The Pirate Family

574 Chapter 565: New Information

"At the first sight of you, I knew we were all the same."

"The same hatred brought us together."

As the man said this, her eyes flashed with lavender light. After the female agent heard the man\'s words, the killing intent in her eyes gradually dissipated and she became confused. After the confusion, she began to firm up again.

She muttered to herself.


"Indeed, I hate that man."

"So, I want that man to fall from the throne. Will you help me?"

"I want to kill him!"

The female agent said firmly.

Seeing this scene, the white-haired boy showed a satisfied smile on his face. He looked directly into the eyes of the female agent and smiled.It seemed to have traveled through time and space, and had a conversation with Lorne who was peeping through the memory of the female agent.

"I will show you the anger of the weak."

"I\'m looking for you!"

"I\'m waiting," Lorne said softly, as if answering the man\'s words across layers of time and space.

"Is he the black hand hiding behind this incident?" Violet said in a condensed voice. She had never seen this man, and the family did not have any information about this man.I don\'t know where his hatred comes from.

"Looks like a capable person?" Agatha thought for a while and said slowly. Judging from the memory of the female agent, she is a very determined person. Except for the incident of Xindoli, her life He hadn\'t been shaken by other things, but because of a few words from a strange man, he resolutely helped him deal with Lorne.

You know, Lorne had already risen strongly at that time, and he had reached the top level of this sea. Even the Tianlong people who looked at him quite upset would not move him rashly. Ordinary pirates were seeing the Weinhill family. After the flag passed, it even shivered.

Agatha flipped through the memory behind the female agent and found that after that, the female agent had been secretly helping the white-haired man, and this man was secretly promoting many tasks that instigated the relationship between pirates.

He hated not just Lorne, but the sea, all the pirates.

It\'s just that this man, after that, never appeared in the memory of the female agent again. All the tasks were released through a small note that suddenly appeared.The last task of the female agent is to act as the wife of the Black Sailing Captain, sneak into the Dowwin Hill family, and then at a critical time, take out a special life card that can track the whereabouts of the Black Sailing Captain Jerome Orlando, vaguely The reveals of Jerome Orlando.

"There are still people from this mysterious force inside CP-9. It seems that the famous secret service organization has become rotten to this extent.

Lorne said lightly, and then left these behind. The corruption of CP-9 had nothing to do with him. He searched the female agent\'s memory for a while, and finally found what he wanted.

"So he wanted to lead me to Mary Joa in the end?"

"That\'s really a good place." Mary Joa can be said to be the starting point of his life. If Caesar had not done things in Mary Joa decades ago, Lorne\'s life trajectory would have undergone earth-shaking changes. .

"Since he wants me to go, then I will go." Lorne said lightly, except that Mary Joa would never be his end point. There are so many secrets in this sea that he still doesn\'t know, such as What is the history eight hundred years ago, what did Caesar do in Mary Gioia 20 years ago, what is Ralph Drew hiding, is Roger really dead?

If you die with these regrets, isn\'t life too boring?

So Lorne would never die before he finished enjoying his life, at least he wouldn\'t die in the place that bore him like Mary Joa.

"It\'s just that before that, there is one more thing to do." Lorne said to Violet, "Go to the prison in the Sky City and bring that man."

After hearing the man\'s name, Violet looked shocked, but after seeing Lorne\'s firm eyes, she nodded slowly.


Haiyuan calendar December 20, 1509.There are less than two days left before the world-famous Bislan Pirate Festival.

In the land of the beach, in the secret base of the Dark World Organization, Elinis held a piece of information, thinking.

This piece of information was the internal navy information sent by the Miss Commodore who had just been infected by him. The information was very short, with only one sentence.

The Vennhill family ship has left Sdio and is heading to Paradise.

The destination seems to be Judicial Island.

Although it was short, the man still smiled, and things were moving in the direction he planned.

"Even though the predecessor was a dragon, Ron would never know what the thing is hidden in the holy land of the dragon, Mariah?"

"Even me, after infecting a high-level world government through the fruit ability, only learned through him. Lorne is a pirate, it is impossible to know."

Elinis walked to a nautical chart, which circled two dots with red pen.

One is Mary Joa and the other is Bislan.The two almost spanned half a new world.

"It\'s just that even if his father told him, Lorne\'s character will never escape. Then he will face the most poisonous poison in the world."

"And the only poison that can detoxify, he has no chance to get it."

He took out a watch, checked the time, and then said to himself.

"Now, it\'s almost time for those lunatics to announce this news, this news that makes the whole world crazy!"


New World, G-99 base.

The navy has few bases in the New World, which resulted in the fact that after the G-1 base was attacked by Golden Lion and Charlotte Lingling, it even had to withdraw from the New World temporarily, so it regained its foothold in the New World. Later, the Navy built several more bases in the New World.

The big pirates who are next to the new world are monitoring their movements, although it is of no use.

As for this G-99 branch, the pirate who had been supervised before was Sea Knight Seia.

"Report to Master Marshal, the Wienhill family has acted!" A navy rushed into a temporary office recklessly. At this time, the Warring States period was dealing with some things. After all, there are two days before the Bislan banquet. All this must be Caution.

But after hearing what the navy said, he still raised his head and accepted a piece of information from the navy.

"Did the Vennhill family go to Paradise? That is to say, he is heading towards Judicial Island?"

The Warring States period frowned. At this critical time, there was infighting within the world government, and he was really helpless.

It\'s just that they don\'t care about these anymore. Lorne\'s people have gone to the paradise, which may be good news for him. At least it means that they will not participate in Bislan\'s affairs.

But then, another navy rushed in recklessly and said with a trembling voice.

"The group of pirates occupying Bislan has released new information!"