The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2320: Sad Japan Airlines

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How do you say that, since the birth of such things as aero engines, whether it is in this dimension or in history, the British aeroengines have been top and half at the worst... Even after the cold war! What about Japan? At least from the current point of view, Japanese high-performance aviation engines are still completely at the stage of incoming materials assembly! That’s right, it’s just assembling. It’s not even processing with supplied materials. The point is that you can assemble complete cylinders, fuel supply equipment, and cooling equipment for the Japanese, but if you give the Japanese spark plugs and fuel Nozzles, bearings, etc., then they can't be assembled well...

The Japanese have not tried hard, but the ideal is full, the reality is very skinny, they want to imitate the British engine, considering that the liquid-cooled engine has the advantages of lower resistance and better heat dissipation, but the structure is more complex and resistant to damage Relatively poor. Therefore, the Japanese chose to imitate the result relatively simple, more prudent air-cooled engine, you must know that the first engine copied by the Japanese in history is the Bristol Saturn engine, which is an air-cooled engine. Is this choice right? It is correct from an industrial point of view and technically, but in fact, the choice of the Japanese has pitted themselves!

The performance of the engine that the Japanese first imitated was not particularly good. It was the British clerget  9B 9-cylinder star air-cooled engine. To be honest, the performance of this engine is really not good. This 173KG engine has only horsepower. Output, the maximum engine speed is only 1250 rpm, and the power-to-weight ratio is only. It's the worst of the British engines.

Let’s talk about some more powerful ones, such as the British liquid-cooled engine, which is not heavy and has an output of 450 horsepower! The speed has also reached 2000 rpm! The work weight is more than up to! The latter is clearly the crown of British engines! The former is actually a low-end product!

When choosing this engine, the Japanese navy and army also expressed extreme dissatisfaction. After all, in this plane, the engine power of later German fighters is more than 175 horsepower! If you take into account the ground attack, you can jump to more than 400 horsepower! The engine chosen by the Japanese industry is obviously unbearable for the Japanese navy and army, which is pursuing tallness. This thing is too backward! So much so that Gonbee Yamamoto said that Japan's first engine was already behind before it was produced!

However, the end result is surprising. The performance of the Japanese version of the engine produced by the Japanese with a full set of drawings and molds can be described as tragedy. The problems include, but are not limited to, short cylinder life and unstable engine speed. , Unqualified heat sink processing, abnormal spark plug coking, unexplained engine vibration, parking in the air and fire....... In the first batch of pilot production engines, as many as 18 aircraft crashed due to engine problems! In fact, there were only 30 engines in the first trial production...

So the Japanese were shocked! Fear! After paying an hourly wage of up to £5 per hour, the Japanese finally invited experts from British aviation engines. What is the concept of an hourly salary of £5 per hour? According to 8 hours a day, a day is 40 pounds. If you don’t take a break, it’s £1200! At the time, a British MK tank was only £5,000!

According to the Japanese understanding, there used to be British original drawings and molds, but now with British original engineers, the problem will always be solved, right? The British professional and technical personnel with an hourly salary of up to £5 are indeed very good. They quickly discovered many problems in the Japanese industry, including but not limited to too large tolerances for castings, unqualified parts heat treatment, insufficient mechanical strength, and fuel octane rating. Too low and a series of problems! And said that if you want to solve these problems, it will take a "longer time."

Then the Japanese decided to replace them with British ones when the performance of the self-produced engines was not up to standard. It stands to reason that this matter should be too late at this point. After the original British air-cooled engines were used, the response of the troops was indeed okay. But then, when these aircraft were deployed to the Philippines and Guinea, the problem came again! The stability and life of the engine plummeted. In this regard, the explanation given by British experts is that under current technical conditions, tropical air with high humidity and salinity is very unfriendly to air-cooled engines! No way, if the temperature is too high, the heat dissipation efficiency will definitely be affected!

So, in the end, the suggestion given by the British experts was to let the Japanese try with a liquid-cooled engine... So, this is embarrassing! For the British, although it was only World War I, both liquid-cooled and air-cooled engines became a system. Even when designing the aircraft, the exchange of liquid cooling and air-cooling under special circumstances was considered. But for Japan, it takes a "longer time" to build a relatively low-level air-cooled engine. Not to mention the liquid-cooled engine?

Facing the tragic situation that war may start at any time in the next year, the Japanese really have no choice, so they can only decide to increase engine imports and solve the heart problem of the Japanese Air Force through a large amount of "stocking" before the war starts~www.novelhall. com~ So, this time, Ishii Kiujiro's first strategic goal in this negotiation is to purchase as many aero engines and accessories as possible! And persuaded the British to continue to provide related products during the war.

"If these plans can be realized, the Japanese Air Force engine problem during the war should be solved?" Last night, before finalizing the negotiation plan, Ishii Kiujiro said in his heart. But is this really the case? Can only say that it is possible! With the continuous advancement of technology, the performance of the product itself is indeed very important, but the maintenance and maintenance of the equipment and related teams have also become very important! The Japanese may be able to accumulate a large number of engines to meet the needs of the Air Force for engines on paper, but you must know that engines need to be maintained, which requires a large number of professionals and teams to effectively maintain these precision equipment. The Japanese can stock up on engines, but what about the urgently needed professionals?

In fact, this kind of problem is not only the current Japanese need to face, even in the history of World War II, some equipment will change the battlefield due to environmental differences and maintenance issues will lead to a decline in combat readiness, for example, from the Pacific battlefield to Europe. P38 on the battlefield. After arriving in Europe, in winter operations, the P38 suffered from the cold and humid air of Europe, which led to a decline in combat readiness. The British and German air forces operating in Africa were also very passive by the local desert climate. Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Ishii Kikujiro, he has only really started today's work!

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