Chapter 861 - 186: Everything Is Clarified Now

Inside the Thorne company, Drake kept frowning since he heard the news. He called Palmer to ask about it. Palmer was also surprised. He just knocked Christina off and took her out but didn't do anything to her.

"It seems that someone did r.a.p.e her," said Drake in a cold voice. He just wanted to teach Christina a lesson for the rumor but didn't expect to have such an incident.

Her family put all their forces into searching for the rapist. After all, she was the only daughter of the Wilson family.

Palmer suddenly recalled that he left Christina there alone. So, the man should target her then.

"Oh, my fault. Tell me when you found the man."

After the call, Drake massaged his temples. When they caught the rapist, the Wilsons might have killed him before Palmer come.

When it was about noon, the time before the appointment with Patrick, Angelo changed her clothes, put on a mask, and came to the coffee shop. As she got there, she found Patrick was already there.

"Why are you so early?" Angelo sat opposite him. Their appointed time was twelve. Angelo usually came early, so she was surprised that Patrick arrived ahead of her.

"I have nothing to do, so I'm here."

To Angelo's surprise, Patrick wasn't so excited as before but looked more m.a.t.u.r.e and steadier.

"Well, just say it. What do you want?" Angelo took off her mask and looked at Patrick in calm.

There were many people in the coffee shop, but they weren't entirely excited about Angeline's coming. It was one of the reasons why Angelo chose to meet here. Ordinary people couldn't enter this shop. People here were mainly upper classes. They weren't so crazy about actors or celebrities.

"I've heard about the dissolution of engagement," Patrick started to talk.

Angelo picked up her coffee. "Yeah," she answered, didn't sound like minding it.

"You're not my brother's fiancé anymore. So, I decided to pursue you."

"Wha… what?"

Patrick's words stunned Angelo that she almost spat the coffee out of her mouth. Finally, she held it back but started to choke.

"Are you all right?" Patrick handed her the tissue.

Angelo cleaned her mouth and asked while coughing, "You said… you would give me up… after the meeting… didn't you?"

"I indeed thought like that yesterday. But I've changed my mind when I see you today."


Angelo frowned. She wouldn't agree to meet him if she knew what Patrick would say today.

"I love you, Angeline!" Parker talked aloud as if he wanted others to hear him.

Angelo wanted to get up to leave. The public didn't know the dissolution of their engagement. If people heard Patrick, she might become a hot debate on the Internet again.

Angelo put on an indifferent face and said in a firm tone, "Just forget about it. I won't have any connections with any one of your family except my brother."

Patrick seemed to be prepared to hear that. He wasn't surprised at all. Instead, he smiled, "That's why I said I want to pursue you."

Angelo paused and looked at him with annoyance. Suddenly, she thought of something.

"You think I know nothing about how you treated my brother before, don't you?" She stared at Patrick, and there was a cold look in her eyes.

Although she didn't experience Angelo's life in the Thorne family, she knew how hard it was. In the eyes of other people, those were just some trifles. But only people who lived in other people's families knew how suffering it was.

When she lived in the Watts family, Ivy used to be against her a lot. So, she knew how Angelo felt to live in the Thorne family.

Smiles disappeared from Patrick's face, but Angelo wouldn't give up talking, "And you don't even know how many girls you've dated before, don't you?"

Till then, Patrick looked quite depressed; even his face looked terrible.

Angelo got up, put some cash on the table, and said before leaving, "You're not qualified to pursue me, Mr. Thorne."

The bell on the door tinkled.

"Welcome to come again!" the waiter sent Angelo away.

Patrick stayed there still. He had dated many girls, which he argued as flings. But he made it difficult for Angelo, a fact he couldn't deny.

Outside the coffee shop, Angelo got into a car and headed to Glamor.

"So? Did Patrick confess his love for you?" joked Daisy.

Angelo nodded, "Yeah."

"What?" Daisy looked at her in surprise.

Then she looked towards the coffee shop, "Did he come for that?"

Angelo kneaded between the brows and wearily said, "I don't know why he did that. Oh, god!"

"What did you answer?"

"I refused him. Will you love a playboy like him?" asked Angelo in return.

Daisy shook her head at once, "No, no. I won't love anyone except for Darren."

Angelo suddenly admired Daisy. When could she have a stable relationship? Her life and relationship were up and down like a roller-coaster ride.

When they got to Glamor, Angelo talked with Clarence about the new movie. She heard that Clarence went abroad for it before.

After the talk, Angelo was about to leave with the script when Clarence stopped her.

"Is Angelo all right?"

Angelo paused and looked at him in surprise.

Clarence smiled shyly, "The rumor may bring him a lot of trouble. I can't get in touch with him recently. So, I wonder if his family misunderstood him and asked you about him."

Hearing that, Angelo smiled and replied, "Don't worry, Mr. Wilson. My brother is fine. There were some misunderstandings, but everything is clarified now."

"That's good," Angelo said, relieved. Then he hesitated as if to say something.

"What else?" asked Angelo politely.

Clarence nodded, "Yeah. I wonder if you're available tomorrow. How about we eat together?"

"What? Why?" Angelo was puzzled. Why did he want to eat with her?

"You, I haven't seen you for a long time, so… Just forget about it if you're busy."

Angelo thought about it and finally lied to Clarence, "I'm sorry. Tomorrow may not be okay."