The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2319: Visitors from the Far East II

"Second, now, the new world hegemon who can dominate the destiny of Britain wants Britain to continue to do business with us. You should be very clear that if Germany is unwilling, then your country may not even give us a shell, but Germany For the empire’s own interests, they want to see our relationship with Britain continue, and they want to see the British weapons in our hands full of American blood, so you will meet me here, am I right? "

"Well, since we all have needs for each other, then don't put on airs anymore. Everyone clarifies the problem, we make requests, you raise prices, and where there are difficulties, we can negotiate with each other and solve the problem. Okay?" Ishii Kikujiro paused and continued. "By the way, I am the plenipotentiary representative of the Japanese Empire. We can discuss many things, not only the future arms sales, but also economic cooperation or even some unconventional military cooperation! If in a short time, expensive If the country cannot solve the South Asian problem, we can even do it for you!"

"It seems that your homework is very good." Asquith said helplessly.

"Thank you for the compliment. After all, our meeting will determine the fate of the two countries. We must be cautious on this issue." Ishii Kikujiro said with a smile.

"Well, let's talk about these parts first. The British Empire’s overseas supplies." Asquith: "As long as the price is reasonable, we can save all the remaining supplies for the local British army. Sold to your country, the price and material catalog will be listed to you later."

"Okay, we will select the products we need." Ishii Kikujiro nodded and said.

"I suggest that your country should accept all the materials. It is good to do so," Asquith said.

"Accept all? Including rifles produced in the 1980s and [31 update fast] bullets? What are you kidding? Let the Japanese Empire help to dispose of the garbage? Even if you dispose of discarded ammunition, you should give us a processing fee. !" Ishii Kikujiro said dissatisfied.

"Even though it is the rifle of the last century, the British Empire has always maintained these weapons very well, and they can still play their role. As the head of military production in the British Empire who has experienced a full-scale war, I can say responsible, Your country’s current reserves of weapons are simply not enough. Large-scale land warfare is inevitable on huge islands such as Guinea. The consumption of materials and ammunition will be very terrifying. Moreover, because of the blockade of the US and German navies, Once a war starts, it may be difficult for supplies to pass. Therefore, it is always good to prepare something in advance. Although I don’t know how your country’s General Staff makes a war plan, I can say that the actual needs of the battlefield are certain. It will be much more than you planned!"

"And you should be very clear about one thing. In this war, we still used a lot of weapons from the last century, such as a large number of 6-pounders, 12-pounders, etc., so I think your country’s purchase of these things is Need, of course, considering the depreciation of equipment, these products will be cheaper. They will be much cheaper than your country’s newly-made rifles, and they are much easier to use. We produced the Lee Enfield rifle in 1895 with better performance than your country’s 38 rifle Better use, more firepower! However, the price is cheaper. Isn't this a very good business? The limited industry in your country can be used for other more important aspects." Lloyd George said in a hurry.

"I never thought that someone could be so gentle on buying and selling!" After listening to Lloyd George's words, Ishii Kikujiro cursed the British's greed and shamelessly in his heart!

In the eyes of the Japanese, this is entirely an action by the British to dump their inventory. They took advantage of this opportunity to package and sell weapons that had been in the warehouse for an unknown number of years. In his opinion, what do the Japanese need? What was needed was British engines, artillery, ships, and various high-tech equipment. As a result, the first thing the British did was to get Japan to take back a bunch of rags, and it was so ridiculous that Ishii Kikujiro really opened his eyes. !

However, if you say that the British are bluffing, it is also wrong, because according to the reaction of the Japanese army in Europe, the British Lee Enfield rifle is better than the 38 gun, regardless of the former design and finalization in 1895. The 38th rifle was shaped by Japan after the Russo-Japanese War... And the British also said that the second-hand goods are dealt with at a discount, which is really cheaper than the 38 guns newly produced by the Japanese original factory.

Well, thinking of this, Ishii Kikujiro couldn't help but say something really fragrant... Of course, Ishii, who had taken up the military class before coming here, knew very well that guns might be cheaper, but bullets are not cheap, and after buying a large number of British guns, they have to buy terrifying ammunition, which is stuck! Because the British will not change their calibre!

According to the common people's this time, the Japanese should definitely refuse. However, Ishii Kikujiro understood very well that if the British were to be blocked on this issue, then it would not be so easy to make progress on matters that the Japanese are concerned about. The fundamental interests of the two parties are the same, and the negotiations are pursued. It is also the maximization of benefits, not the comparison! Otherwise it is easy to fall into a deadlock.

"Maybe buying some second-hand goods in moderation will also help ease our pressure, but we still have to ensure that these products are what we need, and your country must guarantee the quality! On this issue, I can give your country a limit of 2 million pounds . Used to help your country deal with some of the old goods of the last century, um, that’s it." Ishii Kikujiro said. This answer can be described as polite and courteous. It satisfies the requirements of the British to a certain extent, but at the same time restricts the purchase amount. The figure of 2 million pounds is just right. It is not too much for a country, but it is not too small. The British can't say anything.

The Japanese took a step back, and then need to go further!

"The quantity and quality of aero engines that your country currently provides us with each month are seriously inadequate. We need the latest Eagle engines produced by Royce Rolls. The quantity must be increased by at least three times! We still need a large amount of As for accessories and maintenance equipment, your country’s liquid-cooled engine has very good performance, but it is not suitable for use in tropical regions. Therefore, if possible, I hope your country will make adjustments and modifications to the engines exported to China.” said Kikujiro Ishii The issue that Japan is most concerned about is the aero engine!

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