The Pirate Family

677 Chapter 664

"The sea is flooded with pirates. Only by taking refuge in the Holy Truth can you be spared."

In Balaam, the Church of the Holy Truth, an elderly priest is praying.The audience is full of devout believers.

After a long time, after the priest finished his service and chanted a passage of the Holy Truth Church, he slowly left, leaving the believers to communicate with each other.

"Sooner or later, I will join the Holy Truth Church and spread the glory of Holy Truth and God."

Outside the door of the church, two children were secretly looking around. One of the younger children had a pious look and said seriously.

"Do you spread the glory of the Lord?" The other calmer kid thought for a moment before muttering to himself.

At this time, the people in the church gradually dispersed. The two of them took this opportunity to walk into the church, raised their heads, and looked at the solemn statue of the Holy Truth in the center.

Young children bow their heads and bow down, their movements are pious and standard, and they seem to have practiced many times in private.Many church members feel ashamed after seeing it.

The older children stood, raised their heads and looked directly at the solemn statue of the Holy Truth, talking to themselves.

"If the Holy Truth really exists, why would these rampant pirates be left alone?"

He and another child were orphans. Their parents died in a pirate attack. They were later adopted by people from Balaam, who taught them the simplest food and clothing, so that they could grow up slowly.There are many children like them, and these children spontaneously worship the believers of the church.

except him.

"Shut up! The Holy Truth God just wants to test whether these people\'s faith is pious, and only the pious are worthy of being protected by Him!"

The young child stood up and retorted blushingly.

"Is that so," the older child muttered to himself, still a little puzzled."Then those who don\'t believe in the Holy Truth God deserve to die?"

At this time, Balan, the church country, had more than ten churches, but except for the Church of the Holy Truth, the other churches showed a little bit of depression, making the Church of the Holy Truth dominate.

"Of course people who have no faith deserve to die! Sooner or later I will let everyone believe in the Holy Truth!"

The younger child yelled, then pushed the older child heavily, and turned away angrily.

To him who is ignorant, he still doesn\'t know what is the difference between Taoism and seeking, but he feels that he and his older children are no longer suitable for being friends.

The child who was pushed by his friend almost fell to the ground, but he still raised his head and looked directly at the statue of Holy Truth before him.It\'s just that in his eyes, the face of the deity became more and more blurred, and finally became his appearance.

His own look!

This year is the 1450 year of the Haiyuan calendar, and Lockes, Caesar, Roger and others, who were all the best in the year, have yet to show the limelight.This year, the navy was fairly strong, and it was barely able to maintain peace in the four seas.

This year, two insignificant orphans decided to part ways because of different ideas.

The two children grew up one after another, and joined the Church of Holy Truth one after another. Starting from the believers at the bottom, they climbed up one after another. After decades, they finally sat down at the same time. The position of the Pope.

In the past few decades, they have not said a word.

The elder child was named Gonitz.

The young child is named Ratzinger.

In the temple of the Church of the Holy Truth, Gonitz was watching the information sent by his men. Locks, who was in the midst of the sky, died, died in the hands of an unknown lieutenant admiral.

"In this way, this flood of pirate era may be over." Gonitz put down the information in his hand and prepared to drink a cup of tea, but when he just touched the teacup, his actions suddenly stopped.

The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in a red pope robe walked in from outside.


The man opened his mouth, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"What\'s the matter?" Gonitz said. He put down the cup and listened.

This is the first time they have communicated since they grew up.

"Have you heard that Lockes is dead. The outside world of pirates will come to an end. This is the instruction of the Holy Truth. We should go overseas and spread the glory of the Lord!"

Middle-aged Ratzinger said excitedly.

Gonitz frowned. He actually didn\'t like Ratzinger\'s wording, because neither he nor Ratzinger knew that the Lord did not exist, but only in the hearts of people who were lingering in this troubled world. I imagined a spiritual sustenance.

Moreover, the admiral who killed Locks was rumored to not believe in the church at all, so it was the instruction of the Holy Truth.

"I decided to persuade the Pope to eradicate all the other heretics in Balaam, and then add glory to the Holy Truth. Are you with me?"

Seeing Ratzinger\'s fiery eyes, Gonitz knew that this was an excellent opportunity for them to reconcile, but he thought about it, and slowly shook his head.

For some reason, Gonitz felt that Ratzinger had changed.

If he was a bigoted believer at the beginning, now he has some greed in his faith.

Others crave wealth and beauty, while Ratzinger craves the feeling of being respected and worshipped.


Ratzinger\'s face turned green, and he gave a cold snort, turned and left angrily, just like he did in the past.

Gonitz smiled, then lowered his head and continued to drink tea and read.

About ten years later, Gonitz was spreading the church\'s thoughts outside the sea, and suddenly received an order from the headquarters to let him put down his work and immediately rush to the Islamic state of Balaam.

After he returned to the religious state of Balaam, the sight that appeared in front of him shocked him.The headquarters of all other churches were destroyed, and blood flowed from the churches of those churches and stained Balan\'s white ground.

From time to time, some pagans were tortured by the law enforcement team of the Church of the Holy Truth and dragged into the imprisonment tower.

When Gonitz came to the headquarters of the Holy Truth Church with doubts, it was not the respected old pope who sat in the position of the pope, but the complacent Ratzinger.

"The old guy is pedantic and stubborn. I have killed him and eliminated everyone who prevented me from spreading the glory of the Lord." Ratzinger sat on the high throne and looked at Gonitz condescendingly.

"So you want to kill me too?" Gonitz said softly. He could hardly believe why the pious kid had become what he is today.

"No, you are different from them. You have the strength. Together, we can spread the glory of the Lord across the entire sea."

Ratzinger stepped down from the throne and held out his hand towards Gonitz.

This is the third time he has invited him.