The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 866 - He Was Different

Chapter 866: He Was Different

She tried to stop several cars, but only to find that drivers all shook their hands. Those taxis, however, were all occupied.

He Xiyan had no choice but to click on a certain online car hailing app on her mobile phone. In fact, it was not safe to hail a car on online app in the evening, but they really couldn’t stop one.

“Jiahang, where is your friend’s address?” He Xiyan turned to look at Jiahang, finding that Jiahang had been looking at the direction of the airport, his eyes fixed.

She looked at the same direction and saw that he was looking at a girl in her twenties. Because of the distance, she could not see the girl’s face clearly, only knowing that she was beautiful with long brown curly hair draping over her waist like seaweed. The girl was very tall, probably 1.75 meters by visual measurement.

Well, did Jiahang know this girl?

He Xiyan frowned, feeling confused as well as weird. In short, she felt that she could no longer understand the man beside her.

“Jiahang…” Seeing Jiahang’s eyes fixed on the girl, He Xiyan patted Jiahang on the shoulder.

Chen Jiahang then came back to his mind at this moment.

“Input this address. Otherwise, we won’t be able to get a taxi.” He Xiyan handed her mobile phone to Jiahang.

Chen Jiahang took over the phone, clicking on the phone screen quickly. He Xiyan found that he entered the address of a hotel other than that of a residential area.

Yes, that was too late. It was more appropriate to stay in a hotel than going to someone’s house at midnight.

Ten minutes later, they finally got into a car hailed online; its driver was a middle-aged man in his fifties or so.

The man was bald, looking older than his actual age. He even drove to earn a living so late, who must be under great pressure of life.

“You are not locals, aren’t you? Why don’t you ask your friends to come and pick you up? Recently, the traffic management is quite strict. We who drove private cars seldom come to the airport to pick up passengers for fear of being caught and fined.”

As soon as they got into the car, the driver took the initiative to talk to them. He spoke the local Jingzhou dialect. He Xiyan didn’t understand it very well. She frowned, unable to figure out what the driver had said.

Jiahang, however, understood it all. He responded, “It’s too late to bother friends. Sir, please drive a little faster.”

“Okay, lad, remember to give me a good comment when you get off. I’m taking the risk to pick you up.”

Chen Jiahang said, “Okay, no problem.”

(He Xiyan)…

He Xiyan was confused along the way. She opened her eyes wide, which were as clear as water. She looked at the driver and then at Jiahang.

She couldn’t understand what the driver was talking about, but Jiahang understood every word and could even chat smoothly all the way.

Had Jiahang lived in this city before?

At one o’clock in the morning, the car arrived at the entrance of a hotel. After getting off, He Xiyan found that the location of the hotel seemed very remote. There were no high-rise buildings around, only short houses, and a resettlement housing district nearby.

This place was very quiet, which should be near the suburbs.

They checked in a deluxe single room. Although the hotel was remote, its environment was indeed excellent and the room looked clean and tidy.

Because of fatigue, after taking a bath, they soon went to bed to rest. But this night, He Xiyan couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. She sometimes turned to look at Chen Jiahang beside her. He still wore the same face. However, He Xiyan just felt that Jiahang no more had the childlike pure smile and look as before.