The Pirate Family

560 Chapter 551 Do You Know How I Hate You?

The sun swayed evenly on the town. At the edge of the town, there was a very beautiful little bungalow. In the garden of the little bungalow, an intellectual woman sat comfortably on a chair basking in the sun.Her belly was arched high, she looked like she was eight or nine months pregnant, and her face was filled with a happy smile.

"Does the baby miss dad too? Don\'t worry, dad will definitely be back." The woman stroked her belly and said softly.

"Dad loves babies the most!"

"Dad doesn\'t love me?" Next to the woman, a little girl with lavender curly hair lay on her stomach in a chair and said in a childish voice.The little girl is only eight or nine years old, but she can already tell from her delicate face that she must be a rare beauty when she grows up.

"Of course Dad loves you, Dad loves everyone!" The woman smiled blankly, then stroked the little girl\'s head and said, "You are our baby!"

Children are the best coaxing creatures in the world, and a word can make them happy for a long time.Sure enough, after hearing the woman\'s words, the little girl jumped up happily.

"La la la la, I am a baby!"

Seeing this scene, the woman also smiled with relief. She has a rich life, a husband who loves her very much, a lovely daughter, and a child who is about to be born in her belly.Her life is the envy of many people.

The only fly in the ointment is that her husband is a captain, but not a pirate captain, but the captain of a fishing boat. He cannot accompany his family all the year round. Only two fishing moratoriums are allowed to return. .

"Little baby. Can you go to the post office for mom to see if there is a letter from dad?" the woman said softly.

At this time in previous years, my husband should have returned. Even if something happens temporarily, he will write a letter to the post office to tell them that they are living well.But this year until now there is no news of him. In addition, a few days ago I heard from the people next door that because of the death of a big pirate, many young people chose to go to sea to find the treasure left by him. Now the sea has become very poor. Taiping.

This makes the woman vaguely uneasy. She doesn\'t understand why young people nowadays are looking for those illusory things, can\'t they live in peace?

"I see, mother!" The little girl kissed the woman\'s forehead gently, then pushed away the people in the little garden, and ran out while dancing.

After the little girl was gone, the woman took out a pair of silver-white bracelets, which were left by her husband when she went to sea. They said they were gifts for her baby daughter and the baby in her belly.However, because Omoni was too small to wear too expensive things, the woman kept helping her keep it.

"The baby is about to be born, aren\'t you coming back?" The woman touched her belly and looked at the sea in the distance, and said slowly.

The girl grew up in this small town since she was a child and is quite familiar with everything here, so she soon came to the post office.

"Oh, it\'s cute! What are you doing here?" A female teller in her twenties asked with a smile after seeing the little girl.

"Mom asked me to find out if there is a letter from my father!" said the little girl cutely.The female teller rummaged in the table for a long time, and then said with some regret.

"I\'m sorry, cute, I didn\'t find your father\'s letter. Isn\'t the fishing break coming soon? Hasn\'t he returned?"

After hearing the woman\'s words, Omonie was a little bit disappointed, "Daddy hasn\'t come back yet." The little girl said somewhat disappointed, and after thanking the woman, she ran out of the post office beggingly.

She did not choose to go home, but ran along the avenue towards the port.

"Dad must want to surprise us! Maybe he is already on his way back!"

With this thought in mind, the little girl quickly ran to the port, and then found a chair to sit down happily.

The sun gradually set, and from noon to dusk, the little girl sat in a chair and fell asleep. Finally, a familiar fishing boat appeared on the coast!

"Dad is back!"

The little girl knew a fishing boat, which was her father\'s boat!The little girl got up from the chair excitedly and ran towards the beach.

The fishing boat gradually came to shore, but it was not the familiar uncles who came down from the boat, but a group of men who were big and thick and dressed in strange black and white stripes.

"Long-lost feeling, I didn\'t expect us to come out of that ghost place."

"I really want to thank that kid from the Wienhill family."

Headed by a beard, he opened his hands, breathing fresh air greedily.At this time, a weak childlike voice rang in his ears.

"Excuse me, have you seen my dad?"

"Dad?" The beard looked at a little girl about eight or nine years old standing in front of him, as if she was scared, but still mustered courage.

"Oh! I see! You must be dad\'s crew, he wants to hide and give us a surprise!" The little girl seemed to understand something, and suddenly realized that she was not so scared if she thought about it this way, she stretched her head towards Looked at the boat, trying to find the trace of father.

This time the fishing didn\'t seem to go well. There were many damages on the boat, and some blood stains left by unknown creatures.

The men glanced at each other, and the headed beard smiled. He squatted down slightly and said kindly to the little girl.

"Yes, we are your father\'s new crew. Can we take the uncles to visit your house?"


As the sun sets, the woman is still lying on the chair. Feeling the coolness of heaven, she prepares to get up and add two more clothes.But when she stood up, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

"The baby is naughty again! Wait, wait, you can come into this world!" The woman knew that this was a signal that the baby in her stomach couldn\'t wait to come into this world.She rubbed her belly tentatively in an attempt to make the baby feel at ease, but the severe pain in her abdomen did not decrease at all.

This feeling is just like when you gave birth to a daughter!The woman knew she was going to give birth, but her body pain made her unable to move.

She collapsed to the ground, unable to speak.

Baby, where are you, no matter who it is!Come and save me!

"This is my home!" At this time, a childish voice rang in the woman\'s ears.The woman\'s eyes lit up and her baby daughter finally came back!

