The Pirate Family

575 Chapter 566 The Second Method of Immortality

"What news?" Warring States put down the intelligence in his hands and asked in a deep voice.

"They said that the winners of this competition will get their gifts."

"A ring made of pure gold!"

"What!" After hearing the news, the Warring States roared.

Pure gold, as the name suggests, is pure gold.

There is a Neptune lantern fish named "Lantern Master" on this sea. On its head is a huge lantern filled with pure gold.Because its size is too huge, some people even compare it with the elephant lord who is located in the New World and carries the entire Zuow Kingdom.

But its whereabouts are too mysterious, coupled with the vastness of the vast sea, so few people can encounter it.

However, anyone who guides the effects of pure gold can hardly contain their greed when faced with this metal.

Because in the legend, people who eat pure gold or wear pure gold can get immortality!

"They released this pure gold ring, does it mean that all of them have obtained enough pure gold?" Warring States said in a deep voice.

Do they want to establish a pirate regiment formed by immortals and sail towards the new era they hope?

It\'s crazy.

The Warring States period shook his head bitterly. He could already predict how crazy the pirates would fight because of this pure gold ring.Fortunately, those tricky guys didn\'t come to Bislan, otherwise the current naval forces really couldn\'t handle it.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after this news spreads, those above who stand on the top of the world\'s power cannot sit still.

This war will definitely start.

Warring States thought so, and then the phone worm on the desk rang suddenly.

Blue blue.

Warring States took the call worm, an old man said slowly in a tone that could hardly contain his greed.

"Unscrupulous, no matter the cost, you must get that pure gold ring!"


"I have to leave." Lorne said softly, standing on the deck of a dhow in the waters of the giant whale.Behind him stood a beautiful woman.

"Do you really want to do this?" Zhuan Yuan said softly, "Loki has promised that after he unifies the entire Elbaff, he will be able to canonize you as a hero, the fourth in the entire Elbaff history. A human hero! Your reputation can even be comparable to Teacher Karp, Roger One Piece, and even your father. By then, with your special identity, what misunderstandings cannot be resolved?"

Through intelligence, Zhuanyuan knew about the recent events in this sea and the rewards issued by the Wienhill family to CP agents, but she firmly believed that this was just a misunderstanding. CP-9 people are stupid and often do it. Some things about crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, but the river has not yet passed, the king Qiwuhai is still an important ally of the navy, they are crazy to provoke the contradiction between the two.

Among them, there must be some misunderstanding.

"In this world, the only thing that can\'t wait for people is time." Lorne said slowly, then jumped off the deck, boarded a dhow, and then slowly rowed towards the distance.The white-haired man happened to pinpoint the time for his return from Elbaff.After getting the news, he will definitely go to Judicial Island non-stop.This is nothing, but the secret of owning two bodies can never be revealed, so this clone must be hidden before the body appears.

Zhuan Yuan saw Ron\'s back, and remembered the order the Marshal of the Warring States Period had given him last night. He must keep Ron and not let him do anything impulsive.

But Lorne, is he really able to stay?

Zhuan Yuan doubted this deeply.


The news of the spiteful trial made the entire sea go into madness. Even the Four Emperors who were originally as stable as Mount Tai could not restrain their inner desires. Especially the white-bearded crew members were gearing up to go to Bisi. Lan, grab the pure gold ring.

You must know that the old man\'s physical condition is worse than that of the day. At this time, he has long lost the vigor that he had been in the past, and has become a patient who hangs a bottle all day.And this pure gold ring may be an antidote to alleviate the physical condition of the father.

They don\'t want to see the day when the white beard hero is late and cannot hold his own knife.

Things continued to ferment, and the world\'s eyes were on Bislan, and at this time, a boat made of pure gold emerged from the deep sea near the Chambord Islands.They went against the eyes of the whole world and came to Paradise from the new world.

And on the flagpole of this ship, there is a pattern of a misty moon!

"It\'s been a long time, Paradise." On the bow of the golden warship, stood a man wearing a black cloak and bare his sturdy body.He looked at the sea in front of him and said slowly.

Since going to the New World, Lorne rarely returns to Paradise, because this sea area is too weak to attract his interest.

"According to the speed of the Golden Proverbs, it will take less than a day to reach the Judicial Island." Next to Lorne, a beauty in a red dress was standing, and she lightly opened her red lips.

"Seeing us coming, the person hiding behind the scenes should jump up in excitement."

"It\'s just a pity that the force that killed Seia has a good thing like pure gold hidden in his hands. This time, we guess we will miss this good thing."

"Fortunately, I lost my life." Lorne said softly, "Eternal life means eternal loneliness, ordinary eternal life, I would rather not."

This is Lorne\'s worldview. He has been in this world for too long, and he has been assimilated by this world.If there is no challenge in life, what is the point?

The surrounding ships, after seeing the Golden Proverbs, tremblingly gave way to a path.As pirates, they all know more or less about the major events on this sea, and know what this flag means. Now they are challenging the powerhouses of this level, for these newcomers who have not been to the new world. Said it was too early.

"The time is almost up, it\'s time to let her out." When the Golden Proverbs left the waters of the Chambord Islands, Lorne gently said to Agatha.Agatha waved to the cloned soldiers on the ship, and a female agent wearing a tights was released.

"Go, my warrior."

Lorne said to the female agent.

"Fight for you, my king!"

After seeing Lorne, the female agent bowed slightly and made no secret of the admiration of Lorne in her eyes.