The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 151: Auction starts

"This is the quotation of Chile, Argentina, and Spain. Chile’s quotation is 730,000 pounds per warship. Argentina and Spain are 750,000 pounds. If nothing else, the Chileans have lost in the first round of bidding. , We can remove him."

Earl Schelling has been an eye-opener these days, he really didn't expect the boats to be sold like this! If the funds and compensation that the Russians have already invested are taken into consideration, then as long as the two warships can be sold for 700,000 pounds, then the profits will be almost the same as those sold to the Russians. But the current situation is that each of these two ships can earn an extra £50,000! 50,000 pounds! Two are worth 1 million marks! Earl Schelling wondered whether all our boats would be auctioned off in the future?

"Wait a minute, there may be others coming in. Let's continue construction of these two warships. It is estimated that selling them will not be a problem, but the question is how much money can be made." Prince Ruprecht relaxed. He also didn't expect that the originally difficult matter would be solved in this way. If it was only for money, then the matter would be over, but Ruprecht asked for more than money.

"Are you talking about the Japanese and the Americans? The Japanese did issue a purchase application, but it seems that the funds are a bit difficult. They are raising money. The probability of the Americans buying our warships is extremely low. But they also seem to want something. The friends you made in the Far East will come to Germany. Now it's up to you to pay your debts." Count Schelling said jokingly.

"Repayment? If it's money, it's just a trivial matter. It's only £10,000. I'm more focused on the purpose of Dewey's coming here. As you said, Americans may not buy ships, but they will definitely interfere. The target of interference is probably Spain!" The prince said to himself.

"Wait a minute, we have time." Ruprecht finished speaking and signaled that the earl could leave. An invisible storm is already brewing, and every step I take may affect the future international situation.

And shortly after Earl Schelling left, a man of medium build and an appearance that would never be noticeable when thrown into the crowd walked in. This person does not have a good reputation in the outside world. If a title of later generations is used, then he is similar to an arms smuggler. Well, very similar to the protagonist in "The Lord of War"! The protagonist who was released after being caught.

Yes, this Bavarian under the pseudonym Paul is an arms smuggler used by the Royal Kingdom of Bavaria. He specializes in exporting all kinds of arms and some scarce supplies to some countries or regions. Making money is only one aspect. More importantly, he is a very important piece in Bavaria, used to influence the world and spy on intelligence! And now, he has just returned from Japan.

And shortly after he came in, Laura also came in. Countess Laura was a little surprised seeing the person who was obscured by the black windbreaker, but she quickly concealed her surprise. Sit aside obediently.

"According to the information you have obtained, Japan's financial situation is not as bad as outsiders think?" Ruprecht looked at Paul and said.

"Their divisions have begun to replace them with new rapid-fire guns and machine guns. I am afraid they can arm at least two divisions with just the orders that flowed through my hands. Although the rifles have not yet been replaced, the Japanese Army can Equipped with enough rapid-fire guns, light howitzers and machine guns for three divisions." Paul whispered.

Prince Ruprecht did sign a treaty with the Russians, but this treaty has a lot of loopholes. The warship is too big to drill, but the army guns can. But to say how much profit these things can bring to Ruprecht, it is not. The prices of these smuggled goods are relatively cheap and the profits will naturally be less.

The most important purpose of Ruprecht’s doing this is to determine the Japanese government’s financial situation through the understanding of the Japanese Army’s procurement situation. Although the compensation received by Japan after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 was greatly reduced, Japan still quickly stabilized the domestic financial market and developed relatively fast in all aspects, which was somewhat beyond Ruprecht's expectations.

"It's the British. The British helped the Japanese stabilize the financial market. Almost all the bonds issued by the Japanese after the war were acquired by the British. And British businessmen do have privileges in Japan. This may be due to an exchange of interests. The agent of his family in the UK is engaged in the textile industry, and it is not very difficult for them to obtain loans from the Japanese government. All these circumstances show that the Japanese government’s finances are not that tight. Therefore, this time the Japanese are not enough to buy ships. Surprising."

"I even have some doubts, why the Japanese have not collected the 1.5 million pounds of funds needed to buy a ship until now. Japan's current financial situation is very strange. The domestic market currency is relatively loose, but the government is indeed short of money. It stands to reason. Said that this kind of contradiction will not happen. Unless, before this time, the Japanese government used a very large amount of liquidity, and this time will not be very long." Countess Laura analyzed. This is something she has never figured out.

"Then we can determine one thing now, that is, the Japanese government should have some funds, but for some reason, the funds disappeared. This is the result of the current lack of money Is it?" the prince asked after adjusting his thoughts.

"It can be understood this way, but there is another problem you have overlooked. Japan is an island country and is now in hostile relations with Russia. They should first build a navy to ensure the safety of their homeland. Then update the army to compete with Russia. Northeast, but the situation now seems to be the opposite." Paul's words raise another question.

"The army's equipment investment is much smaller than that of the navy, but the Japanese do have some doubts. I want to know what they want." The prince thought of a possibility, but this may be too crazy, even if Ruprecht I know the crazy side of the Japanese, but I still can't believe it!

"Well, you can go down now, I want to be quiet." Thinking of a certain possibility, Prince Ruprecht was a little shocked. If the Japanese really did this, it would be terrible!

"Maybe, this is also an opportunity to change the world?" The prince thought again, and another rather bold idea appeared in his mind. However, this plan has some risks, and it may be self-defeating at some point! But the benefits behind it are indeed huge, and Prince Ruprecht can't let go! Make up your mind and do it, the prince is not an indecisive person. So he began to arrange various things.

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