The Pirate Family

678 Chapter 665: Gonitz's Purpose

Gonitz finally refused Ratzinger\'s invitation, although he knew that if he agreed to him, it was indeed possible to realize his ambitions.

But I don\'t know why, Gonitz always feels Ratzinger\'s hands are dirty.

He will wash all the blood on his hands tomorrow morning, but Gonitz still thinks Ratzinger\'s hands are dirty.

The rancid smell of contaminated belief is not clean.

After Goynitz once again rejected Ratzinger, Ratzinger\'s face changed drastically, and then clapped his hands. The door of the church closed suddenly, and countless trial knights rushed out from the shadows and aimed their weapons at Goney. Hereby.

No one knew what happened afterwards, and finally Gonitz rushed out of the church with scars.After he was well cultivated, he found that his wanted warrants had been plastered on the street.

He has also changed from the respected Vice-Pope of Holy Truth to a traitor who betrayed the faith that everyone scolds.

Then Gonitz began his wandering life.In the continuous experience, his strength has been rapidly increased, and later he has obtained a powerful natural fruit, Fengfeng fruit.In the new world where the strong are like clouds, he has made a huge reputation.

Gradually, fewer and fewer people asked him to defect to the Pope, and the pirates preferred to call him Gonitz of the Squall.

Because he shot, like a violent wind, any pirate, as long as he does evil and meets him on the sea, will not escape the fate of destruction.

Even if the status is different, Gonitz is purifying the sea in his own way.

However, after being blasted out of the religious state Balan, he never went back there again, even if his strength increased and he could easily destroy a country, he never set foot on the red earth continent.

Later, news came that the great pirate Lorne had attacked the religious state Balan and killed the Pope Ratzinger.Gonitz noticed the newly emerging great pirate.

Through investigation, he discovered that this big pirate turned out to be the culprit who pushed the city to escape from prison. The reason why this sea became so chaotic, he couldn\'t escape.

So, he appeared here.

Time goes back to now.Gonitz lowered his head and looked at his chest pierced by Ratzinger, with a helpless smile on his face.

"After so many years, you still haven\'t changed. All are just pawns used by others."

"It\'s just that what used you before was the greed in your heart, and now it is the heinous family who used you."

Ratzinger behind him couldn\'t understand Gonitz\'s words and wanted to twitch his arm, but found that his hand was clamped by Gonitz\'s muscles and couldn\'t move.

"Let me, as an old friend, give you a decent ending." Gonitz said, the first hand grabbed Ratzinger\'s hand that pierced his chest, and then he broke it down with force, and pulled Ratzinger. His whole arm was torn off.

Two violent tornadoes appeared beside Gonitz, constantly rotating, involving all the experimental systems close to him.

"I am a stupid person who cannot change the whole world like those great men, but I can purify this sea in my own way." He turned his head and faced the cadres of the Wienhill family and his surroundings." Companions" said.

"And you, as the greatest sin in this sea, must be purified!"

Boom boom boom!

The two tornadoes merged into one, forming a larger tornado, swallowing everything around.

"Is this guy crazy?"

Moria quickly used his armed color to stabilize his body, then frowned.Gonitz did this entirely to keep all the pirates here!

All the cadres of the Wienhill family, the pirates who have business dealings with the Wienhill family on the island, and even their collaborators!

"This old guy has never regarded us as partners!" At this time, the silver knight Ody also reacted, a circle of colorless armor covering his body, the fruit of the city wall activated the effect, making him look like The walls are generally strong, avoiding tornadoes.

"This is a conspiracy! We must leave this ghost place as soon as possible and leave the old guy to fight with the Vennhill family!"

The Silver Knight said that, at this time, he could not see the respect he had given Gonitz before.

"Leave?" Moria turned around, looking at the Weinhill family cadres who were unable to fight in the distance, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

This is the best opportunity to annihilate the members of the Vennhill family here. If it is missed, waiting for them to cultivate, then there will be endless revenge to meet their group of pirates.

The revenge of a Four Sovereign level force? None of the people present can guarantee that they will survive.

But stay here?Moria saw the tornadoes spreading next to him again, and the surrounding air became thinner. Moria felt that breathing became more and more difficult, and his body began to move slightly. Such a huge gust of wind, even armed and domineering, could not stabilize. Live his body!

Finally, Moria looked at the coffins on the pirate ship in the harbor, and gritted his teeth, then said.

"Let\'s go, let\'s get out of here!"

When she said this, Moria looked back at Garrett and the others, and Garrett also felt Moria\'s gaze and glared back without fear.

But when Moria and Odi just rushed to the shore, a gust of wind blew them back, and a tsunami tens of meters high was set off on the sea in the distance, like a sky curtain, whizzing towards Sdio. come.

"This old guy is not going to let us go!"

Moria gritted his teeth and said, he did not expect that he would be fooled by Gonitz. Now he is in a very embarrassing situation and must face both the Wienhill family and Gonitz at the same time.

"It seems that we need to join forces." Moria turned his head and said to Odie next to him.

He waved his hand, and the zombies carrying the coffin immediately rushed towards this side, which contained his biggest hole card.

"Since I am not allowed to go, then I will let you know what true power is!"

After seeing that the coffin was still past, Moria felt a little relieved, and then a ruthless color flashed in his eyes, as he said.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

The waves rolled, and a man wearing animal skins was shot back by the waves and fell to the center of the battlefield.

He was wet, with some slight scars, and looked a little embarrassed.Man stood up, raised his head, and looked fiercely at Experiment S-1 standing in front of him.

Even if the subject was his younger brother when he was alive, they are now enemies.

And there is always only one way to deal with the enemy.

That is to completely eliminate him!