The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 184: On the correct way to attract people

"Paul, you mean, so far, the two warships we have built for Brazil are ready to be completed, and the Brazilian Navy still has no plans to expand its personnel? Their service and recruitment are still the same as before?" Rupp Prince Recht searched for his subordinates again and again.

"It is true. The Brazilian Navy seems very silent. From a personal point of view, I think they are not ready to accept the two large warships at all. They even lack a naval dock to accommodate these warships, a warship more than 150 meters long." Paulo Said somewhat inexplicably.

"Okay, you don't need to worry about this matter. You can keep an eye on Japan, keep an eye on all Japanese who are going to Britain or Brazil, and also, find a way to help me understand the recruitment of Japanese navy!" The prince pondered for a moment. Ordered. Then, the royal arms dealer of the Bavarian royal family left the prince's study to perform his mission. Only the prince is left in the whole house!

"From February 1897, for nearly a month, Prince Ruprecht's performance was very weird. He often locked himself in a room. I was lucky enough to go in it. It was filled with various papers. Films and pictures. Some things were marked on the drawing board. He rarely summoned outsiders, and social activities were even stopped. Some people who were not seen came and went frequently.” A few years later, the prince’s top dog-legged Earl Schelling met like this. Case.

The prince is very busy, very busy! And very excited! Because since he crossed, the biggest variable finally appeared! An opportunity! An opportunity to change the world! This opportunity is so important, so he needs to do it himself, and even dare not leave a written record. All discarded documents must be burned in front of him at the first time, because this matter is too relevant!

"I rub, the Japanese have a good appetite! I bought 2 warships through Brazil at the beginning, and then bought 2 from my own hands, and this TM gave away 5 million pounds!" Prince Ruprecht couldn't help but Smacking his lips, giving a thumbs up to the courage and courage of the Japanese, Ito Hirobumi and others really NB.

At that time, Brazil ordered the warship prince to feel that it was not a duel, because the contrast with history was too great. Things in South America have basically not surpassed the original tricks of history. Why is Brazil going to buy a ship? The prince is a tiger, and the tiger is a cat. As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat. The prince decided to clarify this matter. And as more and more information was collected, he found that Brazil was really not ready to receive these two ships, not to mention, at least the crew and berths should be prepared?

A Brazilian armored cruiser needs at least 800 officers and men. How many front-line fighters does the Brazilian Navy have? Want to accept these two warships. The Brazilian Navy has to expand by at least 2,000 people! But it’s all up to now, and the ship will be delivered in a few months. What about the Brazilians? Where are the soldiers you call? This is not normal!

Brazil did arrange for someone to pick up the ship. According to the list provided by the Brazilian government, Prince Ruprecht discovered that there were not even one third of them! Such a small number of people is the most that can start this warship, and it is impossible to make it have combat effectiveness. Is it because the Brazilians spent 2.3 million pounds to be a cruise ship? Obviously it's impossible, so there must be some tricks in it, and when a piece of information arrived recently. As mentioned above, the two warships will stay in the UK for a period of time. The prince suddenly realized that there is a British shadow behind it!

According to this information and the history of the purchase of the Izumi in Japan, the prince can already guess that Japan is purchasing from himself through Brazil this time. And when the news came that the warship was going to Britain, the prince was more certain about the Japanese thoughts! Y is the real buyer!

After confirming this matter, Ruprecht began to consider whether to suspend the deal. After all, if Japan were to obtain 4 armored cruisers in one go, it would be absolutely subversive to the situation in the Far East. But then the prince gave up the idea. Because he knows what the Japanese are buying boats for!

In fact, part of what the prince said to the Russian representative was speculation, and the other part was bluffing. It is also a temptation to scare the opponent first with plausible reasons. The probability of the Russians buying it back is not high. The prince knows this very well, so in order to prevent the Japanese from obtaining it. These two warships will definitely fall into the hands of the Spanish. And why does the Japanese government have to compete with the Spanish? Especially when he has already obtained 2 warships through purchasing agent.

After a comprehensive analysis, the prince concluded that the purpose of Japan's purchase of warships is not to do anything against Russia! Because after Russia cancelled two armored cruisers, the Far East’s power was already weaker than the Japanese navy, which had four 10,000-ton battleships. Let’s not say that Japan did not do anything in history, even if it did. This little force is enough to suppress the Russian Far East Fleet, and Lushun has not been built yet. If it is done in winter, it will be difficult for the Russian fleet to leave the port. So there is no need to buy two more.

And the key is that even if Japan wins at, the army is definitely not ready for a big fight. If fighting on land, it will be caught in a quagmire. This war costs money like water, and the attitude in France and Germany. Under unknown circumstances, Japan dare to engage in a land war? The cost of fighting this battle may be greater than the benefits gained, right? The Japanese will only do this unless they are mentally disabled. Therefore, Russia is definitely not the first goal of the Japanese. It is possible to beat the situation, but it is absolutely impossible to really fight.

As a result, the Japanese government has resisted the pressure and bought two ships for £1.35 million! Not a decimal! Why do the Japanese do this? Then the only explanation is to prevent the Spanish from getting it. Then we can infer that the fundamental purpose of Japan's eager arms expansion and war preparations is to take action against Spain! As the prince of Ruprecht, his Royal Highness had some understanding of the Japanese thoughts of going south in history. Then we successfully deduced all of this. The Japanese want the Philippines.

The Japanese want the Philippines, and the Japanese want the Philippines! This is great news, because Americans want it too! In history, the Japanese have not moved. On this plane, the Japanese are bound to win. They have lost their money. If they don't get it back, isn't it dead? If the Japanese crossed the line during the Spanish-American War, the enmity between the United States and Japan would be great! Territorial issues cannot be negotiated unless one party admits counsel. Moreover, this matter has a British background. 90% of the time in the United States, even the British are jealous!

Thanks to the book friends First Guards Tank Brigade, Demani for their rewards~~~, and the book friends Seguipao for their monthly support~~~.