66 Chapter 66: Little Shi

She even would not believe it when she was thrown into the ocean, drowning, dying.

Was she merely stupid? But how could anyone think that their own father would be capable of killing his own daughter?

She only wanted a family, a protective father, a loving mother, a family living happily together.

However, for her, it was a dream that could never come true.

She looked at her father through the burning tears in her eyes, "Dad, you've always been the one I respect and love the most. You were the rock I stand on. You were home, where I felt safe and loved. But you are not anymore. It was all fake, lies."

Quiet weeping changed to overwhelming sobbing. She let the tears run, let the emotions go. She had prepared herself for the worst. She would rather face the ugly and cruel truth clearly than live in doubts and worries.

Frank was as shocked as he was furious. I should have ended her way earlier. She didn't even deserve to be alive.

Nathalia wiped off her tears, took a deep breath. Her face was a look of determination. She said loudly and clearly, "Dad, can you please promise me something with the witness of everyone present here?"

Frank grew worried, sensing the seriousness in her tone. He felt like something ominous was about to happen.

He was about to stop Nathalia when another serious and clean voice sounded "Please continue. We are all listening." It was Matt.

Spencer narrowed his eyes and looked threatening.

Nathalia closed her eyes as if it could help gather the courage to voice herself. Another deep breath.

Then she opened her eyes and sternly and painfully, she said: "If I died accidentally, or not accidentally before I'm twenty-five years old, please donate all the money I'm to inherit from grandpa to the orphanage, all the money and not leave a cent for the Carters."

She gave herself seven years to fight, to change, to have a chance of living a new life. If she could not beat them by then, she would accept that it was her lack of capability, and this was meant to happen.

The crowd burst into another exclamation, talks, and murmurs, guessing what Nathalia was implying.

Die before the age of twenty-five?

How come she has such a thought? The thought of dying? Young!

Perhaps that's what she's been fearing? Perhaps someone wants to kill her?

Not to leave a cent to the Carters? What's that about?

My God! Could it be? The Carters. They want to kill...

It dawned on the people, and they stared at Frank, Anne, and Evette, terrified by the thought.

How did she know? Who told her? That's why she's been behaving like this!

In Frank's mind, the money had always been his. He was furious to learn that now his whole plan had been totally ruined. He wondered who it was that told Nathalia, and he hated whoever that was, but he hated Nathalia more.

How dare she?! Going against me! She thinks now she has Spencer Davison's help, she can do whatever she wants?! Little shit!

How Frank reacted wasn't anything unexpected to Nathalia, yet she couldn't help feeling let down and hurt.

"Dad, the grandpa, left me billions. I have the right to use the money however I want. Perhaps to donate it to the orphanage can help bring you some good karma for the things you've done. I believe mom and grandpa would agree too."




The crowd again cried out in surprise. She's inheriting billions of dollars! But what does she mean by good karma? What has Frank Carter done?

Are they hiding something?

Have they done something unspeakably terrible?

Matt frowned and looked at Nathalia, confused, curious, and caring.

Spencer tasted the bitterness and pain in her words. Silly girl, do you know what consequence this is going to bring?

Spencer agreed that it would be better Nathalia had nothing to do with the family anymore. He was even pleased for her as they had never treated her as a family member anyway. All they had done for her was to bring pain and harm.

However, he didn't think that was a good way to deal with it. People would probably think she had no respect for her parents. But then, he suddenly realized something, and his face just switched to anger and fury. Wait! Frank Carter has been planning to kill her?!

Is that why she has to let it all out as this can be her only and last chance?

Spencer shivered with rage.

Frank was mad, his face hideous and fearsome as if he could see the billions of dollar bills swept away by a sudden gust of wind, gone.

He forgot to compose himself, to play the fake role of a sensible and loving father. He bellowed, "Nathalia! I warn you. Behave yourself! Don't forget that you are part of the Carters!"

Without the Carters, without me, you are nothing!

People saw his monstrous and frightful face. Their jaws dropped. Is this the real Frank Carter?! The caring, responsible father people have thought he is?

He is warning her?! What does that mean? Is she threatening her?

And just now, he was accusing Nathalia Carter of sexual misconduct and betraying Spencer Davidson. That's not what a normal father would do.

Nathalia listened, closed her eyes, swallowed as if the pain could be defeated, and dissolved. It was true that we had been taught to love our parents, our family, but what if they only brought you suffering? Could one just tolerate and do nothing about it?

The corners of Nathalia's lips tilted up to a most sorrowful smile. With tears in her eyes, she said quietly, "This life has been a tragedy I was born to, and I have to play the role."

Her voice was so light and soft, but the words were so heavy. It was suffocating.

To be born to a rich family did not necessarily bring good fortune and happiness.

Spencer felt the weight of her words, her heart, her pain, her anger, her desperation. He held her hands tight. He wanted her to know that he was with her, always.

Nathalia turned to look at Spencer, awakened by the strength of his hands, to see the worry and love in his teary eyes. The energy of warmth flew into her heart.

Thanks for being here with me at the most difficult time. She felt courage. She knew she was brave to fight the battle, and she was not alone.

Indeed, the battle had now truly begun.

Anne and Evette's faces turned pale. That's our money! We can't give it away to anyone! They thought of hundreds of ways to get revenge on Nathalia, but with the crowd watching, they remained silent. Huh, she will get her punishment soon!

Then, a reporter broke the silence and questioned loudly, "So, who is the girl in the video clip?" It excited the crowd.