The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2354: Implementation two

Originally the checks and balances between the parliament and the Kaiser were beneficial to Bavaria, but now, if this balance is broken, for example, in the lower house, if the parliament loses its ability to veto, will the Kaiser gradually capture it What about the power of the central government? Ruprecht didn't know. But he knows one thing, that is, if you don't beat the domestic aristocracy and the bourgeoisie now, then in the future, the income of the empire will flow to the middle and lower levels very few! This is not something that can be determined by so-called political interests. It is the foundation of a country and an important moment for a country to build cohesion. Therefore, even if the interests of Bavaria may be damaged, the crown prince must teach some people a lesson and tell them, Be fair when making cakes!

"If we want to attack the Lower House of the Reichstag, then we must start with the Federal Parliament. Now the Prime Minister and the Reichstag are simultaneously responsible to the Federal Assembly. Only the Federal Parliament has the ability to order the dissolution of the Lower House of the Reichstag. Now although the Federal Assembly has passed the number of votes. It is more than two-thirds, which is a bit lower than the previous three-quarters, but if the Kaiser and the parliamentary faction join forces, you will not be able to get two-thirds of the votes." Crook thought for a while and said.

"The alliance between the German emperor and the parliamentary faction is not as strong as you think. Essentially, they chose to join forces in order to increase their allocated share. They are only for money, not for me or the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Enemy. Because there is no need." The crown prince said with a smile.

Does the German Emperor and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have any enemies? To be honest, there must be resentment, because the Kingdom of Bavaria can develop to the present level, and it is inseparable from the help of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The most critical turning point is that Princess Mary became Bohemia-Moravia. Grand Duke! This has directly nearly doubled the population and territory controlled by Ruprecht! The Kaiser thought that if Bavaria had not formed a deep alliance with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bavaria could only stand on the side of the Kaiser during the domestic turmoil. The reason is very simple. The Kaiser would at least guarantee the Bavarian crown and the crown prince. Rights within the kingdom, but the parliamentary faction wants all kings and princes to become an honorary title!

But now? What is the use of hatred? It is useless except to make myself depressed by watching the rise of Bavaria. What does it mean to look forward? If Ruprecht is the Kaiser, then he will temporarily avoid the conflict with Bavaria, because you do not have this ability, and the parliamentarians are only short-term allies and long-term opponents, because Bavaria does not treat the central government. There is not much interest, and there is no room for relaxation between the parliamentarians and the Kaiser in the fight for central power! Therefore, if it can weaken the opponent's position in the central government and ensure that he has a lot of funds, then why does the Kaiser have to fight with Bavaria to the end?

Isn’t fighting with Bavaria just for money? And if you can send the parliament a hand, you will have a lot of money, and you can get the rights of the parliament, and you can also get a lot of public support. Why doesn't the Kaiser do this? To put it in perspective, the Kaiser, parliament and Bavaria are three lions. They are all guarding each other. They are looking for each other’s loopholes and weaknesses. Once they find that one of the lions is shaken or weakened, then the other two The Lions rushed forward without hesitation and severely tore off a piece of meat!

"Then shall we contact His Majesty the Kaiser?" Pinov thought for a while and wanted to ask.

"At least you don't need to. If you want to connect some people, you can try to contact your former colleagues and the old ministry and let them support us. Just build momentum. You don't need to ask too much. The rest of the administrative level operation is left to I'm done." Ruprecht said.

"So good, have you considered how to end it? Although this matter is good for the public interest. But if it is done too much, it may not be enough, and even if the parliament does it badly, there must be problems with Kaiser Prussia and Bavaria. What if something affects you or other countries?" Crook said.

"Appropriate spread is needed. I even hope that the officers and soldiers of my army will report some ugly behaviors during the resettlement process! As for the scope of control? We don't care about this matter for the time being. You don't think the parliamentary faction will face it. In this case, there is no way, right? They are very good at guiding public opinion and evading blame. I am afraid that they will not be ruthless enough to come and fight!" Ruprecht sneered.

Ruprecht is deeply touched by the parliamentary refusal. High-level people like Shedeman said to throw it away! It's very straightforward. Even if some high-level parliamentarians are involved, they can also dock the gecko and lose the car to protect the handsome! This is the political advantage of the party itself. If the parliamentary faction moves faster, the strike effect may not be good!

"Well, Your Highness, we will follow your arrangement, but I hope you can keep your promise in this cooperation. You are only for your own legitimate interests. You promised us to help us arrange the livelihood of retired officers and soldiers. After the two sides discussed the relevant details, before leaving, Admiral Crook said again.

"You are too worried, your admiral." Ruprecht said calmly.

"I hope this is the beginning of our good cooperation." Compared to Admiral Crook who is still on guard, Admiral House is rather friendly. In the original Western Front Army senior level, Admiral House was the one who dealt more with Bavaria. At least in the previous contacts, the Crown Prince had a good reputation. At the time when the Germans and the parliament were most embarrassed, Ruprecht did not oppress too much. Now, naturally, Bavaria will not do too much. It is reasonable and reasonable to take 35% of the war reparations, and help the parliament to resettle Prussia. Retiring the army is also a condition that Crook and others cannot refuse.

"His Royal Highness, do you think Crook and others will become our future allies? We are only a cooperative relationship now, and both sides take what they need." After the meeting, Earl Schelling asked.

"The establishment of allies begins with cooperation. General Crook is a person who is worthy of trust and admiration. We have common ideals and goals. They are all for the empire and not limited to a certain class or group. We should be tolerant of such partners, as long as it is not the core issue, then we can seek common ground while reserving differences." Ruprecht said.

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