The Pirate Family

545 Chapter 536 Two heads (complement 1)

Kill the heart!

Thor not only asked Loki to die on his back, but also to let everyone know that Loki was not accepted by the ancestors.Even death is the most humble one!Thor slashed Loki\'s body again, blood dripping down Loki\'s strong muscles like a turbulent stream.

"Humph!" Loki snorted coldly. As the blood flowed out, his own strength continued to disappear. He felt his unprecedented weakness, but he still did not make a soft voice.

Soldiers, even if they die, never give in!

"The bones are quite hard, worthy of my brother." Thor said softly, and when he was about to make a few more strokes, a whistling sound suddenly came from behind him.

It\'s like something is flying towards this side!


Two loud noises sounded behind Thor, and Thor turned his head to look, his pupils shrank.

Placed in front of him were huge heads, one large and one small!

One belongs to Kenya, the other belongs to... Wang Zhi!

The former\'s eyes widened, his eyes were full of disbelief, as if he didn\'t even react to how he died.

The latter also opened his eyes wide, but his eyes were full of unwillingness, staring at the front, like a ghost.

"What happened!" Thor did not react.These two were the people he sent out to deal with Yaluru. Originally, a Wang Zhi was foolproof, but for insurance, he added another Kenya.

Yaluru in his twilight years, it is impossible to deal with the two of them!

The residents under the pyramid also became riot. Isn\'t this the execution ceremony of the sinner Prince Rocky?Why did the heads of two people pop up suddenly?

Thor had a bad feeling in his heart.

"The traitor is not Loki, but Thor who is so polite as you!" A deep voice sounded under the pyramid.The residents subconsciously divided a path, and an old man covered in bandages crossed the crowd and walked towards the pyramid.

His beard was as tall as a cliff, and his eyes flashed with a trace of sorrow, but they became extremely firm.

He is the person who should have died, Yaluru the Cliff Beard!

Behind Yalulu were two giants, a man and a woman, and two humans stood on the shoulders of the two giants.

"What did you say?" Thor asked, pretending to be puzzled.At the same time, he secretly scolded Kenya and Wang Zhi for their unhelpful things, and made Yalulu come here alive.

Yaluru\'s reputation is quite high in the entire giant kingdom, plus the reason for not getting Thor\'s order.Yaluru did not experience any obstacles, and walked to the top of the palace pyramid and stood in front of Thor.

"I said, the real rebel is you! You planned all these things!"

Yaluru\'s voice was amplified by the sound transmission horn, and it spread throughout the kingdom in an instant. The giants held their breath, raised their heads and looked up at the pyramid, unable to believe their ears.

"Elder Yalulu, I respect you as an elder, but don\'t talk nonsense about unfounded things, right?" Thor\'s tone gradually became cold."Loki\'s rebellion was witnessed by everyone. I don\'t know if you have listened to someone\'s slander, you will think it is me."

"Slander?" Yalulu almost laughed at Thor\'s upside-down.He pointed a finger and placed it on the high platform, and Wang Zhi and Kenya\'s heads roared."These things are what your subordinates told me personally when they were assassinating me. If this little Lorne brother hadn\'t arrived in time, I\'m afraid I would have died on this sea!"

Elder Yalulu almost died!All the giants were shocked by the news.You must know that Yaluru is highly respected in Elbaff, almost a living ancestor!

"You said they are my subordinates?"

It\'s all waste!Not only did he not kill Yaluru, he also revealed his own news, Thor secretly cursed, but still tried to pretend to be at a loss, "But I don\'t know them."

"This should be framed by them."

Although Yalulu\'s appearance completely disrupted Thor\'s plan, he quickly cheered up. Neither Kenya nor Wang Zhi had any contact with him on the surface, and he could easily dispel his suspicion. Elute clean.

I have come to this point, there is no way to go back.

Now it is necessary to gain Yaluru\'s trust, and then quickly execute Loki. At that time, he will be the only royal bloodline in the entire giant kingdom. Even if Yaluru is dissatisfied, there is no way.

"Really." At this moment, Lorne, who was standing on Wulai\'s shoulder, suddenly said.He couldn\'t help but want to pierce Thor\'s poor acting skills.

"Does this matter really have nothing to do with you?"

Lorne took out a small phone worm from his body, then tapped it lightly, and there was a conversation between two people.

"It seems that the old man is really old." First of all, it was an old voice. After hearing it, Thor\'s face fused because he heard that it was Wang Zhi\'s voice.

"Don\'t pretend to be asleep, I know you found me." Then, there was a sunny and vigorous male voice, and Thor heard that it was his own voice.

This is the conversation with Wang Zhi when I was in the Giants Prison before!

I don\'t know when I was tapped and recorded the past!

The voice of the dictaphone bug was not loud, but through the increase of the sound transmission horn, it spread throughout the giant kingdom in an instant.

"Stop it for me!" Thor\'s face was pale, this thing is iron evidence that he colluded with outsiders!I can no longer let the people of the giant kingdom listen, because next, I will tell the plan.

At that time, I will really be overwhelmed!

The giant soldiers standing on the high platform hurriedly wanted to turn off the function of the sound transmission horn, but with a light wave of Ron\'s hand, a sound transmission horn disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared in his hand.

"It\'s heavy!" Lorne said slowly while holding this horn. It is worthy of being used by the giants. Even a simple horn is extremely heavy.

He threw the dictaphone worm into the horn, and the conversation between Thor and Wang Zhi continued to spread from the horn and spread everywhere.

"Protect this thing, now you can only save Loki if you take Thor down, and this is the only one who can take Thor down!"

After Lorne handed the only sound transmission horn to Ulay, he said slowly.He doesn\'t actually care about Albuff\'s regime change, because his purpose of coming to Albuff has been achieved. What happens here has nothing to do with him.

Wulai nodded solemnly, and then grasped the sound transmission horn, leaped from the high platform of the palace pyramid and onto the ground.

"I will protect this thing! I promise in the name of a soldier!"