The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2358: Butterfly's wings

"The police department claimed that they could not intercept more than 150,000 marchers, and they could only temporarily ensure the safety of key locations." An official next to it said.

"150,000 people? Hehe, do they know what the concept of 150,000 people is? Because of an accidental factor, more than 150,000 people took to the streets to protest? How come I don't know that the moral will people have such a strong organizational ability? Okay, I won’t say much. Tell the mayor and police chief of Hanover that if they can’t quell the incident within 3 days and hold the perpetrators to jail, then just wait to step down!” Albert said angrily. Nothing pleased him. On the issue of compensation, Bavaria did not let go, and the Kaiser was hesitant! Now that the Social Democratic Party is a little lonely! The things discussed before have fallen into a halt, and Albert is really furious!

"It broke out like this?" At the same time, Crook, who was also in Berlin, also learned about what happened in Hanover. Originally, Crook and others were still thinking about how to find an excuse, but the excuse came out by themselves. And according to the information received, not only Hanover, but also other parliament-controlled cities have also experienced riots caused by dissatisfaction with the treatment of veterans.

"Telegraph to Admiral House and let him prepare to do what we have said before. Pay attention to proportions, and must suppress violent agencies such as the police and prisons. As for the National Army organized by the parliament during the period of civil unrest, the focus is more important. Take care!" Crook said.

That night, in the busy Hannover Police Station all night, Police Chief Paulson looked at the visitor in casual clothes with a complicated expression. Even if he was just sitting there, Paulson could feel the weight of the other person. The air of killing. This kind of temperament can only be tempered after countless battles on the battlefield. Compared with this kind of people, the so-called elites under his own are like a bobcat versus a lion.

Two hours ago, Paulson, who realized that the situation was a bit out of control, asked the local garrison for help. Then, an officer and this man in civilian clothes came to the police station, and the pseudonym Hansen The person asked to have an interview with himself alone.

"Mr. Paulson, I think you already know the ins and outs of this incident. The outbreak of this incident was caused by the government's harsh treatment of veterans and soldiers," Hansen said.

"Yes, what the government has done is really wrong. But I need to make it clear that my duty is to ensure the stability and order of Hanover. Regardless of the cause of this matter, we must prohibit such things. Because it is straightforward. Affected the normal order of society, the demonstrators blocked the traffic, and accompanied by a certain degree of chaos, and they even blocked the government agencies, unable to work at all." Paulson paused and continued.

"So, we need help from the military. Of course, I know that it is a bit too much for you to start with your former colleagues, but you should at least restrict them and send them home safely. I think many things can be discussed. My subordinates are also restraining their use of force as much as possible. I sympathize with their encounters. After all, I have an older brother who died on the battlefield."

"We also don't want to make things uncontrollable." The first half of Hansen's sentence made Paulson feel relieved, but then the second half of the sentence made Paulson feel tighter! "But the reasonable demands of the retired officers and soldiers must be met, and the government's mistakes must also be corrected. From the current point of view, it seems difficult for the government to make up the compensation for the retired officers and soldiers through negotiation."

"Are you saying that the military supports this matter?" As soon as he said this, Paulson felt a cold air from his tailbone directly onto his forehead! Disturbances by retired officers and soldiers and military disturbances are completely two concepts. The former is just trouble, and the latter is terrible!

"Are you kidding? The Empire will not allow this to happen. Soldiers cannot interfere in politics with their sabers! Do you want to rebel?" Paulson said sharply. However, in Hansen's opinion, this style is nothing more than a foreigner.

"We never planned to rebel. Do you think this is okay? Mr. Chief Police Officer, we will persuade the organizers of the parade to march along the prescribed route. We will not interfere with traffic and factory production. But we will be concentrated near government offices. We must Let them hear our voice." Hansen said.

"That will affect government work," Paulson said.

"This is our purpose! They must change their previous mistakes. And we will seek to accuse the Social Democratic Rightists of stupid behavior at a higher level!" Hansen said.

"This is probably difficult for us to cooperate." Paulson said.

"If there are things that people don't want to see, then I think the army will come directly to isolate the demonstrators and the police. Don't talk to us about legal issues. According to the laws of the German Empire, the military of various states will be affected by the state. The Ministry of National War and the General Staff’s temperance. But unfortunately Now Parliament Prussia has not established this system, so we are nominally controlled by the Imperial General Staff, and we have nothing to do with the Social Democratic Party. Relationship!" Hansen said.

"Fuck! It makes sense..." Paulson really couldn't say anything about Hansen's rhetoric, because the German Empire was like this. The army is under the control of the General Staff and the War Department, and these departments are directly responsible to the monarch. But now, Parliament Prussia has yet to establish this management system. After all, how did a group of parties that started in Parliament establish the so-called Ministry of War and the General Staff? You know, the prerequisite for entering the German leadership department is that you must understand the military, that is to say, a pure civilian official is not acceptable! You at least understand both military and civil service, that's ok. As for the British suit, Churchill is in charge of the navy as a civilian, and Lloyd George is the minister of war as a civilian. There is no market for this in Germany!

Of course, the parliamentary faction has not raised the issue of using civilian officials to govern the army, but looking at the way the Allies were spanked and pissed, this resolution will never be passed. The army will not allow a group of laymen to command, and the German people also Concerned about this leadership ability...

"Okay, okay, let's sort out each other's views. First, we must try our best to ensure order and avoid **** conflicts. You will appeal your opinions in a more relaxed way. Is this the head office? We must at least ensure that the government works The safety of personnel, can you recognize this?" As a violent agency, the police are far inferior to the military. In this case, Paulson can only give way!

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