Gently pushing away the people in the small garden, the little girl saw the woman lying on the ground at a glance, and said anxiously.

"Mom, what happened, why are you lying on the ground!"

The little girl hurriedly ran to the woman\'s side. Of course, at a young age, she certainly didn\'t understand what labor was. All she knew was that women are suffering.

"A pregnant woman should be ready to give birth."

The beard is very knowledgeable, and he can understand the woman\'s situation at a glance. He glanced at the woman\'s beautiful face, his eyes showed a slight color, but then he shook his head regretfully.

"Unfortunately, it\'s a pregnant woman."

The little girl didn\'t understand what the men were talking about, but at this moment she grabbed the trousers of her beard and said anxiously.

"Uncles, please save my mother!"

"Save people, you tell us to save people!"

The men seemed to have heard some jokes, and pointed to themselves, and all the men made a roar of laughter.

"This little girl actually asked us to save people! It seems that she really doesn\'t understand who we are!"

"It has been a long time since no one has spoken to me in this tone. It seems that I should re-establish my reputation!"

"Hahahaha! After being imprisoned for so many years, have the people in this sea become so simple now?"

The girl couldn\'t understand what the men were talking about, she stood there at a loss.After a while, the beard squatted down and gently grabbed the girl\'s shoulder and said.

"To tell you the truth, we are not your father\'s crew."

"You don\'t have to wait for your father, because he will never come back!"

"What do you mean?" The girl couldn\'t understand what the man meant.

"While we hugged a wooden board and wandered on the sea, we happened to meet your father’s boat. Who told him to be so ignorant, let him take us to a safe island. He even dared to refuse us, so we had to kill. he."

"The bodies of all the crew on the ship were thrown into the sea to feed the sharks!"

The man said so, and before the girl was about to scream, he blindfolded her mouth.The pregnant woman next to her stared wide, incredulous.

She just understood what a man said!And she also recognized what the clothes the men were wearing.

This is a prison uniform!

After the men tied the two women and children, they said with a smile.

"Flowers that grow up in a comfortable environment cannot understand the cruelty of this sea. Let us teach you a lesson, the price is your lives!"

"This town looks quite rich, so let\'s start here."

The men searched out a lot of gold and silver treasures from the small bungalow, and another man filled the small bungalow with gasoline.After walking out the door, Beard turned his head and glanced at the house, then gently threw the cigarette in his mouth towards the small house.

The raging fire instantly ignited this small house!

The men walked all the way to the depths of the town, wherever they went, there was a burning fire and the wailing of innocent residents.

This picturesque town was completely ignited by the fire!


The fire burned for three days and three nights, completely turning the town into ruins.

At this time, the Navy was late.

"It looks like the handwriting of the arsonist Szo." A male officer frowned when he saw this scene.

"I don\'t understand why this kind of demon didn\'t immediately execute him after being caught, but let him escape!" A younger female officer said indignantly, directly destroying a small town, how cold-blooded it is What people can do.Don\'t they have family members?

"Of course there are reasons not to execute them. This is a matter of the above decision. Who would have thought that Pushing City, known as the bronze wall and iron wall, would be breached?"

The male officer should be a little more rigid, "Besides, now the entire Propulsion City is gone. Szo, the arsonist, is just a small character. More demons who can’t even name their names escaped from that place. This sea will not It\'s peaceful."

The female officer frowned, did not speak, but continued to direct the Navy\'s rescue work.

In fact, the possibility of survivors is almost zero, but female officers are still reluctant to give up.In her heart, it was because she was too late that she would cause such a tragedy.When the male officer saw this scene, he silently shook his head.

It\'s not that they are slack, but that they rushed over as soon as they got the information, but it was already too late.

This sea is so vast that the navy has no time to take care of every place.

Just as they were about to end the search and rescue, the female officer suddenly stopped because she heard a faint cry for help.

She followed the voice to the ruins.The soldiers were instructed to excavate, and soon a female corpse that had been burnt to charcoal was excavated. The belly of the female corpse broke open, like a pregnant woman who had just given birth.

"It\'s your misfortune to be born in a disaster." The female officer shook her head sadly, but when she thought she had misheard, she seemed to remember something. She suddenly opened the female body. In a dark cave, a young girl about eight or nine years old hides in the dark cave, shivering at the female officer.

Half of her body had been burned by the fire, but because her mother blocked the flame with her body, the girl was fine.

She became the only survivor in this small town in this disaster!


The girl sat on a chair with eyes blankly, watching the corpse being transported out.At this time, she heard someone calling herself, so she stood up and walked over like a walking dead body.

A doctor in a white coat handed the girl some documents.The girl took the pen silently and signed her name on the four documents.

An eight or nine-year-old girl signed her name on four documents on the same day with the same pen.

These are the birth certificates of your younger brother, and the death notices of your father, mother, and younger brother.

Although she is still alive, her heart has died in the fire, and she will only live for revenge in the future!

Her name is Omoni, the name of the nemesis in the old saying!


A great route, a country of beaches.

Omonie lay on the beach chair, lazily looking at the sun.There are silver bracelets on her left and right arms.This is her most precious thing besides the idea of ​​revenge.

"Do you know how much I hate you?"

"You have destroyed everything about me, and I will destroy everything about you."

Omone muttered to herself suddenly, and then took out a phone bug, and after the call passed, she said softly to the opposite side.

"Miss Brigadier General, it\'s been a long time."