The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 178: Navy Conference II

"We first need to know where the core of the empire’s future maritime interests is. I personally think that the sea area that the empire can control is nothing more than the surrounding waters near our African colonies and the northern Indian Ocean area that we can fight for. In addition, the Imperial Navy In the next 20 years, it will not be possible to put a decisive force in the sea beyond this, the future of the empire in Africa and the Middle East, not the Far East and America!" After the prince finished speaking, the whole venue was silent. This was shocking, it was simply It is to re-examine Germany's overseas policy from a strategic perspective.

"Our failure in the Far East has clearly demonstrated a problem. The empire is weak and powerless in the Pacific. We do not have enough funds and colonies to establish a naval base system that extends from the mainland to Samoa. So, in It is impossible for the Far East to gain actual control. We cannot fight the British Far East Fleet in the Far East, let alone the victors after the Russo-Japanese War. They have geographical advantages and this cannot be changed."

"For the same reason, it is unrealistic to expand to South America. In the face of the increasingly powerful United States, even the United Kingdom chooses to proceed cautiously. We can do business with South American countries, but it may be difficult to expand our influence. , And military presence is even less desirable."

"Of course, the empire needs to expand, it needs resources from overseas activities, and it needs a market. Therefore, we must re-search for those benefits that we can win or take away. The whole world is relatively close to us, and only parts of Africa and the ability to control The Ottoman Empire! The future naval construction and expansion of the Empire should focus on these two places, and the fleet will also be used to deal with potential opponents in these places!"

"In Europe, we certainly cannot suppress the current Britain, so conflicts with the United Kingdom should be avoided as much as possible, but at the same time it must be possible to suppress France! And similar to the principle of battleship fleet organization, our cruiser formation also uses France as an imaginary enemy."

"At present, the main force of our cruiser fleet is 6 Munich-type armored cruisers. The French currently have 6 armored cruisers in service and on the berth, with tonnage ranging from 4,800 to 6,000 tons. In addition, there are 3 to Four protective cruisers, although their combat effectiveness is very poor, the total tonnage is similar to our cruiser fleet. Let’s say we have a slight advantage."

"But according to internal intelligence, in the future, especially around 1898, the French are likely to vigorously expand their armored cruiser fleet. Almost all new warships are about 10,000 tons. The exact number may not be clear, but in 1900 The number of warships that have started construction will not be less than 8! This is a very dangerous signal. Our cruiser formation must be able to meet this challenge!"

"It is said that the Navy intends to sell two Munich-class armored cruisers to the Qing after the completion of the new ship. If this news is true, then the number of our Munich-class armored cruisers will drop to four, and we will have to compete with the French fleet. Based on the principle of leniency, the French should have about 4 warships in service or close to service before 1900. Then the number of large armored cruisers we added should not be less than this number. From now on, 1901. Before, we have to serve at least 4 large armored cruisers!"

"I think you should already know the data of the new Mainz-class armored cruiser. It has a displacement of 14,000 tons and an 8-inch hardened armor. 8 254MML40 guns. The maximum speed is 21 knots or more. These warships and 4 Munich Class-class armored cruisers are enough to deal with the French fleet in this time. And relying on powerful firepower, these warships can also join the battle line."

"Mainz's first ship should also start construction before the end of this year. Construction of one ship in 1897 and two ships in 1898. In this case, the construction of three capital ships each year from 1897 to 1898 can be guaranteed. The number of warships we can use in 1900. As for the construction of warships in 1899, it depends on the international environment and our needs at that time."

"That is to say, before 1901, we will have 6 to 8 battleships. 4 10,000-ton armored cruisers and 4 7,500-ton armored cruisers. This fleet is enough to maintain us on the Eurasian continent second only to the United Kingdom. Maritime power. It has an advantage over France and at the same time can suppress the Russian Baltic Fleet."

The   Prince Ruprecht plan is basically completed. With about 8 battleships and 8 cruisers, this combination will be called the "Eight Eight" fleet! The significance of the establishment of this fleet is to be able to form an advantage over the navies of a single country in the area that Germany can reach. So that Germany will not have insufficient naval forces when facing a single power.

"Papa." Ruprecht finished speaking. The venue fell into silence. After waiting for about a few minutes, applause came from the chief, and the Kaiser took the lead in expressing support! Since His Majesty has expressed his position, then all of this is not a problem. The plan agreed with by the head of Prussia and the representative of Bavaria means that the entire empire has been passed. Whether it is the Federal Assembly or the Imperial Assembly, the final approval is just a matter of process. Invisibly, Prince Ruprecht has planned the core of the German Navy's first military expansion case!

Whether it is the Naval Founding Party William II or the conservative Bismarck, this construction plan is also acceptable. In 5 years, 8 to 10 battleships were supplemented, 2 of which were used for replacement. The strength of this supplement is still acceptable. Ruprecht is also very satisfied, because this force is no longer inferior to the German navy in history, or even slightly stronger. In history, the German Navy had only 8 battleships completed before 1900, and even fewer 10,000-ton armored cruisers.

Although the strength is stronger, it will not have a great impact on Germany’s diplomatic environment. One aspect of this is that the fleet bill did not appear. Sometimes it is two concepts to do and say. You say I will be within 5 years In order to balance France, build 8 battleships, the British can tolerate it, but if you build 8 battleships and you also say that you want to build a huge fleet of more than 20 battleships, then the British must have ideas!

Another popular way of saying is that good dogs don’t bark, and dogs don’t bite! Sometimes people who are incapable of screaming will be hated by others, but those who keep a low profile while secretly nurturing their energy will not attract outsiders' attention. Just know your own power, don't yell everywhere.

Thank you book friend hukaikaka, Leng Hao Hue, classmates are in love, and so on for their rewards~~~, and book friend Jiang Feng 25412 for monthly support~~~~~.