The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2178: Operation Outpost One

Ten days later, after another bombardment of the British coast by the High Seas Fleet, the huge High Seas Fleet took a rest in Wilhelmshaven and once again crossed the Kiel Canal to the base group in the Baltic Sea as ten days ago. Outside the port of Kiel, the huge high seas fleet left like a group of scattered lions. The first and second battleship detachments stayed at the port of Kiel, the third and fourth battleship detachments went to Danzig and the fifth battleship detachment. Port Steeding, while Hipper’s battlecruiser detachment went to Königsberg. Where, there is an aircraft carrier detachment that has been nesting in the Baltic Sea. As for the associated light cruisers and destroyers, most of them followed their main fleet into various ports.

And just before that, a large number of artillery transport ships, heavy equipment, and personnel have gathered in these ports, posing a posture of preparing to replace the battleship artillery. And if someone can get some internal information, then they will know that the German Navy has ordered a large number of lubricants, optical equipment, ammunition and other consumables. It looks like the final rest is about to take place. Based on the previous information, it is inferred that the repair time may last for more than half a month!

At this time, in the meeting room of the Admiralty Building in Kiel Harbour, the top German navy and air force are planning a major operation aimed at destroying the British airfields in the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands. This operation codenamed "North Sea Outpost" finally kicked off! This action will be the prelude to a decisive battle between the British and German navies. This time, all the main forces of the high seas fleet will be dispatched, including the aircraft carrier detachment!

"All warships of the High Seas Fleet will be replenished with all fuel and ammunition within two days, and the condition of the ships can reach a satisfactory level." Admiral Scheer first introduced the basic situation.

"The navy and air force deployed in Denmark and Norway are also ready. We have sufficient supplies and high morale to attack at any time. If required by His Highness, we can dispatch within 2 and a half hours after receiving the order. More than 600 aircraft provide air defense cover for the fleet. If you need our bombs to help, then we can also concentrate at least 200 K8 bombers and bombers." Admiral Harder in charge of this air support mission Said.

"So are there weather conditions suitable for our attack recently?" Ruprecht asked. The weather problem can never be ignored in wars, and this time it is the same. If bad weather can be used as cover, then the German fleet will undoubtedly have a much better chance of winning this time.

"Three days later, there will be cloudy and rainy weather in the eastern part of the North Sea, which will last for about two days, and will disperse in the morning of the third day. If we take advantage of this weather, we can be under the cover of severe weather throughout the process, and the possibility of our exposure will be great. Lower." Admiral Hipper said.

"Although rain will not have much impact on the navigation of the capital ship and the bombardment of the airport, it will affect our air support. Let alone whether our aircraft can take off, it is almost impossible to perform missions in the storm. Yes. In the worst case, if the high seas fleet and the large fleet meet in bad weather, it will be very disadvantageous." Admiral Halder said.

"Yes, most of our battleships are equipped with high-explosive bombs or specially-made long-range grenades, which are not suitable for fleet warfare at all. Moreover, our **** fleet is small, and it is easy to be caught by British light cruisers and destroyers in troubled waters in bad weather. "A general said.

"We entered the North Sea through the Skagerrak Strait at noon on the fifth day, arrived at the target area at 3 o'clock in the morning, and then attacked the British airfields in the two islands under the cover of the air force." Ruprecht said.

"Then which island shall we attack first?" Admiral Scheer asked.

"Split the forces and attack at the same time, the Bavarian-class battleship and the attached fleet attacked the Orkney Islands, and the remaining fleet attacked the Shetland Islands." Ruprecht said.

"If it encounters the British fleet, the situation may be worse." Admiral Scheer said with some worry.

"I will send a long-range reconnaissance aircraft to confirm the situation of the British fleet in the Gulf of Forth before the fleet reaches the target area. The fleet is too large for the British to produce so many fake targets. As long as it is at time T. The British fleet did not set off, so we can calmly kill the target. Because of the night and weather, the British aircraft in this archipelago cannot take off. We will not be in any danger except for the submarine that may be on the seabed. "Ruprecht said.

"What if the British fleet disappears?" Hipper asked.

"Then this operation is cancelled." Ruprecht answered very decisively.

"This, isn't it good?" Admiral Scheer said. "From our timetable and recent weather conditions, this may be our only opportunity. Unless you are willing to extend the war."

"Then extend Looking at the doubtful generals, Ruprecht explained: "We have planned for a long time and made arrangements. If nothing happens, the British should be there. The port is doing the final combat readiness work. According to their materials and ship conditions, this combat readiness will last a long time. If at this time, the British fleet suddenly dispatches, then our intelligence has been leaked. Under circumstances, we do not need to fight the enemy who takes the lead. "

Ruprecht is still very cautious. He will never fight his opponent when the opponent has an intelligence advantage. He clearly knows that the opponent is prepared, then it's not a problem with his head if he goes recklessly. Generally speaking, Ruprecht is still very confident about his plan, except for internal leaks. And if the secrecy measures are no problem, Ruprecht really wonders why the British fleet, which is so embarrassed that it can only guarantee single-digit days of fuel, will be dispatched at this time. If the British go out for cruise occasionally, then Ruprecht can only say yes, and then add a sentence of God bless Great Britain...

"And if we give up this action, then our decisive battle time must also be extended, seeing the end, we must stabilize." Ruprecht said.

"Any questions?" Ruprecht asked at last.

"No more, my lord," Scheer replied.

"Then prepare quickly. From now on, we have taken the first step in the decisive battle." The prince said at last.

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