The Pirate Family

692 Chapter 679

"This is the most terrible thing!"

I don\'t know why, Odie didn\'t dare to look into Garrett\'s eyes. This feeling was like he was on the sea before, peeping at the big men under the command of the Four Emperors.Odie swallowed, then continued.

"After we read the letter, the letter burned naturally, and finally turned into fly ash, leaving no trace. This is the reason why we went to the isolated island to reconcile. I want to see what it is. Who is hiding behind the scenes."

"So in the end you got no answer."

Garrett asked back.

"No," Odie shook his head bitterly, "Everyone claimed to be attracted by that letter. I observed it secretly, and found no flaws."

"So, this is the secret you want to tell me?"

Garrett still had a slight smile on his face, but I don\'t know why, Odie definitely had a cold smile on his face, making him fall into an ice cave.

"Also, I guess, this letter is probably Gonitz\'s means. He wants to wipe out all the pirates he considers sinful at once!"

"It is indeed a good wording to push this matter on the dead person."

Garrett said with a smile, and then a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"So, do you want to say that there is a dead person who is unruly towards the family?"

"Use a dead person to waste my precious rest time, how do you think I should reward you?"

Garrett said playfully, at this moment, she already had the breath of a superior person, just like her title.

Queen of blood.

"I...I..." Odie was at a loss, speaking incoherently.He originally wanted to exchange this secret for a lighter punishment, but he didn\'t expect it but seemed to anger Garrett.

"Go down."

Garrett didn\'t care too much, but waved his hand to let Odie leave here.

Odie was relieved, turned around and left the room. When he turned around, his back was wet with sweat.

"What is true of what he said?"

After Odie passed, Garrett said to the air behind him.The hidden door behind opened, and Violet walked out of the hidden door.

The latter connects the index finger and thumb of both hands into a circle and places it on his eye socket.

"I saw that he did not lie, which means that there is indeed such a letter."

Violet said.Her ability is the superhuman staring at the fruit, able to see things far away, but also able to see through people\'s hearts.

"There is another force that is unruly towards the family."

Garrett said with a smile, who do you think this force will be?

"I don\'t know, but if you want to send the envelope to each big pirate\'s ship, you need an extremely high lurking ability, and there are only two subordinates that have this lurking ability on the surface of the world."

"CP agents of the world government, Ninja Legion under Kaido."

"Both are our enemies. In other words, no matter who it is, there is no difference." Garrett said with a smile, facing her family, she doesn\'t need to make a serious expression. It looks like an ordinary girl.

"In a sense, you are right."

Viollet nodded.

"Then leave it alone," Jia Lei nodded characteristically."After the war, was the family\'s operations still normal?"

"On the clown\'s side, the transaction between us is still going on. After all, the benefits of dealing with the family are enough to make him take risks."

"According to Mr. Carrier, during this period of family turmoil, war-torn countries across the globe are in urgent need of arms support."

Khalil is the spokesperson for the Weinhill family\'s arms, and due to lack of strength, he generally travels around the world.

However, because he was flying the Vennhill family banner, few forces in the world dared to move him.

In today\'s sea, the situation is chaotic and pirates are rampant.For countless small and weak countries, if they are not protected by the world government and want not to be violated by pirates, there are generally only two options.

Either join a certain great pirate and hang their flag to frighten him and the pirate.

Or, it is to organize militias to use their own strength to resist foreign enemies.

The former is generally chosen by countries in Paradise or the New World, because the strength of the pirates in this sea area is too strong for them to resist.The latter is often liked by countries all over the world.

The irony is that these countries rely on their own strength to resist foreign enemies, and the arms they rely on are derived from one of the biggest pirates in this sea, the Vennhill family.

"The military factory has returned to normal and started to operate." Garrett said in a deep voice. At this time, the residents who came to Sidou from Adela had basically been sent to SKY, Sidou had restored basic order. Can function normally.

"It\'s already done."

"By the way, Miss Klockdale sent a message yesterday, asking if we had any problems."

Violet said in a deep voice, "She said that if we need to, we can go to her site and she will shelter us."

"Thank her for her kindness, and then rebuff her."

Garrett thought for a moment and said.

She actually had a good view of Miss Klockdale. The woman\'s personality was very similar to Lorne, the same rebelliousness, the same arrogance and lawlessness.Getting along with her is like getting along with the female version of Lorne.

However, it is for this reason that Garrett has always been on guard against Krokdal.

The arrogant person, no matter what he does, it is possible.

"One last thing."

Violet produced a document.Asked Garrett softly.

"This is an invitation letter sent by Mr. Tezolo, inviting you and Lorne to participate in the annual World Gambling Conference and be elected guests."

"The location is his golden city, aboard the Guran Tezolo, and the time is one month later."

"Mr. Tezolo specially reminded that the participants this time are all big figures from all over the world, please don\'t be absent from Mr. Lorne."


Garrett was holding a water glass and wanted to drink water, but after hearing Violet\'s words, his movements stopped. Then the next moment, the water glass broke and the water inside spilled all over the floor.

"Has the temptation come? I didn\'t expect that it was our good ally who was the first to test."

Garrett said coldly. When she said the three words good ally, she deliberately increased her tone.

Now the whole world is concerned about Lorne\'s situation, but Tezolo\'s invitation has forced Garrett into a dilemma.

If you refuse to attend, you will appear guilty, and the family will be in a bad situation.

And if he attended, then Lorne\'s situation would be exposed to the eyes of the world.

But now, can Lorne really be able to attend?