The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 183: American strategy

"That is to say, in the future we will have 2 second-class battleships, and 4 12,000-ton armored cruisers that are stronger than second-class battleships, and 1 first-class protection cruiser and 2 second-class protection cruisers? I didn't expect that we could have such a powerful fleet now, Ito-kun, you did a great job." Mutsuzongguang's face was full of happiness and joy.

"Mutou-kun praised." Although he was very humble, Ito Hirofumi was actually quite proud. This is really stealing the sky, changing the sky and crossing the sea without the sky!

"Since we have such a strong naval power and the support of the British, then we are going to fight. The Americans don't even have the qualifications to enter the battlefield. What are they concerned about him?" Mutsumitsu's words made Ito Hirobumi and Xiyuan Temple was taken aback. Unexpectedly, how could Mutsu Zongguang, a person who usually looks quite honest, is crazier than himself?

"Without our hands at all, the British have already helped us exclude the United States from this Philippine war." Mutsuzong appeared very proud. "What is neutrality? Neutrality means that the two don't help each other. If two countries don't help each other, who is more dominant?"

I wipe, this is the truth! According to the Qing-Japanese Treaty, Japan can have concessions in Kaohsiung and Tainan in southern Taiwan, and these two places can directly serve as advance bases for navy and army! If the British do not provide ports and adequate supplies for the US fleet, where is the base of the US fleet? It can only be Samoa! This place is far from the Philippines! He has obvious first-hand advantage! Hirobumi Ito’s geography is pretty good, and he figured out this problem directly.

"What is the current Asian fleet of the United States? A 5,800-ton cruiser Olympia may be stronger than Takasago, but the strength is limited. The Podmoya is only 4,400 tons and has four 8-inch L35 guns and 6 6-inch L30 guns. Performance is not as good as Takasago. Cruiser Lowry, but about 3200 tons, 1 6-inch L40 gun and 10 5-inch L40 guns. There is also a ship that has been in service in 1987, with a tonnage of only 3000 tons. Boston No., this warship doesn’t need to think about it. With just such a little power, what can the Americans think?"

Mtsumitsu Mutsu is engaged in diplomacy. But people agreed with the navy and studied it. After all, it is necessary to buy a ship and to be professional. The strength of the US fleet in Asia is also relatively clear, and there are only four cruisers that can be called cruisers. But there are only 3 ships that can be used at a time, really fight, these three warships tied together can not beat a single Nijin! Coupled with the geographical disadvantages, if the Americans really dare to go when Japan takes action against the Philippines. Is there a problem with the brain, or is it a problem, or is it a problem? Of course, the Americans still have some gunboats, but it makes no difference whether to count them or not.

"But what if the Americans increase their troops? Your idea can only emerge without the United States' knowledge. But what if the Americans are prepared in advance? The Americans still have two armored cruisers over 8,000 tons in their homeland. , There are a lot of cruisers including 2 7000-ton protective cruisers. If they temporarily strengthen the Far East fleet..." Saiyuanji Gongwang said with some worry.

"Hehe, a temporary increase in troops, this is possible. But even if all the warships you mentioned just now arrive, what is the chance of winning against the Imperial Navy?" Lu Ao Zongguang's face showed a trace of hideousness. "Now. Do we still have room to retreat? If we use up the last accumulation of the empire, will we give the Philippines a hand? No matter who it is! Whoever wants to take it from us, then we will fight them to the end!"

"It would be even better if we can take advantage of the trend and control Hawaii in our hands. The Americans will never reach the Far East! How strong is the American power? What can they do if they lose Hawaii?" He was aware of the seriousness of the conflict between the United States and Japan, and this time the policy of prohibiting Japanese immigrants from entering Hawaii made him a little irritated. Now that you have torn your face, as long as the Americans dare to move! Then pack it up!

"This method is a bit radical." Although Ito Hirofumi was hesitant to say it, he was constantly calculating the balance of power between the two sides. There are 6 10,000-ton battleships and 3 cruisers on my side. There are 15 American cruisers and protective cruisers nationwide, but many of them are junk cargo. Naturally, 3,000 tons and 2,000 tons are not suitable for battle. Going up is not as good as cannon fodder. There are 8 warships that can really be pulled over. But even if the strongest Brooklyn faces the Nijin and his like? How many rounds can you walk?

As for other interfering forces? France is a bit far away. Russia is not too close. As far as Russia’s fleet in the Far East is, there is only one battleship Petrobarov and three cruisers. But when the Japanese fleet just got up, it is estimated that except for the two Munich-class armored cruisers at the beginning. If the Shin people can survive the death. The other two big ships are estimated to be unable to even run. Regardless of Rurik who claims to be a cruiser, he wants to run away from the Nissin at a speed of 19 knots? What do you think?

It’s not nice to say that the Japanese navy is now number one in the entire Far East. The lineup of the British Eastern Fleet is also incomparable. Apart from the British, the strongest remaining is the Russian Far Eastern Fleet. There are 1 battleship, 3 good cruisers, and some scum cruisers. The number is equivalent to that of the Japanese fleet of more than 4000 tons of warships, but the combat effectiveness is obviously not of the same level. France and Germany are even weaker. Germany has only one Hamburg cruiser and a few scum boats in Samoa.

Now even if the three countries integrate their forces, relying solely on the forces of the Far East is not enough for the Japanese fleet, and even more so for the US fleet. How can you come? A pile of warships with an average coal load of no more than 1,000 tons set out from Samoa to fight in the Philippines? Let’s not talk about whether it can be played, the battery life is enough! The Americans just need to beat the weak, and now Japan just, do the Americans dare?

Of course, even though they are prepared to be positive when necessary, the Japanese on this plane are still very sensible. Based on the principle of being able to persuade them and never demolish their homes, the Japanese intend to pass Diplomacy and deterrence are two methods to force the other party to submit. Diplomatically, it is natural to join forces with the British to drive the US fleet out of the Far East through so-called neutrality. After all, some warships have a maximum coal loading of 700 tons. Can this endurance support operations on the ocean? The military shock is obvious. With so many warships, aren't you afraid! Hirobumi Ito thinks that way anyway. So I don't care much about it.

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