The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 179: Navy Meeting Three

Another reason is that Germany’s diplomatic environment is so good on this plane. Although Germany and France have feuds, there is no conflict now. The relationship between Russia and Germany is in the honeymoon period, although the relationship between Bavaria and Russia is almost freezing. The style of German diplomacy is relatively low-key. If Britain chooses to attack Germany, it will suffer the consequences of Russia and Germany coming closer. Moreover, Britain has more important things to do now, whether it is Boer in South Africa or Russia in the Far East, the priority must be high. Yu now looks very honest in Germany.

"From a strategic point of view, this fleet has met our needs for several years, but there are still some problems in actual operation. Whether it is a battleship or a ten thousand 10,000-ton armored cruiser, the requirements for the port are too high, and when performing missions in peacetime The cost is also somewhat high, so in order to reduce the cost, the empire should add a batch of light records similar to second-class cruisers as the main force for patrolling the open sea."

"In addition to the control of overseas colonies, their role in the main fleet is to ensure that the fleet is protected from lightning strikes. If everything can be completed according to plan, then our main fleet is sufficient. Now there is still a problem. Strengthen auxiliary forces. These auxiliary forces include lightning strike ships and anti-lightning strike ships, as well as minesweepers. After all, we have to refer to the environment in Germany. In the Baltic and North Seas, it is very suitable to deploy large minefields. In order to deal with the opponent’s asymmetric tactics, This is very important."

Prince Ruprecht added. The main navy fleet is indeed the core of the German naval construction, but various auxiliary warships cannot be ignored. The light cruisers of Battle 1 in history are more suitable for colonial patrol missions, and will also serve as a reliable anti-lightning and reconnaissance force for the fleet. The only pity is that the science and technology tree is not yet ready, and the submarine that threatened Britain the most in World War I is still immature. Otherwise, His Royal Highness would rather build one less capital ship and get a ticket for ocean-going submarines.

"The tonnage of a light cruiser is preferably about 4000 tons, and the weaponry can be slightly weaker, but the endurance and speed must be excellent. If patrol missions in the open sea require greater endurance. Speed ​​is more important than armed forces when performing reconnaissance missions. And on the light cruisers of the future, we can first test steam turbines and kerosene mixed-fired boilers. This cutting-edge technology is a huge innovation to the power system of warships."

"In order to meet the two requirements, the number of light cruisers should be 4 to 6. Of course, this plan can now be placed in a relatively later position. After all, the reconnaissance task can be performed by the lightning strike ship, while the offshore cruise task It can be handed over to the Munich-class cruisers. In addition, our country’s environment is relatively good now, and ocean navigation is mainly based on training. The cruising pressure is not great.” After hesitating for a while, Prince Ruprecht mentioned the issue of light cruisers.

"If we sell more Munich-class armored cruisers, will it be better to replace them with new armored cruisers?" Taking advantage of the prince's speech, Mrs. William suddenly interjected.

"But apart from the Qing Dynasty's willingness to choose outdated warships due to price factors, who else would want the Munich-class armored cruisers that are somewhat old and relatively outdated?" Frederick III asked.

"Relatively outdated, this is only for our new armored cruisers. In the world, this warship is still very cost-effective, and it is sufficient for regional naval powers. For example, Chile and Argentina, 10,000-ton armored cruisers For them, the pressure is already huge. The 7,500-ton warship is just right! Argentina and Chile are willing to continue to order warships, and we can take the opportunity to dispose of the slightly obsolete warships. They save money, and we can save Funds and personnel."

"Of course, the time for us to hand over the warships will be when the new warships are in service. This set of procedures is exactly the same as our direct trade with the Qing country. In this way, we can keep our fleet at a higher level." Admiral Hoffman said.

"This method can be considered. The tonnage saved by the Munich-class armored cruisers can be used to replace larger 10,000-ton-class battleships. If Chile and Argentina are willing, I think this plan can be implemented." Prince William made a statement.

"And if this plan is successful, then I would like to ask, will the number of our Mainz-class armored ships be a little too large? According to the usual practice of His Royal Highness, you seem to prefer a method called small steps. Come and upgrade your armaments." Prince William said with deep meaning.

"There are similar ideas, but this plan was originally relatively late, because the imperial shipbuilding industry may not be able to meet the needs of this plan. But since you are willing to listen. Then I can also talk about it." Ruprech Especially for a moment, then he couldn't help but smile. This William is still concerned about the Navy!

"At present, the tonnage of battleships in various countries is no more than 15,000 tons. Four main guns and a certain number of Tier 2 main guns constitute the main firepower of this battleship, with a speed of about 18 knots. The thickness of the armor is about 10 inches. This will take a certain period of time. The navy is the mainstream of the world’s navy development."

"However, in the future, having a unified caliber all-heavy artillery warship will become the mainstream of the development of naval capital Of course, while achieving this cross-age evolution, we must develop steam turbines, long-range fire control, and armor-piercing projectiles. A breakthrough in power can be achieved. If the armor-piercing shells of the large-caliber artillery can't effectively deal with the armor, if it can't be fired at a longer distance, then the medium and short-range high-explosive shells are more cost-effective against the large number of secondary artillery shots. For heavy artillery."

"We can make preparations and study some subsystems. The tonnage of the warship can be further enlarged, but it is still far away from this brand new warship. Of course, if we are around 1900, if conditions permit, we can Start construction of an experimental battleship." Ruprecht expounded the concept of the dreadnought in general.

"You can discuss these technical issues with William and the people from the Admiralty, and you don't need to tell me." After all, Frederick III didn't know the navy very well, and his interests were average. Just a few words to close this question.

And just after the high-level Germans finalized the combat plan, and when the plan was put into action at the end of 1896, a storm that had been brewing for more than two years in the Far East had gradually formed. No one would have thought that the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 had just ended. After 2 years, the shadow of war will once again cover the entire East Asia! Not to mention that this storm will eventually sweep over half of the earth!

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