The Pirate Family

546 Chapter 537 Thunder Hero Thor!

A group of heavily armed soldiers rushed out from both sides of the pyramid and rushed towards Ulay.

The latter rolled around the place after a few laps.Suddenly exerted force, ran towards the direction of Long Street.At this time, Thor\'s voice continued in the sound transmission horn.

"Because, now, the entire Elbaff has belonged to me! Your dreaded old man can never open his eyes."

Thor\'s voice came out of the sound transmission horn, fell into the ears of the giants, and also fell into their hearts.

After a brief period of calm, they angrily stopped the soldiers who were pursuing Ulay.

"We really missed our eyes and believed in Thor, a shameless person!"

"Worried things, we will never support a cruel king!"

The giants have never feared death. They directly blocked the heavily armed soldiers with their bodies. The soldiers could not move when they were surrounded.After all, many of the giants who stopped them were relatives.

"You\'re done, Thor." At the top of the palace pyramid, Lorne said coldly to Thor.

"Everyone knows who you are, all your ambitions are over."

"Do you know what a great plan you have destroyed!"

At this time, the other sound transmission horns had been closed, and the giant soldiers surrounded Lorne.Thor said distortedly.

"What about destruction? If you are still afraid of others knowing, then your so-called great plan is just a foolish dream! It is impossible to achieve! In this sea, there are so many people as strong as me! If you don\'t challenge everything Confidence! There is no way to gain a foothold in this sea!"

Lorne said every word in Thor\'s heart that the man was angry at first, but after hearing what Ron said, he put away the expressions on his face.

"It\'s my fault, you did remind me. I did fall into a misunderstanding just now, that is that this sea is respected by strength, and only those with strength will have everything!"

"As long as you completely defeat those who rebelled against me, and then use absolute power, can you rule the entire Elbaff soon? Just like the father and king."

Thor suddenly let out a penetrating laugh.

"I am too obsessed with what these fools think of me, what about being a tyrant!"

"What?" Yalulu originally thought Thor had lost his way, and smiled relievedly, but what happened after him?

Yalulu moved, and suddenly rushed in front of Yalulu.

"Let’s start with you, the old man!"


A heavy punch hit Yaluru\'s abdomen fiercely, and then when Yaluru was about to fly out, Thor made another top-down elbow, hitting Yaluru\'s left. shoulder.


Yalulu\'s legs were bent, and he almost knelt down, but the dignity of the warrior made him straighten his spine.

The top of the pyramid could not withstand this huge force, and there were cracks on the ground.

"Although I don\'t know what tricks you used to defeat Wang Zhi, Wang Zhi and I are different. You are destined to die here!"

Thor is right. What flows in his body is the blood of the most powerful warrior in the entire giant kingdom. Coupled with the peak of his body, it is not comparable to the old Yaluru.There was a gap between the strength of the two, and Yalulu was not healed from his serious injury, so there would be such a disparity in strength.

After all, people will get old, no one can always stand on top.

Even the former Wang Zhi, he might not be able to defeat the current Thor!

"You are not allowed to take action against Lord Yalulu." Jasmine beside her couldn\'t help but make her move. She grew up in the Warrior Village and always regarded Yalulu as her idol.


The fists of the two collided together, and the dark armed colors were intertwined.A shock wave was generated, resounding through the sky.

The cross standing at the top of the pyramid could not withstand the tremendous force, and suddenly broke, and Loki fell to the ground.

Subconsciously guarding Lola, who was gagged, with a gratified smile on her face.

I didn\'t trust the wrong person, the man named Lorne really had the ability to turn things around!

"I didn\'t expect your strength to be so strong! With this kind of strength, you are fully qualified to challenge the title of hero!" Thor felt the tremendous power coming from that delicate body and couldn\'t help but praise.

At the same time, I was a little jealous of Loki, why are there so many good seedlings in the Warrior Village that supports him, whether it is Wulai, Yalulu, or Jasmine, they are all very powerful.

"However, you are still far behind me!" Thor roared, and the muscles on his arms suddenly exploded, and the dark armor color became strong for a few minutes, making a thunderous sound.

Jasmine\'s face suddenly changed, and then before the whole person could react, he was swallowed by Thor\'s armed color domineering, and the whole person was knocked into the air.


Thor\'s domineering surrounds him, like thunder and lightning.

"My title is the hero of thunder, because my armed domineering, under the action of the egg of the overlord, can burst out like thunder and lightning. This kind of power, even the old man of Odin, is difficult to directly face."

Now that he had torn his face, Thor was speechless.

Domineering can strengthen the domineering of armed color!

Lorne got this information through Thor\'s words.

The domineering domineering is indeed the rarest domineering, Shanks shows endless physical strength, and he, whether it is the "reaper form" of the body or the "hell" of this body, is through the domineering domineering The effect that can only be achieved by living in the fruit power.And Thor unexpectedly showed the third use of domineering and domineering, strengthening the domineering of armed color.

From Lorne’s perspective, the domineering color of the armed color that Thor changed its form was not only darker, it even showed a little bit of the domineering characteristics of Flowing Sakura when it just collided with Jasmine’s armed color. Pierced Jasmine\'s domineering defense.

This is just black domineering, if Liu Ying is domineering, Lorne can\'t imagine what effect it will produce.

"Be careful, in that state, Thor\'s strength and defense are far beyond normal. Very powerful!" Loki who was lying on the side roared loudly. He was defeated by Thor. Kind of state.Because his power is completely suppressed, he is not Thor\'s opponent at all!

"Even if they know it, it doesn\'t matter. Because this power is invincible!" Thor showed a confident smile on his face, staring at Lorne.

"Next is you!"