The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2321: Core question one

"Our current bases and factories in Australia, Canada and Singapore provide your country with at least 300 various aero-engines on average every month. Do you know the concept of a three-fold increase? If it is an air-cooled engine below 200 horsepower, we It can barely increase the production capacity of overseas bases to around 600 units. But what you want is Royce Rolls’ top-notch Eagle engine, which can only be produced locally and the output is limited.” Lloyd George said .

"Maybe it is really difficult to produce so many engines in a short time. After all, your country’s local military system is under the supervision of the Germans. I understand this. However, your country’s current aircraft fleet is not large, although V1500 There are very few types of aircraft, but the number of twin-engine aircraft such as FB27 is not large, and one aircraft has two engines. And there are a large number of well-made parts in your country, which have not been monitored by the Germans. Within the scope, your country can transport them to Singapore or India, and then complete the final assembly there."

"You should be very clear that the Germans will not allow Britain to retain a large-scale air force, let alone allow your country to own large bombers. These aircraft and engines are actually meaningless to your country. In the end, the best result is It's just dismantling. Instead of this, why not use waste to convert it into gold or silver?" Ishii Kikujiro said.

The Japanese have a very good homework. They have already figured out how to help Britain "tap the potential"! Useful engines were recovered from the aircraft that was about to be demolished, and a large number of engines were transported out of the UK in the form of spare parts using the method of moving mice and then assembled in Southeast Asia. These can increase the number of engines exported by the British in a short period of time, and they are also the most likely to be accepted by the British, because as the Japanese say, this is indeed "waste utilization"!

"If I were the Prime Minister of Japan, I would suggest that you take charge of military production during the war." Lloyd George thought for a while and said. This statement has shown his attitude, at least the British will not object!

"In addition to increasing the supply of aero engines, we have another requirement. We hope that your country can help us build an engine assembly line in the Philippines and assign specialized technicians to help us improve the engines. After all, Japan’s future The main theater of war is the tropical region. The environment here is completely different from Europe with a mild climate. At the same time, we also need a large number of skilled workers and professionals to help us mass-produce qualified engines as soon as possible. The more personnel, the better." Said.

"This is a very long process. I have reviewed relevant information. With your country's industrial and technological level, it is very difficult to establish an assembly line and it cannot be completed within a few months. Especially A production line that produces complex liquid-cooled engines. If the delay is too long, it may cause major diplomatic troubles to the British Empire. You should be clear that it is abnormal for a large number of British people to appear in the Philippines." He George said pointedly.

"If it doesn't work for a few months, then we can do it for a year. Of course, it's better to be faster. Money is not a problem." Ishii Kiujiro answered very simply.

"The Japanese seem to be pretending to be stupid." Lloyd George gave a look at Prime Minister Asquith, who was sitting on the seat.

"Well, Mr. Envoy, let us be more clear. Before your country and the United States are at war, we can export all kinds of military equipment and materials to your country. Once the two sides are at war, in order to avoid Necessary political trouble. Even if we can provide your country with some supplies, we can’t do too much. After all, the British Empire is already very weak, and we don’t want to offend the Americans anymore. And a large number of British technicians helped in the war. If your country produces an engine, I think it will lead to more serious consequences. This is not a question of money, I hope you can understand it.” Asquith pointed out the matter directly.

"Hehe." Ishii Kikujiro smiled slightly. "Your answer makes me feel a little ridiculous. I really want to know a question. I can feel your country's future national strategy is very vague. You want to abandon your previous allies and try to win over a stronger country. And put it into practice. However, it’s a pity that people don’t appreciate it, and some of the actions are more excessive than the Germans who defeated your country on the battlefield, right? If I remember correctly, Mr. Lloyd George, it should be Did you handle this matter?"

Lloyd George’s visit to the United States is not a secret. At that time, the British wanted to use the strength and attitude of the Americans to put pressure on the Germans, so they sent some news from some special channels. And the Americans did not deliberately keep it secret, because the Americans also showed it to the Germans, telling the Germans In the future Pacific War, the United States is not only an ally of Germany, so the Japanese get these The message is normal.

Of course, everyone knows that the final result is that neither the Americans nor the British achieved their goals, and the difference between the quotations and asking prices of the two parties was so great that the talks fell apart.

"Mr. Lloyd George, I want to know, when you left the United States angrily, did you think that such a move would completely ruin the bridge of reconciliation between the United States and Britain? You must know the result, but you still did it, then To illustrate a problem, the United States and Britain will remain hostile for a long time in the future. For the two countries in a hostile state, is it not normal to retaliate against their enemies?"

"Think about it, Honorable Prime Minister." Ishii Kikujiro turned his head and said to Asquith: "Your country's military trade with Japan cannot be hidden from the Americans. After the war, if Japan loses, the Americans will Does your country just provide us with engines without arranging a production line and show mercy to your people?"

"Of course, we are very clear that the United States will not attack your homeland, but this does not mean that the United States will not attack your country’s global colonization, such as Malay in Southeast Asia, Sarawak, and India in South Asia. This place is inherently unstable. The Americans only need to instigate a little bit and provide a little help to your country. What your country wants is a stable colony that can provide wealth, not a festering one. , A colony that requires a lot of local effort to maintain, do you say I’m right?"

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