The Pirate Family

693 Chapter 680: The First Person to Awaken

Tezolo is an out-and-out businessman. If the Vennhill family loses the value of using it, he will kick the family away without hesitation.

Even if the Wienhill family and Tezolo are still in a cooperative relationship, once he knows that Ron\'s body is in a problem, he may terminate the cooperation.

The invitation this time is a temptation.

"Adversity sees people\'s hearts." After a long time, Garrett laughed mockingly, then said calmly.

"I see, help me tell Mr. Tezolo, I will be there."

"What about the young master?"

Violet asked. After all, she knew that the person Mr. Tezolo really invited was Lorne.

The person everyone really wanted to meet was also Lorne.

Garrett paused, and a charming smile appeared on her face. She lifted up her burgundy hair and said lightly.

"He, he has been busy recently, I can\'t guarantee whether he can attend."

"I understand." Violé nodded in characteristic, and then slowly retreated.

Busy business is just an excuse, but can this excuse really deceive those old foxes?

Violet didn\'t know.


When the Wienhill family replied that they were about to participate in the World Gambling Conference in Tezolo, the whole sea caused an uproar.Everyone wanted to know what happened to the current Wienhill family.

Did Lorne suffer serious injuries or die after a decisive battle with the Navy, as rumored?

After all, an emperor is not an insignificant little person in the new world. Their existence can affect the pattern of the entire world.

Now the Wienhill family responded positively, and the other people also collected the spies they had sent out to investigate the intelligence. In any case, all the answers will be revealed on the Guran Tezolo after a month.

Day by day, the sea gradually calmed down, as if all the waves had disappeared with the previous whirlpool, but everyone knew that if Lorne hadn’t showed up after a month, it was just a bigger whirlpool. That\'s the beginning of it.

On the seventh day after the end of the Battle of Sdio, countless thunders suddenly appeared above Sdio\'s sky. Numerous thunder and lightnings as thick as a water column fell from the sky, smashed into the sea, and set off waves.The sky became extremely dark, as if countless thunderclouds shrouded the sky.

Then, a giant made of thunder and lightning broke through the clouds and slowly walked out of the sky, like the nine-day thunder god in the myth.

This scene was witnessed by countless pirates, and everyone knew one thing, that is, the man of the Weinhill family, Ainilu, the god of thunder, finally showed up again after more than half a month.

"Brother is leaving?"

Garrett looked at Kata Kuri in front of him, and said with some dismay.After Anilu woke up, his brother also ended his mission and told himself that he was about to leave.

"Mother gradually came to my senses and talked to me yesterday, asking me to go back quickly."

Kata Kuri gently touched Garrett’s head. After this period of cultivation, Garrett’s body has improved a lot. Although he is still extremely weak, at least he is not as dying as he was after the war. In addition, Ainilu, one of the high-level combat powers of the Vennhill family, has woken up, and now Sdio has stabilized.

This is why he can leave with confidence.

"I heard from other brothers and sisters that my mother is planning a war, taking advantage of this time to clean up all the pirates around the world, so I must rush back."

Jia Lei nodded, she understood.

After all, his elder brother has his own way to go. Pirates yearn for freedom, and whoever has the right to interfere with others.On the day that Garrett decided to marry, she was no longer a member of the Charlotte family. Kata Kuri was able to sit in Sdie for her for so many days, and she was already extremely dear to her sister.

Of course, Garrett is not the kind of person who can only rely on others. The reason why she refuses to leave Katakuri is more because of her dissatisfaction with her brother. This parting does not know how long it will take to see you again.

"I understand." Jia Lei nodded her head and smiled at Kata Kuri.

"I will take good care of myself, and sister Poval."

"You\'ve grown up."

Kata Kuli said with satisfaction, and then slowly walked towards the port. He took a small boat, one person coming and one person leaving.

He was such a free and easy person, he didn\'t bring anything, and he didn\'t take anything away.

The news that Kata Kuri left Sdeo soon spread through spies to the tables of the leaders of several powerful forces who followed the Wienhill family. They meditated for a while, and then passed orders one after another, like a precision The instrument started to work.

"Did so much happen during our deep sleep?"

Soon after Kata Kuri left, Ainilu came to the main hall of the Dark Iron Castle and saw Garrett who was dealing with affairs.Soon after he woke up, he learned about what happened during this time through Violet\'s records.

Especially when he saw that Garrett blocked the fleet of two admirals with one person above the Adela Sea, he was surprised and speechless.

Green Pheasant Kuzan is not clear, but he knows the strength of the red dog Sakaski is very clear. At the beginning, on the battlefield of Bislan, he and the red dog had a one-on-one death fight, and the thunder battled lava, almost the entire island destroy.

Others don\'t know, but he is very clear that he lost that battle.

If it weren\'t for Lorne\'s last rescue, he might have been burned to ashes by Sakarski.

Therefore, he was very surprised that Garrett was able to resist the red dog.

"Fortunately, you wake up, otherwise I really can\'t support the family anymore."

Garrett said with a wry smile at Anilu.The Vennhill family is a family after all, and Lorne\'s original intention was to build a big family, so the relationship between the top of the Vennhill family is relatively close.In the face of her family, Garrett certainly does not need to hold her own queen\'s airs.

"Is it that serious?"

Ainilu said in a puzzled manner, and then accepted Garrett\'s documents, and saw the list of pirates who participated in the attack on the Vennhill family during this period. These lists are all counted by the family and prepared to settle accounts after autumn.

Ainilu\'s face was indifferent at first, then gradually distorted, and finally became extremely angry.

"This group of cowards, afraid to attack us head-on, used such despicable means."

Ainilu threw the list aside, and said angrily.