The Pirate Family

548 Chapter 539: Elbaff's Final Chapter

This is something that Rocky hasn\'t done before!

He is an extreme racist. He has always looked down on other people except giants. He did not expect to be injured by a tiny human today. This made him extremely angry.

"I want to tear you apart!"

Thor shouted.Then they rushed towards Lorne and Zhuan Yuan, like a wild beast running on the ground, the floor of the palace pyramid hall was trembling slightly.

"If you want to defeat him, you must give him a heavy blow." Lorne said solemnly. Thor, in Thor\'s state, stood at the pinnacle of this sea, whether he was domineering or power.Even Zhuan Yuan, a great swordsman, did not cause any harm to him, let alone his abilities.

If he can\'t penetrate Thor\'s domineering defense, Lorne\'s ability to operate fruit is no different from Tickle.

"I can temporarily get rid of his domineering defense. At that time, Thor will reveal an instant flaw. You can take the opportunity to attack his body directly."

"Give me a sword." Zhuan Yuan didn\'t ask how Ron had broken Thor\'s domineering defense, because she believed Ron would not lie.But because her saber was thrown away by Thor, if a swordsman had no sword, her combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

With a wave of Lorne\'s hand, Jin Piro, the saber thrown out by Zhuan Yuan, appeared in his hand and handed it to Zhuan Yuan.

"Remember, you only have one chance to attack, otherwise I\'m not sure if Thor will be fooled again."

After speaking, Lorne rushed towards Thor.

"Ant, I know I can\'t hide, so I don\'t hide it?" Thor yelled when he saw Lorne rushing towards him.The pitch-black domineering condensed on the right arm and waved towards Lorne.

"Because, I have been able to beat you!" Lorne leaped high, also condensing the pitch-black domineering on his right arm, and swiped at Thor\'s fist.


One big and one small fist hit together.

I don\'t know how many times the difference between the two of them is!Lorne was not as big as Thor\'s fist, but at this time their momentum was contending in the chamber!The shock wave of boxing spread, Zhuan Yuan was a little unstable.

"Comparing power with giants will be the worst decision in your life!" Thor shouted, "Besides, my domineering is far better than you, why should you fight me!"

The pitch-black domineering turned into thunder snakes, tumbling constantly on Thor\'s sturdy arm. Lon felt his arm gradually unceasingly. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the pitch-black domineering faded and turned into transparency.

The original heavy feeling disappeared, and it turned into a sharp sword, piercing Thor\'s fist.

Lorne even chose to give up his defense and head head-on with Thor.

But the difference in the amount of the two men\'s domineering is too big. As Thor\'s power continues to deepen, transparency is gradually swallowed by darkness, and Lorne recedes steadily.


Thor yelled, and the black Razer kept tumbling on his arm. His arm became stronger for a few points, directly overwhelming Ron, and hitting Ron\'s body with a heavy punch.

"It\'s this time!" After being punched hard, Ron\'s body began to deform and his bones continued to shift, but he still resisted the severe pain in his body and shouted at Zhuan Yuan.

Zhuan Yuan went inside without knowing it, but he subconsciously chose to believe in Lorne, and his long legs lightly touched the ground and jumped directly to Thor.

"Everything in the world, I cut it all by myself!"

Zhuan Yuan turned into a sword light, and flew towards Thor with a huge slash.

"It\'s useless! Your tactics have no meaning in front of my domineering defense!" Thor felt that Lorne had been defeated by himself, and the only opponent left was the human woman.

However, in the face of absolute power, skills have no meaning at all.

But just as he was preparing to gather his domineering defense, a man\'s low growl suddenly came from his fist.

"I haven\'t fallen yet, who allowed you to look away from me!"

Isn\'t it dead?Thor hadn\'t sensed that his body suddenly moved a few meters forward strangely.

At this time, in order to defeat Lorne with a punch, the vast majority of Thor\'s domineering was concentrated on his right arm, leaving only a thin layer of domineering defense on his body.In other words, he is equivalent to directly facing Zhuan Yuan\'s full blow!


A shocking slash flew out from the top of the palace pyramid, and then flew towards the sky, dispersing the clouds.

Everyone saw this shocking scene. At this time, the giant residents standing in front of the pyramid suddenly heard the creaking sound.

A crack appeared in the outer layer of the palace pyramid.From top to bottom, continuing from the spire to the bottom.

Then, the entire pyramid split.This slash cut the palace pyramid into two halves!

At the top of the pyramid, a giant wearing golden armor steps on the two halves of the pyramid, like the same iron statue, without moving.

"Is this the strength of the Great Swordsman, it is really surprising." Lorne walked out from Thor\'s fist. When he was hit by Thor, he used the power of the fruit of the operation to directly attack his The vital parts were taken out of the body, so Thor\'s punch seemed huge, but it didn\'t cause much harm to Ron.

Lorne gently pushed on Thor\'s corpse, the huge body suddenly split, and a head fell from the pyramid and rolled in front of the residents. The head widened his eyes and never again. Instead of the self-confidence and arrogance before, but full of unwillingness.

A careerist who wants to conquer the world will never look down!

"When you were in Slanka, you should have witnessed the duel between Mihawk and Shanks. Their strength should be much stronger than mine. Whether it is kendo or domineering." Zhuayuan ignored Lorne\'s compliment, and He walked to Loki lying aside.

"His Royal Highness Loki, oh no, you should be called Your Majesty Loki now, and the rest will be handled by you."

"I hope that the cooperation between Albuff and the world government will not be interrupted because of such a small matter."


In the winter of 1509 in the Haiyuan calendar, Thor, the prince of the world\'s most powerful country, brazenly launched a coup d\'état in order to seek the throne of the giants.The giant king Odin was affected by his despicable methods and fell into a deep sleep.At the critical moment, Lieutenant Admiral Zhuan Yuan and Jasmine stepped forward to defeat Thor and resolve the disaster of the giants.

The successor to the giant royal family Loki expressed his gratitude to the two for their help and to cooperate more deeply with the world government.

Jasmine was responsible for helping Loki maintain the order of Elbaff, so she stayed here temporarily.After the fasting festival ended, Wulai resolutely chose to continue his "hero trial".

And Lorne and Zhuan Yuan left the country quietly.

December 15th.On the calm sea level.

This was originally an ordinary day, but a shocking news broke out.It is comparable to the incident two days ago.

Lorne was sitting on a dhow, looking at a newspaper in front of him, lost in thought.

But the next moment, his face became extremely ugly.