The Pirate Family

579 Chapter 570: The First Gift

Lorne told the two giants exactly what had happened in Elbaff, and the two giants were skeptical first, and then roared in shock.

"What, Prince Thor intends to usurp the throne, and even wants to murder King Odin and Lord Yaluru?!"

"That\'s it." Lorne nodded slowly. These things were personally experienced by him, so there was no falsehood.

"Is this enough in exchange for you to open the door of justice?"

"However, we have to work here for a hundred years before the world government will captain them..." Casey touched his head and hesitated.

"I can tell you that your captain is not in the hands of the world government, and you are all deceived by the world government!" Lorne interrupted the two giants.

There was dead silence around, and the breathing of the two giants gradually became faster. They worked for the world government for decades. Is it just for a lie?

"I\'m not doing it!" Oimo said angrily, and then stood up and patted Casey on the shoulder.

"Let\'s go back to Elbaff!"

After speaking, the two giants nodded slightly to Lorne and his group, and then walked towards the port without looking back.

They are going home!

After the two giants left, the second gate of justice was left unguarded, and Lorne gently pushed open the huge gate.

The gate opened, a solemn tower emerged in the mist, and a long and narrow suspension bridge connected the second gate of justice and the island of justice.There are endless abysses on both sides, under the shroud of mist, like a fairyland country.

Lorne walked in the forefront alone, followed by the cadres of the Vennhill family.But just as they walked to the middle of the suspension bridge, there was a sudden whistling sound in their ears.

A bullet cut through the fog and shot towards Lorne. Lorne was expressionless, his head turned slightly to the side, and the bullet grazed his side face and shot past.

"It seems that the people who welcome us are here."

Lorne smiled and said, the thick fog separated automatically. At the end of the suspension bridge, there was a sexy lady in leather jacket standing. She was holding a long spear and pointed it at Lorne, the muzzle was still blazing.

Next to her, stood two rows of black suits waiting in line. These were all CP-9 elite agents.

"I didn\'t expect you to dare to come."

"I\'m coming."

Lorne and Anna both spoke at the same time, but these two people who had never been masked had an amazing understanding.

Anna was taken aback, and then laughed at herself, "That\'s right, there are only things on this sea that Ron doesn\'t want to do, and nothing you don\'t dare to do."

"Why do you call Lorne?" Anna\'s tone was full of mockery.She gave an order, and all the agents in the black suit raised their weapons, and then aimed at Wienhill and his party.

"I don\'t know you, I don\'t know why you hate me so much." Lorne shook his head, with a trace of regret on his face."But when you decide to be my enemy, your end is already doomed."


Anna yelled, this group of well-trained agents pulled the trigger without hesitation, but they didn\'t know when their guns were aimed at their companions.

Boom boom boom boom!

Countless fires shot out from the muzzle, and one of them was shot in a black suit, and blood bursting out of his chest.

In an instant, all the black suits fell to the ground, and at the end of the suspension bridge, only Anna was left.

The pungent smell of gunpowder and the fishy smell of blood mixed together, filling the air.

And Ron, who did all this, didn\'t have the slightest fluctuation on his face, as if he had only done a trivial thing.

These well-trained CP-9 agents, for ordinary people, or weaker pirates, are unattainable big people, enough to be called monsters.But facing Lorne today, it was still not enough.With the perception ability fully awakened, Lorne can easily control the five senses of these weak people, turning them into puppets in his own hands.

Enemies who can\'t break free from this illusion are not even qualified to be Lorne\'s opponent!

And Anna was also expressionless, she seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago.Still raised the sniper rifle in his hand and aimed it at Lorne.


But the moment she pulled the trigger, she felt that her body was firmly grasped by something, and the dense fog behind her turned into a human form, grabbing Anna\'s hands, making her immobile. .

A dark figure rushed in front of Anna, and Jody turned into a tiger, punching Anna\'s tender belly with a heavy punch.

The melee ability of a spearman and a physical man could not be compared, and Anna was restrained, it was equivalent to eating Jodi\'s full blow with his own body.Her lower abdomen sank at a speed visible to the naked eye.Then he coughed out a big mouthful of blood, mixed with some visceral froth.

This punch has completely lost Anna\'s ability to fight.

"I won\'t let you go!" Anna bowed her whole body, but still stared at Ron with her eyes.

What kind of eyes are that, except for hatred, there is no other emotions at all.

"Actually, until now, I don\'t know what grievances I have with you." Lorne walked up to Anna, bent down, and cupped her cheeks.

"What a beautiful face, why do you show such a look?"

Through the memory of the female agent, he probably had guessed the footsteps of this mysterious organization, that is, in the process of his rise over the years, he offended others, and then under the power of the white-haired man, he united together.

So this female agent named Anna should have some grudges with him.That\'s why he chose to be his enemy.

But now, these are not important anymore.

Anna turned her head and forcibly broke free of Lorne. In her opinion, it seemed that any physical contact with Lorne was an insult.

"It\'s just that these are not important anymore. Now you can tell me that you are planning to trick me here all the way, what is the purpose?"

Anna did not answer Lorne, but turned her head and glanced at the side where a coffin was placed.

Lorne frowned because he felt a slight life fluctuation in the coffin.And this breath of life was very familiar, just like someone he knew.

"This is the first gift they gave you."

Anna said.

Jody walked to the coffin indifferently, carefully checked the surroundings of the coffin, and shook his head slowly to Lorne.

There is no agency.

"Hehe, the famous and lawless Lorne has been so cautious, where is your ambition?"

Anna mocked.

Lorne ignored the woman\'s sarcasm, but gently nodded at Jody.Jody slowly opened the coffin.

There was a woman lying inside.