The Pirate Family

535 Chapter 527: We Found Lovedrew

"Why?" Wang Zhi\'s eyes flashed in disbelief. He didn\'t understand why Ron\'s hand was broken and why he could pierce his chest.

"This is the third step of your defeat. When victory is just around the corner, you ignore your own defense."

At this time, Lorne was very embarrassed, but the palm of his right hand that had been interrupted by Wang Zhi long ago appeared on his wrist, and he tightly grasped a transparent square with a heart beating non-stop.

But there was a wild smile on his face. This time, he won!

His hand squeezed Wang Zhi\'s heart lightly, and his soft heart shattered in an instant. Wang Zhi\'s body collapsed, his eyes widened and he muttered to himself.

"I understand. From the beginning, you were ready to replace your injury with me. Because your ability can help you repair your physical injury." Thinking of this, Wang Zhi suddenly became clear. He seemed to think that the fruit of Lorne was What, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

"Your fruit turned out to be that one, but don\'t be proud. After knowing your fruit ability, the Dragon will not let you go, and the world government will not let you go! No one on this sea will let you go! I will let you go!"

"I am waiting for you in hell!"

After saying this, Wang Zhi swallowed his last breath, his eyes widened, and he stared at Ron, as if he was going to see how he died.

The legend of the last era, the overlord\'s crew, the pinnacle of physical skills, the "beast" feared by everyone, died on the first day he was released from prison for twenty years.Died in a corner no one knew.

His dreams and ambitions have all vanished!

"You can\'t wait for me, because I am the king of hell."

Lorne withdrew his hand, his arm was stained red by Wang Zhi\'s blood.He walked to the battlefield, picked up his other arm that was interrupted by Wang Zhi, and then attached it to his arm.

"ROOM·Severed limb transplant!"

A flash of cold light flashed, this broken arm, like plasticine, was tightly connected to Ron\'s arm.

Lorne tentatively waved it a few times, feeling that there was nothing serious except for the collapse due to too much physical exertion.This is the ability of the fruit of surgery. In the face of this ability, all diseases and injuries in the world are insignificant.Even if the limb is mutilated, as long as he can find it back, Lorne can take the broken limb back.

After his hands came back, Lorne began to stitch up the horrible hole in his chest. Compared to his arms, the hole in his chest must be tightly stitched. There was no mistake. It took a while before Lorne stitched up his body.Then walked towards Turner.

"Aren\'t you going to tell me something?"

Lorne slowly said to Turner, at the first glance at this old acquaintance, he had already determined that Caesar had asked him to come to Elbaff to find him.There is no other reason, just intuition.

Because of the fruits of perception, Lorne believed in his instincts very much.

"I\'m going to clean up the battlefield." Turner didn\'t say a word, but Yalulu consciously struggled to stand up and walked towards Kenya who fell on the ground.There are some things that he is inconvenient to know, and he does not want to know.

"Sure enough to be Caesar\'s son," Turner gave a wry smile, then handed Lorne a cigarette.

"Huh." Turner took a big mouthful of cigarettes.

"Taste it, Sigirella\'s good things can numb people\'s nerves."

The whole world knows that cigarettes are harmful, but tobacco is the biggest taxpayer besides weapons, because this small piece of tobacco can make people forget most of their troubles.

Lorne frowned. He didn\'t like Turner smoking like this, but at this time he really needed something to numb his nerves.

The smoke entered the lungs, and the pain in the whole body eased a lot.

"Where to start, let\'s talk about it when we were pushing the city apart." Turner breathed out a huge puff of smoke, the smoke filled his eyes, and his eyes gradually became blurred.

"I was very optimistic about you at that time, because I saw the shadow of Roger in your youth, and it seemed very cost-effective to put the future on you."

"But you still didn\'t follow me in the end." Lorne said lightly. When he entered Propulsion City, he wanted to recruit a few more subordinates, but he didn\'t expect all of them to be cut off by Shiji, leaving only fat. Tiger and a few others followed him to the land of flowers to start a business.This made him worry about it.

If he could recruit a few more men, why should he linger for so long!

"Because the offensive of the navy behind suddenly tore our line of defense." Turner said lightly, "Actually, there are not as many prisoners who have escaped from Propulsion City, and most of the weak are caught by Karp and others. After I went back, a small group of people joined Shiji\'s commander, accompany him to master the new world."

"A small part?" Lorne keenly grasped the key words in Turner\'s words, these things he didn\'t know.

"Yes, a small part, otherwise do you think that Shiji will be defeated so quickly?" Turner said slowly, "The prisoners in the sixth floor of Advance City are all unruly and rebellious. Who, how could it be possible to follow Shiji alone?"

"After escaping, many of them broke up their alliance with Skee and robbed the prisoners of the command. The two gangs fought fiercely. Even I was involved."

Lorne pricked his ears to listen, these things he didn\'t know.

"Later, after the battle, Skee used iron and blood to suppress the prisoners of the rebellion, but just as he was about to execute these traitors, one of his capable men, the Dead Swordsman, betrayed him and attacked from behind. Skee, and escaped with these defeated criminals, I also took the opportunity to leave Skee’s command. Later I learned that Ao was a total lunatic, he resented the whole world and wanted to pass The power of these criminals avenge the entire world."

"They formed an organization called the Spiteful Trial, and they want to make all the high pirates in this world fall. It\'s just that after so many years, they haven\'t heard of them, and they don\'t know their real plan. what exactly is it."

"I thought about looking for you, but at that time you hid too deep and I couldn\'t find it. So I wandered in the sea for a long time, and finally met your father, Caesar."

"That\'s why my father kept you in this place, right? What does he want to tell me?" Lorne asked suspiciously. If Caesar has something important to tell him, why not go directly to Sdio .

Why is it that I still don’t want to meet myself.

"Next is the main point I want to say," Turner took a deep breath, then said slowly.

"We, found Ralph Drew!"