The Pirate Family

534 Chapter 526-The Death of Legend

"Although it took some things and the process was a little turbulent, the result has not changed." The three Wang Zhi gradually disappeared, leaving only the one that pierced Ron\'s body with a punch. His body gradually shrank and returned to its normal shape. .

There was a lot of fine sweat on Wang Zhi\'s forehead, and the "Life Martial Body" form just now consumed a lot of him.

"Your hopes have been shattered. Just take it with your hands." Wang Zhi didn\'t even glance at Kenya, who was lying on the side. After Thor\'s plan was realized, the world belonged to them, and there were as many people as possible in Kenya. !

"This is Caesar\'s only son! You killed him, do you know the consequences?" Turner said solemnly. He knew Caesar\'s madness, and besides, the pirates of the last era knew something, Caesar and Ryder, But a good friend!

"Are you ready to face two legends at the same time?"

"Since I chose to go out to sea, I have the consciousness of dying on this sea!" Wang Zhi said lightly, trying to take his hand out of Ron\'s body, but felt a little resistance in front of him.

"Cough cough, bullshit, let\'s wait until I\'m dead!" Lorne was bloody, but he still didn\'t fall down, and with his broken wrist, his right elbow clamped Wang Zhi\'s fist.

"Although I don\'t know the principle of your clone just now, but in this way, you can\'t escape!"

The blood kept pouring from Ron\'s body, but Ron didn\'t realize it, and said slowly.

"You are really dead, but you, whose body is about to collapse, can you still stop me? It\'s just a return to light."

Wang Zhi was surprised at first, and then calmed down. As a pinnacle physique expert, he was extremely confident in his abilities. If a normal person hit him, it would never be fine.Lorne at this time was just bluffing.

"Really." A strange arc formed at the corner of Lorne\'s mouth.


A sharp scalpel directly pierced Ron\'s chest and pierced Wang Zhi\'s body. The two were connected like a bunch of candied haws.

"You are really a lunatic, so you will definitely die!" At this time, Wang Zhi\'s always indifferent face finally showed a little panic. He didn\'t expect that Ron would want to die with him, so he pulled out forcefully. His own wrist, but because his transformation has just ended, his body is in a weak state, his own arm is inserted into Ron\'s body, unable to move!

"Why do you feel that I\'m afraid of death!" Blood kept pouring from Ron\'s mouth, he said arrogantly, "Every pirate, didn\'t he bet everything he had when he went out to sea?!"

"Dying on the sea is the glory of every pirate!"


The scalpel disappeared, and then pierced Ron\'s body again. This time, Wang Zhi\'s chest was only a few minutes away from his heart!

Wang Zhi could even feel the coldness of the metal when his heart was beating.

Plop, plop.

"It\'s a little too close, so next time, let\'s bet on who will have the better life!"

Lorne said frantically, the scalpel disappeared again, and Wang Zhi\'s domineering premonition was crazy.

Will die, will definitely die!He gritted his teeth, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Plop, the sharp scalpel pierced Ron\'s body, but did not pierce Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi disappeared and appeared dozens of meters behind Ron, panting heavily.

With a broken arm left alone in Ron\'s body, Wang Zhi made a decisive decision and cut off his only remaining arm!

At this time, both he and Lorne lost their arms!

"It seems that I won this time. It turns out that a legend like you would be afraid of death!"

Lorne turned around and pulled Wang Zhi\'s broken arm out of his body. A terrible hole appeared in his chest. However, he didn\'t care and looked at Wang Zhi quietly, with a hint of mockery in his eyes. .

"I always thought that Caesar\'s madness was a special case, but now I am wrong. It turns out that the madness of your Wienhill family is innate!"

Wang Zhi stood up with difficulty. At this moment, his two arms were lonely and empty, and blood kept pouring out of the wound.He frowned, and forcibly used his armed color domineering to plug the wound, otherwise he would lose blood and die.

"Now I know it\'s not too late." Lorne slowly walked towards Wang Zhi, surrounded by a scalpel, like a life-saving evil spirit.The dark armor color gradually dissipated, and his whole body glowed, as if he was wearing a transparent armor.

Wang Zhi took a deep breath, and the dark, armed domineering all over his body instantly became transparent.Both of them understood that this time, it was the last duel. It was not only the winner, but also the life and death!

Therefore, he did not choose the dark domineering with strong defense, but the domineering Liu Ying with the most lethality.

This is his last stubbornness as a strong man of physical skills!He wants to head to head with Lorne!

The two disappeared at the same time when they were ten steps away.


The two collided in the middle of the battlefield. Lorne hit Wang Zhi\'s neck with a kick, and Wang Zhi hit a knee and slammed into the wound on his chest.

The two who lost their arms at the same time chose their unskilled kicking skills!

Wang Zhi\'s neck was slightly bent, and the sound of slight bone fragmentation could be heard.But after Ron\'s wound was kicked by Wang Zhi, it suddenly spread, almost tearing Ron\'s whole body!

Plopped, a sharp scalpel pierced Wang Zhi\'s chest from a strange angle, but Wang Zhi had been prepared for a long time, and suddenly one side, the scalpel pierced his heart.Then he took a sharp breath, his muscles tightened instantly, and forcibly clamped the scalpel.

"Die!" Wang Zhi yelled frantically, with a transparent sheen on his head, and then slammed into Ron\'s head.

Lorne couldn\'t dodge, and the whole person was directly hit and flew, like a rag bag hitting a rock.

Can\'t get up anymore.

With close physical skills, Wang Zhi undoubtedly defeated Ron!

After landing, Wang Zhi leaned down slightly, panting heavily, and then rushed towards Lorne like a beast. For this opponent\'s tenacious opponent, he could only completely extinguish the opponent\'s life fire.Only then can Wang Zhi feel a little relieved.

He leaped high and suddenly jumped towards Lorne.

"everything is over!"


Wang Zhi stepped heavily on Ron\'s body, the boulder shattered and smoke was everywhere.Wang Zhizheng wanted to make up the knife, but he felt a chill in his chest.

Lorne\'s hand pierced his chest without knowing when he quietly grasped a bright red beating object.

Is it your own heart?