The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2377: Bargain two

This question may seem simple, but in fact it is very complicated, because the so-called conflict is not just an occasional civil or criminal crime. After all, you have to build barracks and various military facilities in Bavaria, which involves the issue of land and supporting facilities. , For a very simple example, the military camp needs electricity, you can’t build another power plant next to it, right? The most economical way is definitely to pull the root line from Bavaria! However, the power supply is a problem that can take a long time.

For another example, if exercises are required and large-scale military mobilizations are required, what if the requirements of the Reich General Staff and the local Bavarian government conflict? After all, in peacetime, the railway belongs to the Bavarian government, not the Reich General Staff! In fact, the unified layout of railways mentioned by the Crown Prince before is about construction and infrastructure, not about management rights. Think about it, the railway system of the Kingdom of Württemberg was incorporated into the Prussian railway network after 1900, and Bavaria has not yet been incorporated...

"I think the ideas of His Majesty the Emperor and Marshal Xiao Moqi are good, but they did not consider the feasibility of the whole thing. The defense of the future army will focus on the east, and the number of Bavarian troops deployed on the eastern frontier is more than 300,000. The deployment of so many non-Bavarian troops within my state is absolutely unacceptable, and with all due respect, the Austrian Emperor will never willingly cooperate with the German Emperor in the compensation plan you proposed before. The eastern defense system dominated by Prussia. Don't you think?" Ruprecht said calmly.

"What about your opinion?" Xiao Maoqi's face was very bad. He could see that the crown prince did not intend to hand over the security of his borders to the center of the Empire.

"Very simple, divide the war zone. In peacetime, the entire eastern frontier is divided into two defense zones, the North and the South. The North is responsible for the German Emperor Prussia, and the South is responsible for Bavaria. The actual state borders shall prevail, just like we did during the Eastern Front. The division is the same as Marshal Mackensen." Ruprecht said.

"What about the war then?" the Kaiser asked.

"During the war, who is naturally the better commander in chief? I think no one in the entire German army has more experience in combat with Russia, right?" Ruprecht said nothing vaguely. Being able to do whatever you want!

"You are really welcome." Xiao Maoqi said in his heart.

"Even according to your assumptions, we will still station troops in parts of the Prussian Federation. This will also encounter the same problems as your country. If the Prussian Federation can accept the conditions of the central government, why can't Bavaria accept it?" Little Maoqi thought he had found a counterattack.

"Because I am different from them." Ruprecht said with a smile, without any anger. In the eyes of outsiders, the Crown Prince and Imperial Marshal from Bavaria had a very high tolerance for Little Mochi. "Only I can connect the southeast defense line of the German Empire as a whole, and no one else can. My identity makes me awkward sometimes, but sometimes it is really meaningful."

"I feel that sometimes, I am not facing the Crown Prince of Bavaria, but the Prime Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire." Grand Duke Baden muttered in his heart.

"Okay, let's make some constructive suggestions. If we discuss the North Front defense issue with the Prussian Federation as the Kaiser, we can help you solve this. This condition is combined with the Southern State I mentioned earlier. Some concessions made by the country on internal affairs can be regarded as a bargaining chip in my hand, and I want to use this bargaining chip for something.” Ruprecht said.

"Is it a question of compensation?" Grand Duke Baden asked.

"No, no, it is the power to formulate the foreign policy of the empire! Your Majesty, your government can have other rights in the center, but the major policies of foreign affairs must be entrusted to me to formulate." Ruprecht did not say this A trace of hesitation.

"You said before that Bavaria is not interested in central rights, but your current actions have just violated your previous promise." Grand Duke Baden said.

"If the cooperation between Marshal Little Mochi and Marshal Markenson is reassuring in terms of military affairs, then in terms of diplomacy, I don't think there is anyone to rely on in the empire. In fact, I personally feel that after Prime Minister Bismarck went down the field, The overall diplomacy of the empire is mediocre. There are no bright spots."

"To be honest, the strategic layout of the empire in World War 1 was also set during the time of Prime Minister Bismarck. The most important achievement was to allow the Americans to temporarily stand on our side, thus ensuring the supplies of our country during the war. Supply. After the outbreak of the war, I was responsible for contacting the United States, reconciling with France, and receiving diplomatic envoys from other countries. Isn’t that wrong? I actually took over the imperial diplomacy. Part of the work." Ruprecht said. "I took over the diplomatic work of the empire and did not intend to profit from it. Like normal economic and trade exchanges with other countries, I would not bother about it. I decided on strategy. Especially now, when the relationship between the empire and the United States is very delicate~www.novelhall .com~Any mistake can lead to serious consequences."

This is really not the crown prince’s self-effacement. Judging from the current situation, Germany really cannot find a master who is moderately relaxed on the issue of the United States and Japan! There is no way, after all, the crown prince is a traverser, and he has a deeper understanding of future generations than others! Moreover, Ruprecht had dealt with Theodore Roosevelt from before 1898, and it is still considered to have a certain continuity. It is not good to take over in a hurry.

Ruprecht really didn’t get as much benefit as Bavaria in foreign affairs. As I have just said, the crown prince will not intervene in normal foreign trade and so on. It can even be said that he has no time to manage, but only in some important matters. It is enough not to deviate from the main policy. For the United States, it is necessary to ensure the coexistence of cooperation and struggle, for Japan to use, for France to cooperate and control, and for other effects in Europe to win. what? What do you say about Austria-Hungary? It was the crown prince’s own family affairs and nothing to do with diplomacy...

"Isn't this impossible to consider, so what about the price?" The Kaiser thought for a while and felt that there was really no suitable candidate on his side, and let the parliamentary faction control diplomacy? The Kaiser was even more unwilling. Since the crown prince has actually been in contact with diplomatic work, it is not impossible to discuss this issue.

"I can give the Prince of Baden a chance to prove himself. The next time the prime minister of the government changes, we can support the Prince of Baden as his supremacy." Ruprecht said.

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