the outbreak of the civil war in Prussia, many states have been worried. Now, if the precedent for easily seizing state territory is set again, then the so-called cohesion of the German Empire will be really saved. Not much. Ruprecht didn't want to centralize power, but at least not now. It is true that everyone has quickly digested the fruits of victory in the war, and even if the centralization of power is finally achieved, it cannot be concentrated in the hands of the Kaiser. The crown prince can't really believe in the level of the Kaiser!

"Of course, punishment for the parliamentarians is also necessary. Due to the poor ability of the parliamentarians to govern, a referendum can be held in Hannover and other places to decide whether the governance here should be given to the imperial central government or still belong to the parliamentarians. Every five years, a vote is held again to determine the right to manage the city. Of course, this is only the right to manage the city. The territory still belongs to the Prussian Federation, and the tax that the city needs to hand over to the Parliament Prussia still has to be handed in.” Ruprecht said .

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