The Pirate Family

516 Chapter 508

Hearing these non-stop squeaks, Lorne finally understood why the old prisoner had asked the mouse to shut up.

Because it is so annoying.

"I think it was a mistake that I came out with you." Zhuan Yuan was tied up all over, sitting in the corner and said helplessly, "When have I been wronged?"

She was a dignified lieutenant admiral who was reduced to a prisoner.

Zhuan Yuan frowned lightly, matching her beautiful face, as if an iceberg had first melted, with a strange temperament.

"There are always things that cannot be violated. This kind of thing is called fate." Lorne said softly, a transparent space enveloped the room, Lorne\'s finger lightly stroked, and the rope that bound him broke.

"But neither you nor my destiny are in this cage."

After coming out of Pushing City, he swore that he would never be a prisoner again.It is impossible to even pretend!

"It\'s easy to escape, but how to deal with the relationship with Elbaff." Zhuan Yuan said bitterly. If the alliance between the world government and Elbaff was broken because of him, then he would be this one. The sinner of the sea.

"It\'s very simple, as long as we find a way to break the game, all this will be solved."

Lorne hooked his finger at the giant rat shouting outside the cage.The giant mouse was afraid at first, because it didn\'t understand how Lorne broke away from the rope, but then he thought about it, separated by a steel cage, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn\'t do anything to himself, so he boldly walked towards Lorne.

"Squeaky!" The mouse yelled triumphantly. With a wave of Lorne\'s finger, a blade of light swept across the mouse\'s body.The mouse was startled and wanted to escape, but found that there were no wounds on his body, so he shouted happily.


It seemed to be mocking how Ron\'s knife skills were not as sharp as before.But it suddenly saw a piece of black meat under Ron\'s feet.

The more I look at this piece of meat, the more familiar it becomes, as if...

The giant mouse stood up like a human and looked at his lower body. The lower body was empty with a hint of chill.


A desperate cry resounded throughout the prison, and the giant rat leaped in front of the cage, desperately trying to bite it off.But the cage was extremely hard, no matter how hard it was hitting, the cage only showed a few scratches.

"Puff." Seeing this scene, Zhuan Yuan, who was frowning, chuckled, but then returned to normal and said to Ron in disgust.

"You are so nasty."

"It\'s too annoying," Lorne said lightly, then walked to the cage and looked at the crazy giant rat.Knowing that it would be difficult for the mouse to bite the cage, he immediately buried his head on the ground, looked at Lorne humblely, with prayers in his eyes.

"Now you know who is the boss, right?" Lorne said lightly, and the mouse\'s head nodded desperately like a chicken pecking at the rice, joking, the happiness of the rest of his life was pinched in that man\'s hand.

Don\'t be counseled at this time!


"Do me a favor, and I will return your baby to you."


Lorne whispered in the giant mouse\'s ear, and then stuffed something into the giant mouse\'s ear. After this time of contact, he found that the mouse was very intelligent and could even understand human words.The mouse was puzzled, but soon nodded thoughtfully, and ran down quickly.

"Is this what you call the method of breaking the game?"

Zhuan Yuan said coldly, because of being trapped for a long time, her whole body was aching.However, she still didn\'t untie the rope, the matter had reached this point, and she didn\'t want to make it worse.

"Rely on a mouse?"

"You underestimated the enlightenment of male creatures." Lorne said with a smile, and then sat next to Zhuan Yuan.

"So what should we do now? Just sit there like this?"

"Wait." Lorne said calmly. He stretched out his hand and took out a jug of wine from Zhuan Yuan, "Wait for them to give the chance to break the game."

"This is my wine!"

Zhuan Yuan wanted to reprimand Lorne for taking other people\'s things at every turn, but was trapped all over, making her unable to move.The sweet smell of wine filled Zhuan Yuan\'s throat moved.

She suddenly wanted to drink.But thinking of the embarrassing behavior after he was drunk, he shook his head again.

"Hold it, you have to do it! This guy must have no good intentions."


Loki sat peacefully at the bottom of the Giant\'s Prison, with a giant blue cat lying listlessly in front of him.

"Really don\'t blame me meow!"

The giant cat said aggrievedly, it also couldn\'t think that it would expose the prisoner secretly, and it hadn\'t played enough with that big mouse yet!

"It has nothing to do with you." Loki said quietly while sitting in the cage.Even if you are in jail, your face remains unchanged, this is the heroic spirit.

After receiving Loki\'s forgiveness, the cat still bowed his head, listless.The smelly old man seemed to be in a coma and didn\'t know if he was awake.

It suddenly wanted to be scolded by the smelly old man.

"I heard that after the father was in a coma, Thor temporarily took the place of the father, Prime Minister Albaff\'s affairs?" Rocky suddenly asked. After the father was in a coma, he was sent directly to the giant prison by the guards. In the middle, so it is not clear what happened outside.

"Yes, meow!"

The cat nodded. After getting the affirmative answer, Loki suddenly thought that Thor had sent someone to discuss with him before, but he was kicked out. He took a breath, as if thinking of something, suddenly Stood up.

"What\'s wrong with you, meow!"

The cat was so frightened by Loki\'s actions that he stood up and looked at him in horror.

"Nothing." Rocky shook his head in frustration, and then sat down.He already understood the cause and effect of the whole thing. He didn\'t expect his brother to be so cruel that he would not let go of his own father.

"Is the throne really that important?"

Elbaff is different from other countries. There is no saying about elders and children. Only those who can live in it, even if it is the inheritance of the throne, every giant king has always been the strongest in the entire royal family.

Loki knew that his elder brother didn\'t like him even if he wanted to, especially after he knew that he and Yaluru, the elder of the giant clan, "Cliffbeard" Yaluru were close.Because of his own existence, his position was threatened.

But his brother didn’t know that what he wanted was never the so-called throne, but

"Freedom," Loki murmured to himself.For some reason, he suddenly thought of his castle and the precious collections he placed in the castle.

At dawn the next day, the door of the prison slowly opened, and a giant wearing a golden armor walked in from the outside with his back facing the sun. Behind him is a giant with long braids, and a human woman is pinched in the hands of the giant!