The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2355: The Eve of the Storm

"But unfortunately, given the physical condition of the two generals, they may not be able to work with us for too long. General Pinoff has limited influence and prejudices against us." Count Schelling said. Admiral Crook himself is old and injured, and his health is indeed not good.

"Someone will make it up." The crown prince said with a smile.

"Your Excellency Commander, Mr. Buhler is here." Soon after Crook returned to his residence, a guard who had followed him on the Western Front for two years reported to him, although the war was over. Although he is no longer the commander of the First Army of the Western Front of the German Empire, this young fellow is still used to calling him the Commander Commander, and this name also allows Crook to recall his grandeur on the Western Front. The years and the experience of blood and fire.

"Well, let him wait in the living room." Crook thought for a while and said. For Buhler, Crook's initial impression was not good. After all, Buhler was a former colonel in the German army. During the German civil strife, he served as the parliamentary military side and fought with Xiao Maoqi. One thing, Crook was never friendly to him, and the first few meetings often ended up unhappy.

However, with the deepening of exchanges, Mr. Buhler, who is currently serving as the liaison between the parliamentary faction and the military, is a person who really intends to do some practical things. At the same time, he is really concerned about the placement of military personnel. Within his scope of power, Mr. Buhler It is also considered to be doing his best, so Crook's attitude towards Buhler began to change somewhat. However, the communication between the two parties is limited to work, and there is very little personal communication. Like this time, it was the first time Buhler came to the door!

"Mr. Buhler, it is not a good thing for you and me to come to my private house on a rest day. If possible, I hope that our communication will only stop at work and in the office." After the lean, Crook said. Obviously, Crook did not want to have too much personal communication with Buhler. Even though the latter is very cooperative with him at work.

"There is one very important thing that I need to tell you in advance. You and the military must be prepared." Buhler didn't care about Crook's attitude, but directly explained his intentions: "After 5 days, The state government will pass a resolution that they will further reduce military spending. I calculated that if you want to ensure the normal operation of the military, the number must be reduced by about 120,000 within a week. You must consider the number of these personnel. Placement issues."

"Is that kidding? Resettled 120,000 people within a week? Do they think that resettlement means driving the soldiers out of the barracks? Because of funding issues, our previous resettlement did not meet the expected plan, and they always criticized us for doing things. Inefficient, but I will never let my soldiers enter society without a guarantee of life! This is an insult and cruelty to those soldiers who fought for the empire!" Admiral Crook's words were full of anger.

"It's impossible." Crook emphasized again.

"This resolution will definitely be passed. The state cabinet has already made a decision, and the state assembly will also pass it. This is completely legal from a legal point of view. I considered the difficulties of the military, so I asked the parliamentary government to pay the next one in advance. The quarterly deposit for retired military personnel." Buhler said with a sad face.

"Aren't they willing to pay?" Crook said with a frown.

"Mr. Hasay agreed, but Mr. Albert requested that part of the deposit be paid in the form of food and supplies." Buhler said.

"Pay in the form of materials? Ha ha." Crook sneered. The tricky Crook among them naturally knows that the so-called material payment is just to deal with surplus war materials of the army and the government, such as canned food, various rusks, and dried vegetables. These things are definitely not as good as Mark who got them directly. This method is beneficial to the government, because they dispose of surplus materials and save money, and it is also beneficial to capitalists, because the government helps them dispose of the inventory. The only ones who suffer are the officers and soldiers waiting for placement. For this kind of behavior, Crook naturally hates it!

"Your Excellency, we must be prepared. Even if everything is implemented without problems, we are only using tomorrow's resources to fill today's deficit. If possible, I hope you can worry more about the soldier's work. Once hundreds of thousands of people enter society with grievances, it is definitely a very unstable factor. I will find a way to get some of the funding problems." Buhler said.

"First of all, Mr. Buhler, I am very grateful that you took the risk to inform me of this matter. On behalf of all soldiers who fought for the German Empire, I thank you for your care and dedication."

"Secondly, if you can, I hope you resign from all military-related duties before this resolution is issued. This is for your own benefit." After a full three minutes of silence, Admiral Crook said to Buhler very sincerely. No government will allow internal personnel to communicate with the parties involved in the resolution before a major resolution is issued, and it is at a very sensitive juncture in the internal politics of the German Therefore, Bühler can do this. This kind of thing really requires courage. In this regard, Crook is very respectful.

"General, I don't understand what you mean. At this time, too drastic action will only plunge the empire into chaos." Buhler heard some deep meanings in Crook's words. Obviously, this time the military is ready to launch a counterattack, and it is a very violent counterattack! Bühler believes that the army has this power because the foundation of the parliamentary faction is not stable, and because the army has just ended the war, the control of military power is still the overwhelming advantage of the old generals.

"General, I hope you can calm down. If you insist on your opinion, then I may report to your Excellency when necessary. The empire has finally stabilized. From the overall situation, we absolutely cannot experience another turmoil. "Buller warned.

"Report me? Then throw me to jail? Then you have to move faster because you need to catch too many people. And, how do you need to be accused? What did I do? Just because of what I said. "Crook said with a smile.

Crook dismissed Buhler’s warning. After all, even if the parliament could take him down, how could it be possible to purge the entire army? And at this time, if the parliamentary faction acted rashly, it would definitely be a more fierce counterattack from the army!

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