The Pirate Family

580 Chapter 571

Jody slowly opened the lid of the coffin, and there was a woman lying inside.

A woman whose entire body except for the skin of her head was carefully cut apart by a sharp blade, revealing red muscles.Her tender skin tangled together like flesh-colored roses growing on her.

A big hole was dug in her chest, and a heart was beating slowly.Even so, she is still alive.

But there is no trace of blood on her body, just like an exquisite artwork.Even Lorne had to admit that the people who created all of this had extraordinary artistic talents.

If Lorne didn\'t know this woman.

"How about, are you satisfied with this gift?"

Anna resisted the nausea in her heart, and said mockingly, after the defeat, she never thought of going back alive!

"It\'s a great gift. I didn\'t expect him to join you." Ron\'s tone gradually became cold, because he recognized whose handwriting it was from.

In the entire sea, he is the only one who has such an exquisite knife skill, able to cut a person\'s skin, and still retains his life. In the entire sea, he is the only one with such a perverted aesthetic pursuit.

"I haven\'t seen each other for so many years. It really gave me a big surprise." Lorne walked to the coffin, took off his cloak, and carefully covered the woman\'s body.


The woman lying in the coffin reluctantly opened her eyes. After seeing Lorne, she finally regained a little look, and then became dim again.

"Brother-in-law, sorry, my sister was taken away by bad guys in order to protect me!"

The woman cried.

"It\'s okay," Lorne gently stroked the girl\'s short hair, said in a very small voice."Take a good rest. When you wake up, everything is over."


Yes, the woman lying in the coffin is Garrett’s twin sister, the nineteenth daughter of the Charlotte family. After that battle, Charlotte Poval, who disappeared with Garrett !

After hearing Lorne\'s words, tears couldn\'t stop streaming from Poval\'s eyes.She cried unwillingly.

After calming the girl, Lorne stood up, said in a loud voice, coldly.His tone was firm, as if he was talking about something coming.

"I will definitely kill you, Sanchuanqi!"

"Ahahahaha." Anna beside her finally couldn\'t help but smiled.

This is the scene she has always wanted to see, Lorne\'s gaffe.However, she was smiling, but there was a trace of tears in her eyes.What she has worked hard for most of her life is so humble and trivial.

It\'s ironic.

Symbolizing the most just place in the world, two women shed tears in front of the tower of justice on the island of justice.

It\'s just that one of them is crying, and the other is laughing!

The fog cleared.Lorne and his party disappeared.The soldiers on Judicial Island began to look for the invaders around.But no matter how they searched, they couldn\'t find an intruder.

They haven\'t discovered that as the fog disappears, it is not just Ron and his party, but Anna, and all her ambitions.


Mary Joa.

This place is located in the Red Earth Continent and is the holy land of the Tianlong people. Because it is adjacent to the navy headquarters and is surrounded by the powers of the Red Earth Continent, this place can be said to be the most heavily defenseed place in the world.

At least in theory.

There is a castle in Marigioa called Pangel Castle, which is the residence of the Denonians and is heavily guarded.

A bloated Tianlong was standing in a small garden in Mariejoa, quietly admiring the beautiful flowers in the garden.If it weren\'t for his face burned by the fire with a vicious look, no one would think that this is a Tianlong who loves life.

Behind him, several beautiful maids crawled on the ground tremblingly, not daring to look up at their master.

Because of the previous incident, his master\'s originally vicious character became more surly, and he beat and scolded his servants at all times. Several strong servants had been beaten to death by him.Even the pirate slaves couldn\'t bear the anger of men, how could their group of weak women bear it.

"I hate the smell of these roses, help me burn them all!"

After seeing the fresh and beautiful rose, the man frowned and said viciously as if thinking of something unbearable.

"But, these flowers were planted by other Celestials! Saint Nidic!" The maids lay on the ground and did not dare to move, crying without tears, they almost thought that their master was going to die by themselves. The people of Tianlong were so surly that they finally planted some flowers. If they were burned, they would definitely be put to death.

"In other words, do you think that the words of other Celestials are more important than mine?"

The tone of the Heavenly Dragon, known as the Nedicite Saint, gradually became gloomy.He decided to put to death these disobedient slut.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, as expected to be a Dragonite, it is disgusting." At this time, a lazy male voice reached Nediktersheng\'s ears, and he turned his head to look.A pale youth with short white hair came over here while yawning.

Wearing a floral shirt, he looks like a person on vacation on the beach.

"Who are you?" Nedikert said coldly. He saw a woman with long lilac hair beside the man. The woman was beautiful, but it was a pity that she had an eye-catching burn on her face, which destroyed the whole Beauty.

But she didn\'t know whether it was a man or a woman.To be sure, neither of these two people are from Denon.

In this place, apart from the Tianlong people, there are only the slaves of the Tianlong people, but those slaves dare not talk to themselves in this tone, that is, they are outsiders!

In this short period of time, Saint Nedick\'s head turned faster than ever before. After thinking about all this, he suddenly roared.

"Guards, come here, there are intruders here intending to murder this saint!"

Footsteps sounded around the small garden, and countless heavily armed soldiers surrounded the small garden.

They raised their black muzzles and aimed them at the people in the small garden.

"No matter who you are, since you have appeared in front of me, then be prepared to die!"

Following his order, the soldiers did not pull the trigger. Instead, they moved their muzzles and slowly aimed them at Nedikt.

"Do you know how annoying you are?"

The white-haired boy said with a smile.The entire small garden was silent except for the sound of bullets being loaded.