The Pirate Family

561 Chapter 552 Hypnosis

At Marine Headquarters, Marin Vando, a young female officer put her legs crossed on the table and said with a smile.

"Don\'t make fun of your sister, don\'t you know the ability of your sister? The rank of brigadier general is too high for me."

The woman was the female officer who dug out Omonie from the ruins. After the disaster, she resolutely decided to take Omonie home to raise her.Since then, she has been dedicated to hunting down the most vicious criminals and accumulated a lot of military exploits. A few weeks ago, she gained the rank of brigadier general through the accumulation of military exploits.

After so many years, they have long been close to sisters.

At least women think so.

For Omoni, women are very fond of them. Unlike other girls who become autistic or surly after experiencing the disaster, Omoni is taciturn, but polite and very studious. She taught her knowledge and fighting. Skills can be learned quickly and mastered.

This kind of aptitude made women envious, so she was going to find an opportunity to introduce Omonie into the navy and dedicate her strength to the blue justice.

"Sister Casey is the most righteous person I have ever seen, and you deserve the title sister of brigadier general."

On the other side of the phone worm, Omonie said with a smile.

The two women chatted for a while before the female navy said with a smile.

"Little Omoni called all the way, isn\'t she just trying to tease my sister?"

"Of course not!" said Omoni, "does my sister know what happened recently in this sea?"

"Are you talking about Vennhill?" The female officer\'s tone grew colder, and finally sighed."Little Omoni still can\'t forget. Although the Vennhill family is extremely vicious, they are not something you and I can shake."

Little Omoni is good with everything, but she has always had a great hatred of Lorne who destroyed her family.After Lorne became the king of Qiwuhai, he even lost his goodwill for the navy. This is why Omonie has great potential, but he has not joined the navy for a long time.

In her opinion, the navy is an accomplice of evil.

In this regard, the female officer was also quite helpless.

The situation of Lorne becoming the king of Qiwuhai is too complicated. At that time, the execution war was going on. The Kaido Pirates were aggressive, and the plague Quinn threw special poison to kill the navy soldiers. At this critical moment, Lorne used Saving the lives of the navy soldiers as a condition, in exchange for the status of King Qiwuhai.

Later, the Vennhill family developed rapidly, and it had reached the end of the momentum, and had intricate relationships with all major forces. Even if the Navy wanted to take action against the Vennhill family, it had to consider the possible consequences.

The essence of Qiwuhai under the king is that the world government wants to use the reputation of those great pirates to suppress this crazy era.Even the female officer who hated Lorne had to admit that at this point, Lorne did a very good job.

After he joined the Seven Martial Seas of Kings, he attracted the attention of a considerable number of pirates. Many pirates wanted to step on his head to make a name for themselves, but they became dead bones piled up in front of the Throne of Lorne.

After all, the main role of the navy is to maintain world peace, even if this peace is false.Therefore, as long as the harm to the Wienhill family outweighs the benefits, the Navy will not.

The woman wanted to reverse Omone\'s view. After her unremitting efforts, Omone finally didn\'t mention the Vennhill family thing like this. Just when the woman thought Omone had forgotten, Omone suddenly knocked on the side.

She never forgot!

Omonie was silent. Of course she understood the woman\'s good intentions. Compared with the huge Wienhill family, she was still too small.It’s not that there have been great forces hating the Wienhill family in recent years.

Whether it\'s the invincible Huo or the rebellious ghost hand Yaze, these big pirates flash across the sky like meteors, fleeting.

And the Wienhill family survived.

It was placed in front of Omonie like a big mountain. The female officer didn\'t believe that Omonie could destroy it. Before meeting Elinis, even Omonie herself had some doubts.

But after meeting that very determined man, Omone believed that that arrogant Lorne would definitely regret what he had done over the years!Because Omonie believed in Elinis...and his abilities.

Taking a deep breath, Omonie collected her emotions, "Thank you sister, I understand."

"Stop talking about this, I sent a gift to my sister before, did my sister receive it?"

The female officer also breathed a sigh of relief. After not discussing the topic, her mood was obviously lightened.

"Gift?" The female officer hesitated at first, and then suddenly realized that she found a beautifully packaged box from the drawer. It was received a few days ago, but just after getting this thing, the two appeared on the sea. Big things, women get busy and forget this thing all at once.

"What is this?" The woman looked at the beautifully packaged box and asked with a smile.

"Sister, just take it apart and take a look!" Omoni sold it off first.

"Naughty." The female officer opened the box, and there was a beautiful crystal ball inside. There were many colorful and bright particles in the crystal ball, which immediately attracted the woman\'s attention.

"It\'s beautiful," the female officer said uncontrollably.

Sister, sorry.Omonie said from the bottom of her heart, but it is her sister\'s dream to purify this filthy world, right?

Omonie took out an answering phone worm, and a man\'s whisper came from inside. He whispered like a devil, echoing in the ear of the female officer.

"You hate that man too?"

"But I have to tolerate his existence..."

"This is not your fault, but the whole world\'s fault."

"It is this twisted world that allows this filth to exist."

"But now I give you a choice. The first is to continue this way so that the devil is still at large, and the second is to unite and purify the filth of this world together!"

"Now, how do you choose?"


The female officer stared at the crystal ball, her eyes gradually becoming blank, but as the man whispered, her eyes became clear again and began to become firm.

"I choose two."

Said the female officer.Omoni smiled cheerfully.

"Welcome to join us, the Avengers who have returned from hell."

"Then sister, let\'s clean up the world together now!"

"First step..."

In every invisible corner of this world, countless people with the same goal have united to form a huge force.

This strength was in the darkness, slowly extending his hand to the Wienhill family, and at this time, Lorne knew nothing about it!