The Pirate Family

549 Chapter 540

"What happened? Why is his face so ugly?" Zhuan Yuan walked over curiously after seeing Ron\'s appearance.

Lorne held a piece of world economic news from the previous few days, and the newspaper looked up and wrote a paragraph in bold font.

"The most terrifying demon is resurrected, a terrorist force that declares war on the whole world!"

The picture below shows a strong man sitting on a mahogany chair surrounded by fleeing soldiers. He carried a head and showed a playful smile at the camera.

"This is!" After seeing the head, Zhuan Yuan\'s pupils shrank and said in disbelief, "Sea Knight Seya!"

After the Golden Lion Shiji was defeated, his territory was torn apart, and a large part of it was absorbed by the veteran pirate, Seia, thus rising strongly, vaguely having a momentum comparable to the four emperors.

Under the four emperors, only the Wienhill family, the Red-haired Pirates and a few other forces can compete.

But for such a powerful and unmatched man, his head was actually carried by another person as if carrying a toy.

"What the hell happened!" Zhuan Yuan exclaimed, "Why is Seia dead?" She snatched the newspaper in Lorne\'s hand and read it carefully.

"A few days ago, the sea knight Zea\'s territory was suddenly attacked by a mysterious force. They claimed to be a spiteful trial, and quickly defeated the Zea Pirates by thunder means and decapitated the head of Zea."

"Among them, a mysterious person is holding Seia\'s head, sitting in front of the camera and proclaiming to the world,"

"We will hold a fighting competition in Bislan, the country of the sea in a week from now. All pirates can participate! And the final winner will get all Seia’s wealth and set foot on us. Qualification of the vessel!"

"Go crazy! Pirates! A new era is coming!"

Next is Morgans\' exclusive analysis. He introduced the powerful forces on this sea with heavy pen and ink and enumerated the process of the rise of these forces.It even includes the powerful Four Emperors Pirate Group.

"I don\'t know what exactly this group of mysterious forces calling themselves spiteful trials want to do, but what can be expected is that the nerves of the greedy pirates will be completely ignited and chaos will come!"

"Saya actually died like this." Zhuan Yuan sighed. This man has been a background board for decades. He has been active from the Lockes era to the present, and finally got out of his head. After a few years without the glory, he fell like this. Up.

At the same time, Zhuan Yuan was deeply disturbed.All the wealth of a super big pirate is enough to make this sea boil, and Zhuan Yuan can almost predict how Bislan will become surging in a week.The death of Seia will break the fragile balance of the new world.Things began to develop in a direction beyond the control of the world government.

"Are you going to participate in this pirate event?" Zhuan Yuan asked Lorne solemnly.She actually didn\'t want Lorne to go, because now, the eyes of the whole world are focused on the big pirates in the new world, wanting to know their attitude towards this matter.If Lorne appeared in Bislan, the incident would definitely be beyond his control.

But Zhuan Yuan didn\'t hold any hope for this. With Lorne\'s character, how could he miss this grand event?!After all, the Qiwuhai under the king and the navy have a cooperative relationship, not a subordination.Their essence is a pirate!

"No, I won\'t go." Unexpectedly, Ron slowly shook his head, he glanced under the newspaper, and then said calmly.

"I want to go back now."

But anyone can feel the anger implied in his calm tone.Like a volcano that has awakened from millions of years of sleep, it may erupt at any time.

Zhuan Yuan followed Lorne\'s gaze, and the following news made her look very ugly.After a long time, Zhuan Yuan said slowly.

"I swear, this matter has nothing to do with the Navy."


Great route, paradise, on a certain sea.

A group of pirates surrounded a group of embarking ships, and then approached the merchant ship unkindly.

"Lao Tzu is Kodor, the plunderer who is offering a reward of 55 million Baileys! If you know me quickly, give me all the valuable things!" A burly man jumped onto the merchant ship and brandished his sword. Said to a gorgeously dressed middle-aged beautiful woman.

A guard next to him wanted to protect the beautiful woman. Just as he stepped forward and pulled out a long knife, a sharp sword stabbed out of his chest.

"I advise you to give up the idea of ​​resisting, just because the few fighters you hid in the cabin are not our opponents at all, and at this time, they may have been in their sleep and died unconsciously."

The guard fell slowly, and a middleman with a pointed mouth monkey gill stood behind him and said.

The middle-aged beautiful woman has never seen this scene before, and just about to scream, a pair of thick arms blocked her mouth.The middle-aged man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks didn\'t know when he leaned behind the middle-aged beautiful woman, took a deep breath, and said intoxicated.

"Honorable Lady Tulip, the daughter of the great family of the Kingdom of Saint Tolan in the red earth continent, we have been following you for a long time. I would advise you to give up resisting, otherwise I don’t mind spending time with you before asking your family for a ransom. Several good nights."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I\'m Mike Philson the deceiver, the big pirate who is offering a reward of 60 million Bailey."

Two great pirates with a reward of 50 or 60 million!This is an unrivaled force for middle-aged beautiful women.She closed her eyes in despair and tried not to let her scream ashamed.

Seeing this scene, Mike nodded in satisfaction, and then shouted at the pirates who were raiding the ship.

"This ticket has done a good job, I have packed up my finances and are ready to return to our Naughty Killer!"

"Boss, wait a minute!" At this moment, another Cyclops pirate put down the telescope in his hand, walked to Mike\'s side, and said slowly in his ear.

"A ship appeared ahead. Looking at the decorations on the ship, it seems to be more magnificent than this ship. Why don\'t we do this ticket?"

Mike snatched the binoculars in the hands of the Cyclops, and he saw a brand new three-masted sailing ship slowly approaching this area. The ship was silver-white, with golden light on both sides, which seemed to be made of gold. Made.

The front corners are half-lengths with hands on the chest, which are far more ornamental than practical.

A certain noble ship traveling.This is Mike\'s judgment.

And when he saw the woman standing on the bow of the ship, an indecent part of the lower part suddenly became angry, and the whole person became excited.
