Chapter 862 - 187: Don’t be Nervous

The regular communications between Angelo and Clarence could get in the headlines. She was Angeline now, a real woman. There might be a tremendous wave if pictures of her eating with Clarence appeared in the newspaper.

Besides, she just got the best actress award. She'd better be cautious at this time. When she was Angela, she didn't eat with Clarence alone often.

It was better to have someone else around when an actress was meeting a director. Otherwise, it would be hard to explain.

When Angeline left Glamor, she went back to Green.

Daisy had been busy these days. She was about to meet Darren's family. Sometime before, Darren visited her family. They had been dating for some time and should see each other's family.

Daisy was a straightforward girl. She might engage with Darren after seeing his family.

Angelo admired her and felt happy for her. She didn't keep Daisy as her assistant but saved the position for her. After all, she had no one else to trust except for Daisy. She couldn't tell others her identity.

"I heard you got a new movie. I should be with you, but I have to go to Stableland tomorrow morning. I'm sorry, honey. Oh, god. I'm nervous!"

On the phone, Daisy's voice shook when talking about seeing Darren's parents.

Stable land was a city Darren's parents lived in now. They had planned to come to Boom to meet Daisy, their daughter-in-law. But Daisy insisted on visiting them, saying that it was a formality.

Angelo smiled and tried to comfort her, "Don't be nervous. You're Daisy Clark. You've seen events."

"Yeah, right. I've seen events, but…" Daisy's tone changed, and there was aggrievance in her voice.

"I had never seen Darren's parents," she seemed about to cry.

Angelo sighed helplessly and asked, "What was your parents' attitude before meeting Darren?"

"My parents?"

Daisy thought about it. "They seemed to look forward to it and was kind of nervous. My mom joked that my father had a few bad moments because of worrying about the meeting."

"That's right. Darren's parents must be nervous. They don't want to leave a bad impression on you for fear of affecting the relationship between you and Darren."

While talking, Angelo took her clothes off. She didn't know what Darren's parents were thinking about but what she should do now was to calm Daisy down.

"Really?" Daisy wasn't as nervous as just now. There was confidence in her tone.

"Of course. You don't need to be nervous. Anyway, you are the daughter of Clark. So, just cheer up and be confident."

At the other end, Daisy felt much better after the talk and then ended the call.

Angelo walked to the door. She still engaged in the atmosphere of comforting Daisy, so she opened the door without checking the man outside.

Outside the door, Palmer squinted and glanced over Angelo, "Excuse me, are you, Miss Angeline?"

Angelo stayed but soon recovered. "Yeah. And you are…" she asked.

Angelo felt like riding a roller coaster, and her heart was about to jump out.

How could Palmer be here? How did he know her apartment here?

Angelo wanted to hit herself. She should check who was outside before opening the door. But she had been engaging in the talk and forgot about it. Now it was too late.

"I'm Mr. Angelo's bodyguard. He has been here for a long time. So, I come to check on him."

While Palmer was talking, Angelo's eyes started to blink.

Palmer had been following her! And she didn't even notice that. Otherwise, she wouldn't switch her identity casually.

"Oh, you come for my brother." Angelo looked back at the upstairs and started her acting.

"He just went to bed. Too many things happened recently. He didn't take a good rest. How about you come in and take a seat?"

After saying that, Angelo suddenly looked down at her clothes. Then she seemed to panic, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't dress like this to open the door. Please don't mind."

Palmer had already noticed her dress. Angelo's long fair legs had been exposing in the air. It was winter, but the heating made the room warm as spring.

Before he spoke, Angeline suddenly approached him with enchantment in her eyes.

"Hey, lady killer, how about leaving your number to me? Do you have a girlfriend? Oh, that can't be a problem. I don't care about it."

While talking, Angelo kept approaching Palmer, who, however, retreated several steps in succession.

Angeline had the same face as Angelo, but their characters were so different.

"No, thanks. I'm just a bodyguard. I can wait outside. See you, Miss Angeline."

When Angelo closed the door, she smiled as well as relieved. Luckily, she improvised. Otherwise, she might expose herself.

But now, she had no time to take a rest. Resignedly, she turned to the upstairs and was about to change into her male clothes.

It had been eight hours since she left the Thorne house. She should switch her identity back.

Just as she walked to the stairs, the doorbell rang again.

Did Palmer come back?

Anxiously, Angelo came back. On the screen, it was not Palmer but Drake.

Angelo got nervous and didn't know what to do. Standing at the door, she wasn't sure if she should open the door or not.

She stared at Drake on the screen and thought about the plan.

Just then, Drake seemed to feel something and suddenly looked up.

She hurried to the room, got dressed, put on her fake throat, fiddled with her hair, and then went to open the door.

Drake was about to leave when the door suddenly opened.

Inside, Angelo stood there, blushed, and seemed short of breath.

"What are you doing here, Drake?" Angelo was puzzled.