67 Chapter 67: Who Wouldn’t Want To Know?

"I don't think it's Nathalia Carter."

"I agree. Perhaps someone set her up?"

"It's possible. Poor girl. What's the use of having all this money when you can't even trust your family? It must be hard for her."

"I've never thought that Frank Carter is someone so cruel. I know he's done a lot of charity work, so I thought he is a nice person."

It had now totally changed how people saw Frank Carter.

"Charity work. Huh. He's just giving a tiny part of his money away to make people think nicely of him. Don't be naïve."

"You know what, I think the girl in the video looks more like Evette Carter. I mean, look at her figure. You saw the girl's breasts and hips. Nathalia Carter is slimmer." An observant male spectator commented.

"I think you are right. Also, the bruises on her neck look like kissing marks... and it seems to be an intense one..."

People were making their guesses and giving comments, but no one had an answer. They waited for the Carters.

Evette's heart was racing, hearing the talks, and her face was embarrassingly red. "Nathalia, you deny dad, and now you accuse me of something I have not done. You must hate us! Why?"

I can't have my reputation ruined. I'm Evette Carter. I will be marrying a rich and renowned family. If anyone has to pay for this, it will have to be Nathalia. I'm the one that the guys adore and love and always will be.

Anne reacted quickly to help Evette out, "Nathalia, even though you have to do this to us, we will still love you because we are a family." She tried to sound as sincerely as possible, tears in her eyes.

However, no one was convinced by her tears anymore. What they had done was unspeakably ugly. People had realized how shameless and merciless they were.

Evette couldn't hold her anger anymore. She rushed towards Nathalia, trying to grab her clothes while shouting, "It's you, you..." However, before she could reach Nathalia, she was pushed away by Spencer. She fell on the ground, and something fell out of her pocket, but she didn't notice.

It was a necklace. It shone in the sunlight.

Someone spotted it and shouted, "Look. That's the necklace! It just fell out of Evette Carter's pocket!"

The crowd gasped in astonishment.

"So...that's why people say she likes taking her sister's stuff. Whatever her sister has, she has to have it."

"Aha. It's true." A few voices chorused.

People nodded in agreement, and everyone suddenly understood.

"It's you, Evette Carter. It's you in the video!"



"And you are still pretending to be innocent, and you threatened your sister to take the blame. You are a horrible person!"

"My God. What are you?!"

"How she was pretending to be forgiving!"

"We will still love you because we are a family." Someone mimicked Anne Carter and repeated her words in disgust. "Errr, it makes me sick!"

"Don't they say step-mothers are terrifying." A girl remarked.

"I'm going to ask my mom to promise me that whatever happens, don't get divorced. I don't want to be Nathalia Carter." Another girl said, sounding extremely worried. The fact was that her parents had been arguing and talking about getting divorced. It almost made her crying, thinking of the possibility of living a life like Nathalia's.

It's horrible. It's too scary.

"It's true. Your dad is not your dad anymore once the step-mother joins the family."

Evette was desperate. She wanted to cry, but she had no more tears to shed. "It's not me. It's not me. Please believe me..." She cried and begged.

Everything's ruined now. Is it?! No! She thought, horror-struck.

Spencer replied indifferently, "You want us to believe you? Sure. Why don't you unveil yourself for everyone to see..."

Evette cuddled herself as if she could hide away from the watching eyes, and she blushed. "Spencer, you are, you are teasing me. How can you..."

She acted self-respectfully but looked at Spencer flirtatiously. As long as I can get him, the whole world is mine. She thought naively.

Spencer was disgusted. What the hell is she doing? She's still trying to flirt with me now!

"I have no time to tease you at all. And don't give me that look again. You disgust me." He was straightforward and sharp. The crowd burst out laughing. Evette had turned from the girl that every guy adored to now someone that everyone despised.

Evette clenched her fists tight. She was infuriated. "You..."

Anne immediately went up to embrace her, trying to calm her down.

Spencer lifted his eyebrows and continued, "You only need to show people your waist."

The crowd was at first muddled. But Nathalia understood, and she smiled.

Then a reporter saw the point and shouted out, "Aha. Exactly. We just need to see if you have a mole at the same place as the girl in the video."

Now the crowd remembered. In the video, the girl had a bean-size mole on her waist, and it was very noticeable.

Evette then realized what Spencer was trying to do. She retorted furiously, "What a joke! Who do you think you are?! Do you want to see my body? Why don't you check Nathalia's?" Evette wouldn't mind showing Spencer her body in private, but not there and then.

That really enraged Spencer. How dare you insult my girl?!

Instantly, he replied, "I saw it last night. She doesn't have a mole. What about you? Which guy can prove you innocent?"

Nathalia was shocked. What does that mean? Did he just tell everyone he's seen me naked?!

Some people were stunned, some jealous, some embarrassed, but all were amazed by Spencer's frankness. Well, he was Spencer Davidson.

Evette was now speechless. She was brimming with jealousy, madness, and fear.

"Huh," Spencer sneered. "If no one can prove it for you, why don't you just show it to us yourself?!"

The crowd supported, "Show it! Show it!"