The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2177: The U.S. Navy's two things

"What's the reason?" Sims asked.

"Because the ablation of the artillery is so serious that we are now considering whether to replace the 14-inch L45 artillery." Ma Jifen smiled bitterly. Now Majifen’s meaning is very clear. Every U.S. Navy’s super fearless has more or less problems, except that Pennsylvania can rely on delayed excitation to overcome the muzzle storm disturbance of the triple main gun, whether it’s New York The temperature of the ammunition depots of the class battleships, or the artillery of New Mexico and Tennessee can not be resolved in a short time. Therefore, the U.S. Navy actually distrusts the performance of its own battleships. In the case of distrust, it will naturally not send them to the European battlefield to be embarrassing!

"So, if we mass-produce fast battleships, we may encounter more problems? Not only the artillery problem, but also the power problem?" Sims asked.

"Yes, even the top industrial powers such as Britain and Germany cannot avoid the power problems of fast battleships, so it is difficult for us to avoid them. Therefore, in order to reduce technical risks, we finally chose to use the German fleet against the Japanese fleet. To make up for the lack of our own fast fleet, and the battleship? Our requirement is very simple. We don't require how much output we can hit, but we must resist beating." Ma Jifen smiled bitterly.

In this era, fast battleships and battlecruisers are also considered high-tech new equipment. Therefore, it is normal for the NB industrial countries to have some problems. For example, the historical battlecruisers of the battlecruiser Goben appeared during high-speed navigation. The pipe burst. The British had a similar problem, and the Mokki dropped the propeller while sailing.

Therefore, when both Britain and Germany do not slip away, the Americans can only be more conservative. After all, the Germans are playing in front of their own homes, the British have military bases all over the world, and the Americans have to run one. The distance of the Pacific and the enemy are fighting. The power problem of the British and German fast battleships can be remedied. If there is a problem with the power of the American battleship in the vast Pacific, where there is no shop in front of the village, what should be done?

Maybe someone asked, why would the Japanese, who are far inferior to the US in industry, dare to play fast battleships? The reason is simple. Even if it is marked with a domestic battleship, the Japanese Fuso-class battleship is full of British goods from main guns to fire control, from boilers to turbines. By the way, some of the electrical equipment above may also be made in Germany... If it is true that the self-production rate is about the same as the so-called F2 in later generations. Moreover, the Japanese are also fighting at their own door, and some problems can be tolerated. But the stuff on American battleships is really almost 100% self-produced! If it is not for the pursuit of complete self-production, the New York-class battleships will not use steam engines!

And now, the Americans feel that their technological accumulation is basically enough, so they dare to mount battlecruisers, such as the current Lexington-class battlecruisers. He and the South Dakota-class battleships will become the backbone of the future US Navy. power! Of course, it may take a very long time to wait for these two tiers of battleships to serve. At least Sims thinks that this war should probably be useless...

"So, even in our plans for the future, the German Navy is an indispensable part. This time sending a fleet to war is more about learning how to cooperate with future allies. And learning lessons. Do your own job. Work. Maybe in the future Pacific War, the aircraft carrier squadron of the United States will show great power, but this time, we only need to do reconnaissance and air defense. Do you understand?" Ma Jifen asked at last.

"Perhaps in the Admiralty's plan, in the future war with Japan, the Germans will play half of their role? However, we can't just use the shield and let the Germans be our swords? This feeling is simply very bad." Sim Said.

"Don't worry, there will be no less battles. After all, as long as the Japanese are not stupid, they will definitely try to avoid the Germans and find our troubles. At that time, whether we are ready or not, we will have to play." Ma Jifen said .

"Then those technical problems you mentioned earlier?" Sims asked.

"Try to solve it, if you can't solve it, just do it." Ma Jifen smiled bitterly.

"This is really bad." Sims, after learning some shady scenes, was quite worried about the prospects.

"Well, General Sims, the situation is not as bad as you think. In fact, there are many American pilots on the German aircraft carrier, and our officers and soldiers on the battlefield. Those who have experienced actual combat will be the United States Navy. When they return to China to play, I believe the navy’s combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved. Perhaps in future wars, the performance of the United States’ aircraft carrier squadron will be more dazzling than the battleship squadron.” Ma Jifen said with a smile. After fighting for a long time, I have to give hope. Otherwise, isn't the whole talk process too gloomy?

In fact, the US Navy is also very strong ~ ~ at least the top four in the world. In short, Ma Jifen means that although the road is a bit bumpy, the future is bright.

"So when will the final battle start? After the war in Europe, when will we go to war with the Japanese?" Sims asked.

"According to my guess, the decisive battle will be resolved within a month and a half. Don't ask me the reason, it's just my instinct. As for when we will go to war with the Japanese? I think it will be at least a year and a half after the end of the war. "Ma Jifen said.

"Want so long?" Sims said unexpectedly. After all, in his opinion, after the war ended, the German fleet would just take advantage of the hot iron and clean up the Japanese fleet together with the American fleet? Then wait so long?

"First, after the war in Western Europe, the belligerents need to negotiate, and then Germany needs to realize their own benefits. They need to collect reparations, take over the colonies, and various aftermath work. Second, our government and Germany have to deal with the Allied Powers. There are always some differences, and this will inevitably affect the situation of Germany's participation in the war. The third is the issue of the new Russian regime. We want to put the Russians on our side, but the Germans may not be willing!"

"So, a year and a half is already very fast, in fact, it is possible to use force against the Japanese two years after the signing of the peace agreement!" Ma Jifen said meaningfully. War is a continuation of politics, so before some political issues are resolved, the wheels of war may not turn!

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