The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 152: Meeting with Dewey

"Welcome, my friend!" When he saw Dewey, Prince Ruprecht voluntarily stepped forward to give the other man a hug. This is not a pretense. Dewey's performance in the Qing-Japanese War was indeed for the prince. A great help, for these help, the prince is willing to provide material and reputation compensation. Although he had a basic guess about Dewey's purpose here, the prince was still willing to treat him as a friend.

"Being friends with you is the glory of my life. Honorable His Royal Highness the Prince of Bavaria." In the face of genuine top aristocrats and the real power of Germany, Dewey is not at all embarrassing. Said respectfully.

Because it was the first time we met, Dewey came alone. Neither the US Embassy nor Majifen came here with Dewey. So you can relax between the two. The words are also more direct.

"His Royal Highness, I am here to collect debts." After a brief greeting, Dewey said with a slightly embarrassed face. "It's not a question of money."

"Say your request." Ruprecht said calmly.

"Spain has also participated in the competition of two armored cruisers, which makes us very uneasy. Even if only one of these two warships enters the battle sequence of the Spanish Navy, it will encourage Spain's arrogance, and their oppression of the colonial people will be even greater. Heavier and more cruel. Therefore, my country and I hope that you can sell warships to other countries. No matter who it is, it’s fine.” Dewey said.

"Someone thought about this passage for you, right? The Americans who had stripped the skulls of the Indians, practiced slavery, and obtained large amounts of land from the Mexicans by force were ashamed to say Spain? In the past, Spain was a villain in the slave trade. , Spain is already very honest now, okay?" Ruprecht kept slandering in his heart. Don’t you be afraid of being struck by lightning?

"If it’s just a personal problem, I’m willing to do my best to help, but you are now representing the U.S. government, and you don’t have any certification from the U.S. government. This makes me very difficult. A little carelessness will cause extreme Bad influence. Do you understand what I mean?"

A personal relationship is a personal relationship. The official business must be done by the public. I do owe you a favor. If you ask for money, you will pay 20,000 pounds. It doesn't matter. But you want to change the fate of two powerful warships with one sentence? It is impossible. Although this thing is not comparable to the atomic bomb of later generations, it is not too much to say that it is a strategic weight.

"My friend, listen to me, this matter is not something you can meddle with. Even if I agreed to your request today and these two battleships were in the hands of others, then in the future, if something happens, then you will be the best scapegoat. ! Because you changed everything by using your personal relationship. If you succeed, you may be of no benefit, but if you fail, then this pot will definitely let you back. Think about it, will the person who instigated you to do this bear the responsibility?" Rupley Hither said earnestly.

"Some things are not on the stage, and these things will have to be done after all." Dewey said depressed after a moment of contemplation. Although not as long as the prince in the house of the emperor, there is a reason why Dewey can get to this position today! There is still political acumen. When it comes to personal relationships, Roosevelt and others are also related to the prince. Why didn't he come and kick himself out?

"If your country wants to buy, then I can make a profit of 30,000 pounds! As a reward for your friendship and goodwill to your country. What do you think?" The prince said afterwards, Ruprecht knew very well that Americans would not buy Foreign warships, at least in peacetime. It's just a good one, but it can't be sold anyway.

"On behalf of myself, I would like to thank you for your kindness, but I can only say sorry for this proposal." Dewey smiled bitterly. "Then I want to ask, who are you going to sell the warship to?"

"The higher the price is." The prince's answer was very straightforward. On his own side, he was a businessman, so he naturally gave the highest price to the person. "As a friend, I loyally suggest that you can talk to officials of the United States when discussing this matter with me again. I can help you and earn less in exchange for the friendship of the United States of America, but there is one thing you must remember. , Everything we do must leave official traces of the United States, and I can’t be blamed.”

"Okay, I will pass on your comments to the relevant personnel. But I hope you can delay the process of selling warships as much as possible. After all, as a seller's market, the more buyers you get, the greater the profits." Dewey made the final request.

"As you wished, you persuaded me." At this time, the prince seemed to speak very well.

"If I'm not mistaken, is your country waiting for Japan to enter this bidding? There are still many people in the United States who have a good impression of think that such warships fall into the hands of the Japanese rather than fall into the hands of Russia. Isn't it better in human hands?" But in the next sentence, Prince Ruprecht surprised Dewey! The prince easily guessed what the Americans thought, and Dewey felt that in front of the prince, he had no secrets at all.

"This is exactly what we are worried about. I always feel that the actions of the Japanese are a bit strange. Although they cover up well, I can't find a trace of loopholes. If your country insists on getting Japan to acquire these two warships, then I It is necessary to reach an agreement with a representative of your country’s rights and have an official seal. If there is a problem one day, I will not bear any blame, and I will not allow anyone to pour sewage on me on this matter! This is the bottom line !" Prince Ruprecht emphasized.

Vaguely, Ruprecht seemed to understand something. The originally isolated things began to be gradually connected by an invisible line, and when these things gradually formed a clear chain of clues, the prince discovered this. The series of events will eventually lead to the consequences, although the final result is still uncertain, but the prince already knows what he has to do. This result may be terrifying to some countries, but for Germany, it may not be a bad thing! Of course, the premise is that after this incident, Prince Ruprecht must pick himself up!

"I will reflect your opinion to the above. Thank you for your promise just now." Dewey got up and prepared to leave. Now Prince Ruprecht has set his bottom line. You can help me, but you can stay. Credentials, although Dewey didn't know what Ruprecht was worried about. But he believed that what the prince did could not be without a target!

The second one is here~~~, there is one more in the evening! Seeking collection! ! !