The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2357: Butterfly's wings

Hoffman once again came to the retired military personnel in the community to fight the defense war with his cane. During the war, he joined the storm commando of his division. They are the elite of the entire division and have the most experience in combat. A force composed of the most dedicated people. They are the attacking spearhead of the German army and the sword to split the enemy's defense line!

In the Storm Commando with a death rate of more than 30%, Hoffman has participated in 5 battles and was awarded the Storm Commando Melee Warrior Medal specially awarded by the group army for his outstanding merits. The condition for obtaining these medals is at least victory. Storm Commando officers and soldiers for 3 assault missions! And only those who have made outstanding contributors can, and Hoffman completed 5 times, and has the record of paralyzing British tanks with grenades twice! Eventually he became a captain because of his credit and retired from the frontline unit due to a leg injury in the last battle.

Hoffman is very grateful to his old boss. Although he withdrew from the front line, during the war, he remained in the army without his family, hung a name, and obtained salary and medicine for the treatment of injuries and illnesses. This kind of humanity made him a sense of identification with the army. However, after the war, a lot of disarmament followed. It was naturally impossible for people like him to continue to stay in the army, so he was arranged to be discharged from the army without accident and returned to Hanover with most of his fellow countrymen. (The geographical position within the German army is very strong. Most of the personnel of an army come from one area.)

On this day, it’s time to receive the living allowance for the next week. Hoffman came to the distribution station early. This is not to say that he was worried that too many people would not be able to receive it because of his physical disability. His colleagues still respected him. , As long as he comes, no matter how many people there are in front of him, and no matter whether he has his own boss before, he can take away his own living expenses along the passage that his former colleagues have let go, relying on the special storm on his chest. Team Melee Warrior Medal.

However, Hoffman didn't want to be a special person, so he either came earlier or later, which is convenient for himself and others.

"This is the certificate from the hospital and my certificate of service." Hoffman stepped forward and sent two certificates to the staff. The first certificate was a certificate issued by the hospital. With this, he can get free Receive some medicines to treat stomach problems. This is because in the previous battle, he was alone in a certain support point on the front line. After eating raw food for almost a week, he could get the relevant medicines for free according to the previous regulations. , And the other is a certificate issued by the army to obtain a security deposit for retirement.

"Why is the compensation only 30 marks? If I remember correctly, I could receive 60 marks a week before." Hoffman said with some dissatisfaction. The previous compensation was quite generous, after all, 60 marks a week, then 240 marks a month, and the annual salary of a skilled German factory worker is about 1000 marks, of course this is before the war.

"This is a new regulation issued by the government. The total amount of compensation remains the same, and part of the compensation is paid in kind. So now, you may need a small cart to get back the food distributed this week." said one. A staff member brought up a bag full of flour and cans.

"Damn it, should I use flour and canned food to pay for utility bills and rent?" Hoffman said angrily, but when he saw the flour in the bag that was already a little hard and the egg powder used to replace fresh eggs , And some kind of canned food with the words "produced in 1910", Hoffman's face suddenly turned blue. This kind of food was eaten when I first joined the army, because of the taste and preservation problems, front-line army logistics personnel refused to accept it! And now, these things seem to be handled for them!

"I refuse to accept this form of using **** to pay for compensation. Please return my dismissal certificate. I refuse to receive this week's supplies." Hoffman said angrily.

"I only want to receive the medicines I need this week and reimbursement of the previous consultation fee." A moment later, Hoffman passed the hospital voucher.

"Sorry, according to the new regulations, most of these drugs will no longer be provided free of charge by the government. The reimbursement ratio of medical expenses has also been adjusted, at least not now." The staff member said embarrassedly.

"It's not fair! When you are living leisurely in the city, I fought in the quagmire of the Western Front, and death and terror follow me like a shadow! I set off for the empire, and the empire can have today’s victory without us. Now you are throwing us away like a rag! You are not even as good as the Junker nobles! I see hypocrisy and ugliness in your behavior!" Hoffman said loudly. "I will keep the right to appeal! Seek justice for me and my colleagues!"

However, at this time, more and more retired soldiers came to the distribution point. After witnessing the sudden drop in treatment, dissatisfaction and anger flooded the crowd.

"We can't remain silent like this! We have to fight back! If the government is unwilling to give us what we deserve, then we must take it ourselves! The current government has completely reduced to the puppets of capitalists and nobles! This empire also has ours. Copy!" A voice rang from the crowd, and more and more people made similar calls.

, after all, came out of the army. Soon, some retired personnel who had served as military officers began to organize the crowd and led the team toward the city center. This situation is not just happening in one place. Similar things have happened in material distribution stations in many places in Hanover. After all, there are more than 7000 disabled soldiers in Hanover, and most of the medical subsidies have been stopped. After that, it is undoubtedly worse for their lives! More and more people began to gather at the city government from all directions, looking from the sky as if a river merged into the sea. Veterans and their families took to the streets and paraded to swear their anger.

"What are you doing? What are the police doing? Are those guys taking government salaries to make them indifferent?" In the morning, Albert and others in Berlin received news about the riots in Hanover, because they are now in During a critical period of domestic politics, I was not in Hamburg, the capital of Prussia, but in Berlin. So he knew it was a little late.

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