The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 825 - Her Mother Didn't Love Her

Chapter 825: Her Mother Didn’t Love Her

Xi Xi’s father brought her to an extremely popular restaurant that was almost completely full. She could see families gathered around each table; there were families of four, five, and three, and these families all looked extremely happy.

A family of three sat in front of them and they were parents who had brought their young daughter who looked like she was five or six years of age to eat steak. The girl ate happily and told her parents about her day at school as she ate. Bursts of laughter could be heard from their table.

Xi Xi could hear the girl giggling happily and she stared at this family of three as she sat beside her father. The girl in particular had caught her attention since this girl looked like she was just a little older than her.

“Xi Xi, what do you feel like having?” Ye Hao asked his precious daughter. He would only smile when he saw his daughter in recent years.

Xi Xi didn’t respond but continued to look at the family in front of her. She watched as the girl’s parents laughed happily along with her.

Ye Hao noticed his daughter staring at the table in front of them, so he turned to the waiter and said, “We want to order the same thing as the table in front of us.”

The waiter smiled and acknowledged their order.

Xi Xi turned to look at her father and her amber-colored eyes blinked rapidly and tears swirled in her eyes as she asked, “Daddy, why did my mom die?”

Ye Hao didn’t know what to say.

He froze and he dropped his handphone onto the table. He frowned and all color drained from his face.

Xi Xi continued when she saw that her father didn’t respond to her question, “My mother didn’t love me, right? Was that why she jumped into the ocean?”

She asked sadly as she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Then, she picked up her doll and hugged her doll tightly.

It seemed as though the doll was the only thing that could comfort her.

Ye Hao felt like his heart was being torn into pieces and his face paled. Then, he stretched out his hand to pat his daughter’s tiny shoulders and said hoarsely, “Xi Xi, your mom loves you. She just accidentally fell into the ocean. It was an accident and moreover…”

“No,” Xi Xi cut him off and she pouted angrily when she heard what he was about to say.

“My mom chose to jump into the ocean. This was what the nanny and the aunties at the castle told me. My mom didn’t love me; she didn’t want me,” Xi Xi said as her hands balled into tiny fists. She was extremely upset.

Why did her mom abandoned her? Why did everybody at school have a mom but her?

Ye Hao felt like his daughter’s words were like knives that sliced at his heart. He felt so upset that he no longer had the appetite to eat. He didn’t know how he could explain this to his daughter.

He had already forbade the servants employed at the castle on several occasions from talking about Xi Xi’s mother in front of her. They weren’t supposed to say anything even if she asked. These people had clearly ignored his warnings.

Ye Hao was both angry and upset.

He was extremely upset with himself. He hated himself for causing his daughter to lose his mother and for him to lose the woman he loved most.

He didn’t have any plans for the future because nothing interested him anymore.